Category: Torture phone sex

Submissive Whore

Ass Rape PornYou know you have secret desires. Things you can’t share with anyone.

Things that she wont let you do.

You get off on causing me pain.

Seeing me cry and scream in pain as you torture me.

The torture changes from day to day, Sometimes, I am locked in you basement with straps around my neck, wrists and ankles.

Here you will cut my tender soft flesh, burn my clit  and nipples and if I am lucky, you will fuck me hard enough for me to get off before the torture resumes.

Sometimes I am just the girl that you beat senseless because of her, the one that pissed you off!

I love the touch of your hands as they sting my skin.

I love when you rape my ass, the feeling of your massive cock, destroying my tiny little ass!

Bloody open cuts stinging from the salt in your cum that is crusting over my wounds!

You don’t know this, but I get off on the pain!

I get wet from the abuse!

They Say you only hurt the ones you love.

So go ahead. Show me how much you love me! Make me scream your name in bloody agony!


Cannibalism Phone Sex: Special Mountain Dining

cannibalism phone sex knife playI have a secluded little cabin in the woods. Think Wrong Turn with no inbred hillbillies. Just me and perhaps a few special friends with particular tastes. In the summer time, hikers go missing all the time in these woods. All sorts of dangerous cliffs, rivers with strong under currants and hungry wildlife. So when pretty little coeds go missing and they can never find the remains, it is chalked up to inexperienced hikers with possible alcohol or drug impairment. No one ever suspects cannibalism, because that shit only happens in the movies, right? If they ever discovered my collection of skulls hidden in the back yard of my cabin, well, authorities would know that is untrue.

taboo phone sexI entertained a lovely group of folks this weekend at the cabin. Two clients and two very lovely dinner guests. Well guests may be a tad bit of an overstatement, but dinner is quite accurate. A couple paid me handsomely for my assistance in a fine dining experience. I selected two lovely girls. Young with meat on their bones. Not fat, but pleasantly plump and in good shape. Not just anyone can be dinner material. You need to look for several things to ensure a tasty meal. No hair dyes; natural boobs; good shape; muscular or even a little plump in the ass and thighs; no tattoos and under 30 for the best flavor. Female hikers are usually in good shape and very earthy which makes them perfect meals. You change a few trail markings and they literally come to you. It’s perfect.

When my clients arrived at my secluded diner, I had dinner waiting for them. I wanted them to help me in the snuff pornpreparation. The girls were naked, tied to stakes in the ground already washed and ready for seasoning. My clients decided they wanted to try both grilling and roasting their meat to see which tasted best. I am a fan of both actually. The husband helped me prepare my special grilled girl meat. We seasoned her with paprika, peppers and butter. When you combine the three over an open flame, you get one of the world’s greatest tastes. It’s smoky, sweet, and hot all at once. This special seasoning soaks in well on fatty skin when grilled. Insert some carrots in the pussy and ass, flip the meat so it grills evenly and dinner is served. You get use to the screams. Usually they subside once you flip the meat.

fantasy phone sex cannibalismI helped his wife with the other meat for a roast. She selected a pineapple marinade which really heightens the flavor of flesh when slow roasted over an open flame. Nice apple in the mouth, an even marinade all over the body, a spit through the rump to turn the flesh evenly and patience an boom, you have a nice yummy meal. There was more meat than could be consumed for three, but I always have Tupperware for leftovers. My clients never have to worry about clean up. I carve all the meat off the bones so they can feast for days to come, then I grind the bones for fertilizer, which helps me grow the yummy veggies that compliment my special meals. I save the skulls so I know how many special meals I have hosted over the years. I have served more meals than I realized at my little mountain diner. Perhaps you would like to join me in a special meal? We can even hunt together for the perfect meal.

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You Lied

You were the one guy I trusted. You promised you would help me get away from him. You told me that he was too cruel and that I deserved better. You made me believe that maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t a worthless fuckpig whore. He had told me that for so long that it took everything in my broken soul to believe you. I was terrified to try to escape him, but you convinced me that you would save me and protect me and treat me gentle.

The night finally came and you came to my room, a trusted servant by my master, to secretly take me away from the nightmare I had been raised in. I saw the passion on your face as you lifted me up and told me it would be okay. I held on tight as you carried me towards the window. I knew your plan was for us to climb out. Suddenly you stopped. You asked me if this is what I really wanted. I said yes. Right at that moment, my bedroom door swung open and there was my Master.

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You dropped me like a ragdoll to the floor. I tried to reach for you but you kicked me away. I didn’t understand what was going on. My Master walked over and grabbed me by the hair and dragged me to the bed where he began smacking me relentlessly. You were shouting that I was a lying deceiving ungrateful dirty whore. He began fucking me as you watched. Then I realized – you never cared for me. It was all a test. You showed him I wasn’t broken enough. I really am just a worthless fuckpig. And I knew tonight that I would finally be broken for good.

Piece by Piece

Awake again and nothing has changed except my outfit. I don’t know why you keep dressing me up and putting makeup on me when you are just going to destroy me within minutes. I hear you coming down the hall and I am terrified for what today will hold. You cut me so badly last time that I never thought I would wake up. I look around and even the couch is new. I guess you couldn’t get the blood out of the last one.

My tits are covered, and I know its because you don’t want to see the bloody holes that are left where my nipples used to be. You are taking me apart piece by piece and I wonder what I will lose today. My tongue was first. I remember screaming my last scream. My last chance of anyone hearing me. You round the corner and in your hand is a large sledgehammer. I had never seen you without a blade. You walk towards me, grinning, and I pull back as far as the ropes will let me.

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You swing the hammer towards me and it whiffs just past my nose. It would have killed me if you had made contact. But it was only to scare me. You love to terrify me, and you are excellent at it. I knew there would be pain, and I knew you wouldn’t take me out so quickly as to knock my head off. The hammer swung again, this time making contact with my right leg. I couldn’t scream of course, and the pain made me unable to even breathe. I watched my leg snap into pieces and bone and blood spray everywhere. You yanked on that ankle until the bottom of my leg came off and headed out of the room. The blood was pouring out of me, again, and I would faint soon. You had taken your next part, and would be back for more.

Possessed Carnivore

accomplice phone sexIt was late Saturday when I met you in person. I found you on a Craigslist ad wanting someone to help you trap and devour victims. At first, I thought it was just a sexual game. You were one of those guys who wanted a threesome and some kinky sex with the wife. But I was wrong. You were serious. And my life was about to go straight to hell.
From the moment we met in person, I knew something was different…evil. You invited me over for a meal. One taste of the meat you served me and I changed. From a sweet model to this flesh eating carnivore. I was ready to serve you completely in my new quest for blood. You had done something to me, fed me the charred flesh of a human being, and I liked it. No, I craved it. It was the drive of the wild, the need for something deeper than sex. I was ready for the hunt.
You decided to start me off easy. I was ordered to bring you back the trashiest prostitute I could find. She had to be someone that no one would miss. In a city this large, she was easy prey. I simply offered money and an invite to a party, complete with drugs. She was a skinny brunette with big green eyes. I tried to imagine how they might feel rolling around in my mouth. Her perky tits poked out through a sheer blouse. I could barely control myself as we entered your house.
She looked confused. I smiled at you and you could not contain your hunger. You jumped on her without warning, punching her in the face. Her nose audibly snapped and blood flew. Before she could scream, you had smashed her in the eye. I heard her moan and my pussy twitched. Hunger filled me. I reached over to help you tear her clothes off, her bloody body in a heap on the floor. Her eyes opened and she whispered for help one final time.
I watched you rip the veins in her neck with your teeth. Her scream was cut short. As she begin to bleed out, you jumped upon her and drove your veiny cock deep into her whore pussy as she began her death twitch. Her heels drummed the floor. Her fingers grabbed at the air. Her hips bucked as if she were fucking  in her last moments. You growled as you reached orgasm, your massive demon cock spewing cum into her dead carcass. I fingered myself off watching you.
There’s been so many victims since then. Mostly young girls and a few fag boys, too. There’s never any evidence because we eat every bite of the victims. It’s really fun to have guests over to eat our “special” BBQ. We just tell them that it’s all in the tenderizing and the secret sauce recipe we use.
Someday, you’ll grow tired of me and I, too, will become your victim. But, until then, I will serve you and hunt for you. My ultimate end will be met when you film my demise in my farewell snuff video.
Let me share some of our wicked tales with you. I know your cock will be rock hard talking about the lives we have snuffed out. Or maybe you have one of your own in mind……



Only accept the BEST!

Torture sexHe told me he was going to make me his bitch and he could fuck me like I never had before. I told him if he didn’t he would regret it. When we got to the room of course he tried his best to fuck me. He slammed his cock in me so fast. He put his tongue, fingers, and cock all in my asshole. He bit my nipples, choked me, gagged me, tied me up, and borderline raped me. Little did he know this is how daddy taught me to like it. Hell this was nothing. So I told him to let me handcuff him. I handcuffed his hands and then his legs. I put tape over his mouth and pulled out his cock to suck it, when he closed his eyes I grabbed my tool and branded him right on his balls. He was handcuffed to the headboard so there was no escape. Then cut off his toes one by one, saving his big toes for last. I shoved both of his big toes up his asshole before I cut his throat. I told him if he didn’t keep his word he would be sorry.

Taboo Phone Sex: Sewn to Own

taboo phone sexHe said I was too beautiful. I thought he meant it as a compliment. Then he used my face as a punching bag. So when he said my body was too perfect, I knew I was in trouble. He started carving me up. Cutting my flesh. My beauty pissed him off so he took it from me. “Ugly whores make the best slaves,” he said as broke my nose and sliced my clit. He hit me so hard I passed out. I woke up in a morgue like room. I was trembling with fear as I saw all the cutting instruments next to me. I could smell the death in the air.

torture sexI glanced over and he was stitching up a dead girl. “She use to be beautiful just like you. Now look at her,” he said. His cock was hard. She was all scarred up. “Scars make you ugly. Ugly makes you submissive,” he kept repeating as he started fucking the dead girl. After he came in her corpse, he moved closer to me with a big needle and thread. I peed on the cold table from fear and disgust. I thought he was going to kill me like he did the other girl and fuck my lifeless body. Apparently he just wanted to unpretty me so I would never leave him. He did not realize I was his already.

ass rape pornHe started sewing my cunt shut. “Now you won’t be tempted to be a slut,” he said with evil glee as he pierced my pussy mound with a big needle. I screamed, but he kept sewing until my pussy was closed for business. Swollen, bloody and sewn shut in the shape of a corset. Only he could untie my pussy for his pleasure. It was like a chastity belt, but painful and bloody. Now I was scarred, scared and submissive. His ugly fuck pig until he grows tired of me.  I was sewn to own. Castration Phone Sex Junkie Venus

castration phone sexI’m a castration junkie. I love removing worthless balls. Sometimes, I even take a little extra if you know what I mean! I’ve been schooling other sick bitches in junk removal too. You would be surprised to know just how many women out there literally have their husbands’ balls in a jar next to the bed. Personally, I think castration is the best cure for a cheating husband. No second chances. No therapy. No costly divorce that could leave a woman broke. Just cut their balls off and he will never be a cheating bastard again.

I remove junk for lots of reasons. Some ass hats are too dumb to procreate. Some guys can’t be trusted with their cock and balls. Some think they are god’s gift to women but can’t find a clit with Mapquest. Others have little pinky dicks and I’m helping them make their package look bigger by lobbing off their big hairy testicles. And other dudes are just worthless pieces of shit that don’t deserve pleasure let alone life.

I helped a woman this weekend with junk removal from the ass wipe that put a roofie in her drink last month. She heard of my reputation; hired me to extract a little old school vengeance. I agreed of course. I will remove the whole fucking package for a cocktail. She told me enough about the dude that I knew how to set him up. Met him in a bar, gave him every chance to spike my drink, then switched them when he wasn’t looking so he got the roofie. Why do guys think every chick is a dumb bitch? Well when he woke up strapped to his bed looking at his last victim and the one who just got away, he knew he was the dumb bitch.

snuff porn castrationLilly held up the knife and I stuck a little vibe up his ass to get it hard. He was screaming and pleading and apologizing. Even said he would turn himself into the police. Guys will say anything to keep their junk, then go right back to the behavior that got them in trouble in the first place. “The best way to ensure you won’t force yourself on women again, is permanent junk removal,” I said. Lilly put the serrated blade against the base of his worthless pecker, while I had the jaws of life on his balls to bust them.

With devilish glee, I counted, “1,2, 3.” Then it was total carnage. She sliced his pecker off as I crushed his balls. There was a lot more blood than I imagined. Lilly was in awe, not grossed out one bit. She is a natural. We left him there to bleed. I shoved his cock in his mouth as a special touch. He was clearly married by the pictures adorning his wall. I just did his wife a solid. I am sure she would thank me if she was there. I likely did what she has wanted to for years.

I’m a sick bitch who loves blood. I could blow smoke up your ass and tell you I am some philanthropic bad ass who snuffs, maims and tortures to weed out the fucktards in this world, but the truth is, I love to kill and inflict pain. And, I love to make a buck. So, I will be your twisted accomplice for a simple bourbon on the rocks. Let the games begin.

Taboo Phone Sex Teddy Bear Torture

taboo phone sex

Sometimes my playthings can be bad taboo phone sex Daddys! This makes me very very mad. One of them decided that he was going to bow down to this snuff porn Goddess and then mad a big mistake. He decided he had free rein of what and when things went into his lungs and just walked outside for a cigarette. I went inside and waited for him to come back out. When he did I tore into him, slapping him across the face and knocking him to the ground. He crawled across the floor over to his stuff and pulled out a teddy bear that he had given me as a gift.A fucking teddy bear? What was that going to do to fix the situation. I throat kicked him leaving him in between the heel and sole of my shoe with the point digging into the side of his neck. I listened to him gurgle snatching the stuffed creature from his hand.

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Cute, and fluffy, Daddy should not I do not do cute. I left over to the table leaving him gasping for breath on the floor and decided I would make my teddy into something delightfully evil that I actually wanted to have. My evil book of shadows held a curse to make him into something that pleased me. My evil Teddy bear minion started to rise from the table, he bared his teeth in a menacing grin and asking me how he could serve his Goddess. I ordered him to show the blibbering idiot whom I once called daddy why we don’t do things without asking. Teddy Deathbin jumped up swiping a knife from the table and lunged at the crying idiot on the floor. He began to slice him open. He begged me to order the bear to stop, that he would be a good boy. Teddy did not like that, he lopped his head off with a swift hack of the chainsaw. Teddy was so devious that he fed me daddy’s little pathetic penis. 

Castration phone sex

Bye Bye Daddy!

Snuff Porn Cock Muncher

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I used to think snuff porn consisted only of pretty girls getting tortured for the satisfaction of all viewers. It was not until my thirst for blood led me to the male penis that I found out that snuff be way heavier. I was an accomplice, when I realized that the man in charge was not so manly after all. I was growing old of how squeamish he was around dead body that we created decided that it needed to be fixed right away he whimpered and cried for me to stop, I couldn’t. So I decided that I was going to make him into my collection of victims. I tied him up to a chair and smelled close to his neck. His veins pulsated as his heart raced with fear. I love listening to him cry and whimper, begging me not to hurt him. That was only making it harder for him, I went over to my table so I could let him see the tools I was going to be using on him. I thought hard to myself decided a man, a man he called himself. But was he a man? No he was not!

taboo phone sex

I grabbed some rope, easy enough, and I tied it from the underside of his ball sack on top of his already throbbing penis. His cock was hard turned on by the fact that I was dominating him. Something that I knew I would never have problems with but never really faced. I had always been an accomplice never really thought I’d run across somebody who claim to be man, but really a sissy, And I did!Dominating, which came by awfully easy you ask me. He begged and cried for me to stop but his eyes said something else. His eyes, that begged me to continue on with his penile torture. I tied it with a rope from the under side of his balls across the base pulling it hard listening to whimper and then taking two alligator clamps I secured them onto his nipples, and he yelped. He yelled as if he was being kicked in his side. Which I already did intended on doing from the beginning. I took my high heels and kicked it straight across his face scratching him tip of my heel into the side of his mug. I loved every second of it.

Gothic phone sex

As I continued to rip his body apart and burn his nuts, he pleaded with me to get in a moment of satisfaction. Suddenly I had an overwhelming feeling and put his big throbbing cock into my mouth. I began to suck on it running, my tongue along the underside of his mushroom tip, and moving my head up and down. That’s when he said it, that’s what he really set me off,”good girly,” he said to me. Girly? I am no girly, I am  a woman yes but not a little girl. Not like he was making me out to be I became enraged I dug my teeth into the base of his cock.I listened to scream his whole body began to shake as I bit harder. I bit until I met my teeth on the other side completely clamp down on to his wiener. I ripped his cock straight off of him spitting it out into a tray that’s when I started, collecting and munching on dicks for fun. It was a nice hobby and I really enjoyed it couldn’t wait until I got more victims like him, victims I would enjoy torturing for taboo phone sex fun!