Death Sentence

I had finally just got my license back and wouldn’t you know it I get pulled over again? It was the middle of the night and I had been drinking of course, but I decided to try to sweet talk my way out of the ticket. I rolled my window down and two officers approached. I could barely see them with the glaring lights from their car, but they shined a light right on me and one asked if I knew why I got pulled over. I HATE when they ask that, so of course I just smiled sweetly and said “no officer”.

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They didn’t even ask my name or for my license or anything, one of them just said “get out of the car”. I tried to say something and he yanked the door open and ripped me out by my hair. My heart started racing, realizing this wasn’t a normal traffic stop. He spun me around and the other one handcuffed me. I tried to apologize for whatever was going on, and he just slapped me right across the face so hard I could taste blood. They both began ripping my clothes off right there on the side of the road. I was too scared to scream.

I begged them to let me go and promised them I wouldn’t tell anyone. They laughed at me and carried me back to my own trunk which they had popped open. One shoved me in, face down and my ass hanging out. My face was crushed inside my trunk as I felt a huge cock enter my ass. The officer fucked me without mercy for what seemed like forever. Then his partner took over and rammed my tight little ass even more. I could feel my wrists bleeding from the handcuffs, and the side of my face was burned from scuffing against the carpet in my trunk.

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They both came inside my ass, and then one picked my limp body up and carried me back to their car. I thought they were going to throw me in the backseat, but once again they opened the trunk, and threw me in. This time all the way, and shut the trunk. Now here I am, cuffed and naked in the dark trunk. My ass is torn to shreds and I can feel the car moving. I have no idea what they plan to do to me next or where we are going, but I have a feeling I will never see the light of day again…  

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