I’ve got a plan and Kali’s got no choice but to join in or she’ll be our next victim. We’ve been storming up a scheme for a special Halloween night killing… it’s going to be the best Halloween yet. We’re going to do something a little different this time, aren’t we precious Kali? This pathetic little slut is going to help me and Daddy get the perfect little whore to snuff out for good. Kali is going to be a good little slut and bring home some girls from school… they’re going to think it’s going to be fun and games until they hear Kali screaming from the other room. They’ll run to help her, only to find her with Daddy’s big cock stuffed deep into her bald cunny. A knife to her throat! She will be crying fake tears because we all know she loves to be treated like the submissive pain slut she is, she loves nothing more than to feel her Daddy’s cock forcing his way into her holes and above all of that she will literally do anything to please her Daddy and avoid as least amount of punishment as she can. She just loves to hate being Daddy’s one and only pain slut victim she is willing to throw any of her young teen slut friends under the bus. When her little friend comes running in to help she’ll be mine. I’ll push her down and rip her clothes off. I love when they try to fight me off – she’ll know soon what my knife can do. This will be the bloodiest Halloween yet…and I won’t be done till this whore is covered in cum and blood and poor little Kali helps me snuff this slut out.
Category: Torture sex
Kali’s gonna help me snuff this slut!
You Ought To Be In Pictures AKA snuff porn flicks
You, My dear sweet pet have a face that only a Mother could hate. As well as anyone else for that matter. However, there you are going for part after part for every single casting call that you see in the trades. Pity really, someone with your lack of talent really should just give up. Luckily for you this casting call will be completely different because believe it or not … you nailed the part. You read the part of the victim so well. Look how excited you seem to be isn’t that … cute.
I hope you do not have any plans for the rest of your life. As this part is considered “on going”. Although it will be one performance only the movie will live on and on. It may even become a Cult Classic. Now if you will follow me we will prepare for your staring role. I, along with a select group of others will also be performing in this film. Do not worry about a script think of it as a docu-drama. We wish to see your real reactions as well as hear your own unrehearsed words.
All you have to do is sit on that sofa right there as I get changed. Your part starts long before mine so do not be alarmed if others join you off and on until I return. I am not completely sure you will enjoy the part. In all honesty I hope beyond hope you do not. It will be painful, there will be real agony involved. You will be terrified like you have never been before. Sounds fun doesn’t it? Fun for me and the others, not so much for yourself.
I wouldn’t look so startled at my words. After all this is how all snuff porn flicks go, oh and before I go… do try not to bleed too much. As I have to have the sofa back to the alley in tip top condition when we are through. You would be surprised at how picky alley whores are about the things they use to fuck on.
The Perfect Costume
She has a strong will that is for damned sure. No matter what torture I inflict to teach her a lesson, each time I remove the gag, she screams to high heaven. And while I enjoy the sound of a good scream while pain is being inflicted, a scream out of being obstinate is annoying indeed and brings me great displeasure along with swift repercussions. I have decided that I am going to leave this she devil alone until the glorious night of all hallows eve. On this most auspicious occasion, I intend to cut her tongue out and then sew her mouth and eyes shut and put her on a leash. Every one will think it is a costume with fake blood, but I know it is real. I will parade her around the streets, my now obedient pet that is blind and mute. Just the thought of it all has me soaking wet and ready for that special night that will end with her demise.
Accomplice phone sex
I love pleasing my daddy. He had a fun adventure planned today for us. He wanted me to go with him and his brother to look for some fun toys to play with. There were short ones, tall ones, young ones, skinny ones, big, developed, old, and sexy ones. He wanted me to pick the ones I liked the most. This was different for us, since usually I am his toy to play with.
I usually like my daddy’s attention all to myself but I figure this will be a lot of fun. We go ahead and pick three different ones to play with. I make friends with them and get to know them a bit and next thing you know, they are drugged and unconscious and we are taking them to our special place in the woods. We take turns stabbing their tiny baby makers to where blood pours down their legs and paints their toes. They scream and cry and beg for more. I guide daddy’s cock into the tightest pussy first.
He fucks her until his dick is saturated in blood. He stretches her little cunny complete out. I flip her on her tummy and he shoves his blood covered cock into her ass. It is so tight that I take a knife and make a slit in her anus making it wider, that way daddy has more room to thrust inside that tight little fuck hole. This is so much fun! We are just getting started!
bloody phone sex
I know how to make my master happy. I have been very bad lately and not obeying him. So I am going to go try and make it up to him. As soon as he sees me he grabs me by my hair and pushes my face down on his table.
My face slams down and my head starts pounding. He grabs his pocket knife and makes a small slit on my collar bone. It burns as my blood runs down my neck and into my mouth. My blood taste so good, like a metal.
He gets my shirt and rips it off of me. He ties up my hands cutting the circulation of my hands and wrists off. They feel cold and I imagine are turning purple. I deserve his punishment he is going to give me. I just want to make him happy.
I crave to please him. He grabs my body and ties me up with my legs spread wide open. He cuts my pants off of my body, leaving me naked and freezing cold. He gets his knife begins making me covered in my blood.
I cry, telling him how sorry I am and begging for him to forgive me. He is just getting started as I look over to the left of me and see his power tools laying on the floor. My body shakes as I embrace each hit. I don’t want him mad anymore.
I can not even tell what part of my body is bleeding. He took a screw driver and jammed it up my pussy, over and over again. My pussy is gushing blood out. It feels like he is ripping me open. He puts his fingers inside of my bloody wet pussy and makes me lick his fingers up. I don’t know how much more I can take.
Bye bye Kali
I fucking hate Kali, and I know she hates me because she knows I am fucking her Daddy! So what you little bitch – go suck and fuck somewhere else! I mean the jealousy is fucking unreal. I keep sending her bitch ass videos of her Dad and I fucking but obviously that’s not enough…I mean her dad doesn’t even like her! He only uses her as his little rape fantasy victim. So she needs to get the fuck over it! Finally we came up with a plan; her Dad brought her out to the woods. She thought they were going on a father daughter trip but boy was she surprised when she saw me and 3 random guys waiting for her! She tried to run but her dad grabbed her and threw her to us. I pulled her through the dirt to the men with their rock hard cocks. They were going to enjoy this one! I tied her hands to a tree so tight that I could see the rope already digging into her skin. Perfect. I looked back and all I could see was her dad smiling at me with his cock as hard as the rest of the guys. I took off my panties and shoved them into her mouth as a gag. I asked her how my pussy tasted and she started crying! What a whiny bitch! I gave her a good kick to her pussy and punched her in her face until I saw blood. I then let her know that since she was a dick hungry whore she was about to get all the dick she could want. The men ripped off her pants and began fucking all her holes. One of them went into her pussy dry and I smiled as I watched her tear up more. One fucked her ass and the other pulled and twisted and yanked her nipples till she was screaming through a cock. I walked over and peed on her face, as my final note before I pulled her dad over and fucked him right in front of her!
Chelsea Loves Snuff porn movies.
You are dark and sexy. I knew you were the devil in disguise but I agreed to go with you anyway. You would take me to the secret place where you took all of the girls you fucked. Mostly, you just used them and dumped them. I had even helped you a time or two when you wanted a succulent little teen to molest and kill. I guess I thought I was safe.
I thought I was different, maybe even special. You took me to your cozy little place in the country and not the woods or the water treatment plant where you usually took your victims. We had a nice glass of wine. You began to undress me, telling me how hot my big tits and round ass made you. My pussy was ready to gush when you finally slid your joystick into my cock coozie. You fucked my pussy, my ass, and my mouth, telling me how good they all felt. I was so happy, thinking that maybe you wanted me as your GF.
Finally, you had me facedown on your bed, wrecking my ass. I felt your rigid choad in the depths of my bowels and I was bucking wildly, trying to take more. I felt you reaching for something and suddenly your belt was around my neck, pulled tight. I fought and wiggled, trying to get away, but that just made you wilder. Your breath was coming fast as I struggled. I felt light-headed and I knew I had to get away. As your orgasm neared, you pulled even tighter as you pumped me without mercy. I felt my ass-rim tear with the force. You pulled the belt-noose tighter, cutting off my air. My windwipe began to collapse and I gagged. I clawed at the sheets and arched my back. My legs kicked as my heartbeat began to dwindle. I gave one last gasp as your cock exploded into my limp, dead body that still twitched, even as it began to cool.
Strangulation Phone Sex Revenge
Never ever screw over a man with a black heart that knows bitches like me. Of course she was a to stupid to know that and to stupid not to get caught.
When he found out she had cheated, he called me and asked me to be his accomplice so he could teach her a lesson. We have spent many hours sharing strangulation phone sex fantasies so planning her demise was easy.
I have a friend that works st the morgue. Talking him into giving me the key and access to the building was just a matter of giving him a piece of ass. I have done it many times before when I have the craving for sex with dead bodies.
I was ready and waiting for them in the cold room of the morgue. As soon as they got there I threw him the cord which he wrapped around her neck and began to tighten. I watched as she slowly slumped to the floor, her body convulsing and my cunt twitching while I watched.
But that was to easy I wanted to bring her back and inflict more pain. He ended it all to fast and I hadn’t had my fix. Laying her on one of the exam tables I took the paddles and began to shock her, first on the chest, next on either side of her head….nothing. But the way it made her body twitch made him want to fuck her. So I kept shocking her while he fucked her, spitting profanity at her.
Finally I threw him on the cold floor and rode his cock with my hands around his neck until I came all over him.
Snuff phone sex with Natasha
I’m in the mood for some blood. Some slice n dice fun. I’m thinking about stealing me some skanky young pussy today and making her pay for being such a slut. I hate them the worst. The flirty, giggly ones who think they’re all that with a cherry on top. I’d like to cut their throats and keep them from reproducing. I know you men have to feel the same about these blue-balls teases.
Let me lure one home for us. I’ll tell her I can make her a fucking model, but haha, in a snuff phone sex video. You’ll be waiting there, ready for the damage we’re gonna inflict. She won’t look so pretty with her face burned off. What man would fuck a woman who looks like a melted candle. Of course, we’ll inflict some damage on that foul gash, too. She won’t be needing it, so I say we sew it shut. We’ll stick a straw in her urethra so she can piss.
You know how I am when I get to feeling evil. I may say anything in my bi-polar craze. Anything from furry friends fucking to garden shears can be fun. Hot wax torture and orgasmic asphyxiation. I just have a need for blood and guts, and I know you do too.
Get off your ass and give me a hand, fucker. It’s time to play the devil and make others pray for mercy.
Getting Sweet Revenge
You think I don’t know your dirty little secret but I do. You’re a sick fuck, you like to stalk girls when they’re out alone late at night. You prey on the weak, dragging them into the darkest of shadows where you rip their clothes off and ram your inferior dick inside of them. You think that because you’re physically stronger that you can just take what you want. Well that all comes to an end now. The hunter is about to become the hunted. I put on my shortest skirt and my tightest top and I went where I knew you would see me stumbling around it was so very easy to convince you that I was drunk. You grabbed me from the back and pulled me behind the bushes. I had a surprise for you though. I wasn’t drunk at all. I pulled my stun gun from my garter under my skirt and zapped you right in the balls. As soon as you fell to the ground writhing in pain from the volts of electricity coursing through your body I tied your hands and your legs together. I cut your shirt off with my knife and used it to gag you so no one would hear your screams. Then I cut your pants and underwear away from your body and got down to stopping your predatory ways. I took my time as I slowly cut through your ball sac making sure that you felt every inch of your skin and tendons being cut away from your body. I reached into your sac ripped those balls loose and then I shoved one up your ass and the other down your throat. Then I gave a little wave over my shoulder as I walked away laughing as you lay ball less in a pool of your own blood.