Domination Phone Sex with a Sexy Switch Equals the Best of Both Worlds

domination phone sexDomination phone sex with a sexy switch equals the best of both worlds. You can use me as your accomplice for your darker desires. Or you can use me as your victim for that. But if you use me as both, that might make things more interesting. My former master towards the end of our relationship used me as both. During the day, I lured one little girl after another to him, sealing their fate. Those girls either died at the hands of my former master, or he sold them into slavery once he used up their tight holes.

However, after I brought him a younger, tighter version of me, he used me as his ass rape porn star. He [possessed an insatiable appetite. One day, he decided I could go. But to earn my freedom I brought him 100 little girls in a year. Perhaps, I should feel bad about luring girls into their worst nightmare. But in the world that I live in, it’s a survival of the fittest mentality. And I did not have much of a choice. If I had not bought my freedom one young girl at a time, my body would be in a ditch somewhere.

My former master and I have an agreement now. If I bring him young flesh, he must first pay me for my services. And he pays me handsomely too. He needed help finding a very young ginger girl for a client. And he used me as the go between. I procure talent for him and his clients. Although the age he wanted would be tougher to lure away because girls that age are almost never alone, I knew I could do it.

I Can Be Your Sexy Accomplice and Procure Little Angels for You

Although, breaking and entering and forcible kidnapping is not something I have much experience with, I managed to pull it off and bring this girl to her worst nightmare. My former master does not just explore rape phone sex fantasies, he also snuffs these girls after he destroys their holes so much that they no longer feel tight to him. And something so tiny does not stay tight long with his big dick. But my payday seemed to be the only thing I cared about.

Girls disappear daily. And I have learned that it’s much easier to do today than 20 years ago. No one ever pays 100% attention to their young ones anymore. So, if I kidnapped a girl for you, what age and ethnicity would you desire the most.

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