Destroying her ass brought me such great pleasure. Restraining her and mutilating her lovely pink flesh was just the beginning of my sadistic fun. Torturing her cunt in a violent attack left her pussy ripped apart, her uterus pulled from her abdomen and hanging out of the gaping hole that was once her vagina. All activities that built the foundation for my final gratification, the destruction of that tight brown ass of hers. I started with fisting, hard and deep. Next i violated her ass with a base ball bat that I covered in barbed wire. Watching her intestines and hunks of flesh from deep inside her rip and pull out of what was no longer a perky little hole had me hot as fucking hell. Covered in her blood I draped my naked body with her guts and flesh. Feeling the warmth of it all as blood dripped down my body and mingled with the cum that was pouring out of my cunt and down my legs. Evil feels so good when released. Wouldn’t you agree?