I had a very sexy call tonight with a man named Rory. He told me we could be a couple. That he thinks I am the one he could fall in love with. He is just like me. Sick and so fucking twisted. He told me how he was born just like me. Born with out feelings, born evil. We took a evil journey together. We found a slut walking down the street. One of those lonely loser girls, the one who could be missing for a few days and no one would miss her for days. We took her back to my house. We tied her to a chair and put hooks in her nose. We took turns farting in her face. Making sure she got the full smell of each nasty fart in her face. We farted in her face and mouth until she puked all over herself. We took turns pissing on her and making her our toilet. She is going to be our pet until she was boring. Then we would get rid of her together. I think he might be right.
Category: Teen rape porn
Daddy’s lil Pet
What would Daddy do without his little pet? He makes me do all types of humiliating things. He even put ears on me and made me bark and beg for him to fuck me in my ass. I bent over doggystyle as he fucked me, forced his cock into my poor little holes and had his way with me. I cried and begged him not to but he just slapped my ass hard and slammed his dick in me deeper! I barked like he wanted and took his cock, feeling it so deep in me and feeling it dominate me in every way. He told me that it was dress up your pet day today and that I will forever be his lil pet and his little fuck toy. He told me I am lucky that he didn’t share me with his friends because I would be choking thru their cocks trying to bark. He laughed at me and call me a pathetic whore as he pounded me deeper and deeper. I was feeling like a skank, just taking his cock because I am nothing but a helpless little victim for all of daddy’s rape fantasies. I wanted it all, I needed it, and I deserved to be Daddy’s lil pet.
Ass rape porn
I have a fascination with angry unstable men. I love having them treat me like the nasty little Slutt that I am. Especially when they show me affection ! They do it with such passion and rage, they hold me down tying me up with tie straps since that’s all they had in there car, they then put a nasty ass oil covered rag in my mouth as they begin to hang me upside down by my feet. They then grab this blade tearing into my flesh as they carefully try not to go to deep where they cut an artery.
The cut is carefully placed on my skull with in seconds bloods beings to pour out since all the blood is rushing into my head from being upside down. They then put this bag over my face so that the blood begins to suffocate me as I try to gasp for air. I then feel my body beaten by fists, burned by sharp pointy objects in between my spine. I feel this cool sensation on my legs as I feel this tiny scalpel scrape across my skin exposing this icy cold breeze that sends chills up and down my body.
I then feel my self being lowered feeling this warm hot liquid being poured all over my body making me go numb. As they take my mask off one of the men pees in my eyes slaps my face and orders me to give him head as he points a bloody knife at my eyes. I cry and whimper choking as I taste his cum running down my tongue. Another man then rips off my underwear with his scissors and begins to cut at my pussy lips. I begin to scream in pain and they laugh with joy as I begin to bleed all over.
One man begins to eat my pussy causing his whole face to be covered in blood. I scream in pain when he begins to bite my clit trying to chew it off. His teeth piercing through my skin shooting pain all over my body screaming I being to cry out for help. One of the men then begins to fuck my ass cheeks as I scream for help pulling my hair laughing as he penetrates deep inside me. He begins to lick my face saying that he has always wanted to fuck and kill a little blond bitch! I then passed out waking up in a Walmart parking lot not being able to move.
Teen rape porn with Makayla and Shadow
She lives up to her name, like a shadow in the moon like she grabbed me and took me away. She put a fucking bag over my head and knocked me out. When I woke up again she was sitting there with a smoke in her hand and riding crop in the other. As she stood laughing at me while I begged her to let me go I heard the man groan. He was in the dark watching us.
He watched as she took her cigarette and burned my nipples. She called me a dirty drugged up whore. She tortured me as she made me humiliate myself. Over and over I called myself a piece of shit whore. She made me her personally toilet. She made me clean her dirty pussy and ass. I was her worthless piece of shit and he was enjoying the show.
Snuff Porn Late at Night
You always call at this time of night for snuff porn. You love hearing me moan while you talk about what you would do to my worthless body. I have to admit that sometimes I get wet hearing all the new ways you want to kill me. You spare no ideas. No limb of my is off limits when you are playing with your rusty saw. I am just a helpless piece of meat to you. Nothing more then an animal to slaughter. You describe the sounds my bones break as you bend them backwards. My gasps and screams come through the phone. You love when you break my legs and bone comes out of the skin. You crack an evil smile. It’s so painful but that’s why you love it. By the end of our call, I am soaked in blood. All I want to do is run but my body won’t move. I’m at your mercy. And you never show any mercy for my bloody broken body.
How Humiliating
We’re all snowed in…and normally I wouldn’t mind, but I am with Daddy and his friends. I know they’ve got some sick rape fantasies they’ve been dying to try out on me…I knew I was in for it. I tried to act like I wasn’t scared, I tried to be a perfect girl getting them beers and making them all food. But the drunker they got the more they kept groping me, the more aggressive they got with me. I suppose their excuse was I didn’t get them beer quick enough. I don’t really know but as soon as I was there, surrounded by them all they were ripping off my clothes. I could taste blood in my mouth, I couldn’t see straight all I could tell was I was about to get forced, I was about to get brutally fucked. I laid there and was a good girl…I have learned not to resist them. I let their cocks invade my holes, violate me over and over again. I was a good submissive whore, I let them cover me in their cum…but this time they wanted to degrade me even more. They made me open my mouth wide as they surrounded me and took their cocks out for one more humiliating event. Before I knew it…I was over covered in piss and cum and being forced to drink it too…
Everclear and Ass Raping Porn
The dinner party guests were back for their weekly dinner parties. I was sitting in the basement when they came in. It was so damp down there. My new parents never gave me any clothes, so I had goosebumps up and down my body. I heard footsteps on the oak floors upstairs and I shook with fear. I knew I was going to be punished. Last week, I passed out from the pain and my parents didn’t like that one bit.
Next thing I knew, my father was downstairs dragging me upstairs by my long hair. My scalp was on fire by the time I got upstairs. Everyone was already seated at the table. My father threw me on the table like a pig ready for slaughter. I knew how to present myself by now, so I thrusted out my pink puffed out pussy. One of the men inserted three of his fingers to examine me. He pulled them out and wiped my juice on my cold helpless body.
My father laughed and said we wouldn’t be using that hole today. He made me stand up and bent me over the old farm table. The men took turns lashing my ass. It was so painful. One of them laughed when he cracked the whip so fast that skin came off with it. I was screaming as loud as I could, but I knew it was useless. No one was coming to save me.
Once the men were done lashing and bruising my little ass, they threw some Everclear on it. It hurt so badly! I felt like I was dying. All of a sudden, one of my father’s best friends who always attended these parties put his cock into my ass. There was no lube or anything else to help ease the pain. I knew better then to fight it so I laid there. My ass was still on fire from the lashing. I laid there crying like a pathetic little girl while these men laughed and took turns ruining my asshole.
Taboo Phone Sex
Daddy plans to have a ball dropping party this year, but I know it’s just going to be all about who can degrade me the most. Who can fuck me open the widest, who can drain their actual balls all over my pathetic lil body the most. It’ll be a lot of forced sex, a lot of beatings from Daddy and his friends and lots and lots of taboo phone sex for me. I can’t complain though, I know it’s my job to be there lil victim. To lay there as they beat me to a pulp. To feel my blood trickling all over my body and mixing with their hot and sticky cum. They will make me beg for it, they will make me tell them I love it and laugh as they humiliate me in all the ways they can think of – even some toilet play might be involved. And I will remain the helpless victim that I know I am. This might be a new year, but there will never be a new me. I am nothing but a whore that needs to be treated like the little bitch I am.
Rape Phone Sex Fantasies: For the Bitch in Your Life
Rape phone sex fantasies are a great way to get your frustration out for which ever bitch is being a twat waffle to you. Nothing says fuck you whore like a little force fucking on Christmas, right? Maybe your mother is a cock tease. Maybe some hot bitch has snubbed you one time too many? Maybe your mother in law is such a super cunt she needs a dick to take the rod out of her ass? Some women just need you to take them. Force them to do the things you know deep inside they need. Like a huge cock up their ass and down their throat. I use to be a stuck up bitch who thought her shit didn’t stink. I had no time for any guy who didn’t shower me with attention and his wallet. Then one day, a guy I snubbed broke into my apartment, tied me to my bed spread eagle and sodomized my ass for an entire weekend. He broke this bitch. I am now a submissive whore who never bitches, never nags and does whatever I am told. I bet there is a woman in your life who needs broke in. Maybe I can be your surrogate bitch until the time is right to give that woman in your life just what she deserves.
Bloody Fucking Christmas with a Knife Play Phone Sex Bitch
Merry Fucking Christmas from your favorite knife play phone sex bitch. Tis the season to be bloody. Fa la la la la, la la la la. I know most folks were out shopping last night, but I was hunting. I’m like Bad Santa or Krampus. I look for some unruly brat not deserving of anything for Christmas, kidnap him or her for some fun for me and my group of dirty old men who love snuffing out the little ones. After they force fuck and torture them for hours first, of course. I hit the jackpot last night with twins who were throwing tantrums all over the mall. One of each for my P friends. I don’t judge. I am an equal opportunity hater. A girl who castrates men for fun and loves torturing folks, will never judge a man who loves them young.
My P men were so happy. Each brat got passed around like a joint. Every guy in my P circle hit a little cunt or a back door pussy with their hard cocks. I pacified the brats with a Benadryl cocktail so screaming would be at a minimum. Personally, I like the screams of agonizing pain. Makes my pussy drip. But this particular group of little lovers like their young ones more subdued. They are white collar guys and I think they just worried screams might draw attention.
After every guy got to fuck the brat of his choosing, I broke out my knife collection and vintage torture devices. I kind of run a holiday hostel. Men pay a price to do depraved things to the brats I deem not worthy of living. The thrill for me is I get to watch, profit and help. I got to saw a little girl’s leg off; stitch her cunt lips shut; castrate a little boy and fuck him in the ass with a knife. Merry fucking Christmas to me. Sure I had one hell of a mess to dispose of, but that is part of what I offer. My men pay top dollar to arrive, play and make some snuff porn then leave quickly.
Would you like to join my club? Maybe bring your own brat to share and play?