Category: Teen phone sex

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I was going to go back to school to get an education so I could get a good job but it seems like everything keeps stopping me in my tracks. When I went down to the campus to enroll and meet with the councilor, things went way different then I expected. As he got up behind me to get something off of his fax machine he injected me with something in my neck. I woke up tied to a rolling chair dressed in a school girl outfit. I actually like this outfit. As I wait alone, I look around and observe my surroundings. My hands are tied so tied behind my back, the material is cutting into my skin and there is some blood leaking out of my wrist. In enters the room three men. They are all completely naked and look like they are ready to play with me and my body. They are being rough as they pull my hair and head back and choke me. I gag and gasp for air to the point where I vomit. One of them shoves their vomit covered cock in my throat and skull fucks me. He explodes his cum load deep into my stomach. Before I can swallow his remaining cum in my mouth, the other guy shoves his cock straight into my pussy with a knife against my pubis. With each thrust inside of me he pokes slits in my cunt pouch. The third man can not wait to get in, I can tell his attention towards me is going to be the roughest. For now he keeps stroking his cock and staring at me. Blood keeps dripping down my thighs all the way down to my toes. This definitely delays my education, or does this mean I am enrolled?


Taboo Phone Sex; Firefighter’s Are Not Always For Good

I went with him just to check it out. I was not quiet sure what he was talking about, because when ht talked about it, it was like it was a living being. The way that it moved, the way that it danced, he told me it made love to him. Fire, was his love, his one and only true love beside the sweet release of his cock as he shoved his hand inside of a young cunt turning her into his own little puppet. There was a devious grin that grew across his face as he mentioned that. He wanted to tell me his story, to show me how it all worked. He wanted me to make him and his wife infamous. I could only assume that he was talking about the red, orange and yell flame since he had not drawn his eyes off of the gun metal black zippo since he pulled it out of his pocket. I must say, I was very intrigued. I was a fan of all thing taboo phone sex so any new way to go about playtime with little girlies was good to me.

Taboo Phone Sex

We showed up at a house and sat out in his truck. He was one of those volunteer firefighters. He had the light bar on the top of his truck so no one ever really thought twice about him being anywhere. Inside a house was a family who seemed as sweet as any nasty disgusting family could be. He began to tell me about them and then got to the precious little brat. I could see the cock grow in his pants as he went on about her. She was sweetly innocent, and I adored that. We waited till everyone fell asleep. Mommy and Daddy argued and we could see the little runt crying in her room. He felt sympathy for her, wanted to save her, lover her like a man should love something so tiny and decadent. He spoke of her like he talked about his love of fire. Once everyone was down we lept into action. He put something around the house, possibly lint, just under the parents window and on top of their roof. 

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He them lit it and placed his zippo into his pocked replacing it with his phone. “Hello I would like to report a fire,” he said reporting the address and then removing the sim card tossing it into the already rapidly burning flame. He had informed me the earlier that day he destroyed part of the structure in their attic. He said that way their door and ceiling would collapse over the parents almost instantly trapping them inside. He told me to wait outside, I hummed my own song listening to their screams. I could see the mother’s boiling flesh as she through herself against  the window unable to break the glass. He came out with the little girl tossed over his shoulder and placed her in the back of the king cab truck. 

Murder phone sex Fantasies

We were surrounded by emergency vehicles soon. I stayed in the back with the girl, holding a tank of oxygen to her face like her ordered. The cock ass ran in with the group. They thought he pulled up when the rest of them did. It was actually ingenuous if you ask me. No one knew anything different. The windows on the truck were tinted so dark that you could not see. Not that anyone was looking anyway. Once he was done he got in and we drove back to his place. She was his little present now. I recorded as he began to feel on her, listening to her whimper. He assured her the she would love his pet snake. She did not have an option, he forced fucked her tiny pussy listening to her scream and smiling at her. Telling her thank you as she bled from being torn open. He licked he little cunt blood on his tongue. He had pulled off the perfect kidnapping. Still has her caged up. No sign of release in the future. I can’t wait till she become too old. Then she is mine!

Will this be the end?

Snuff Phone Sex“Please please don’t!” I cried and begged… I didn’t want this to be the end for me. He hit me again, I saw stars and all I could think about was the crime scene the police would find me at, my father acting like he was distraught over my death, all lies. It all started when I decided it would be okay to tell my Daddy no. I knew better, I knew what was going to happen. He’s taught me good and well what I am good for, and that being said I guess I had this coming. I have no one on my side, all his friends use and abuse me as they please. When Daddy told me we would be hanging out with his friends that evening, I should have just listened and put on the slutty outfit provided for me. Instead, I told my Dad I had plans and he had surprisingly acted okay with it – but my only plans were to not get the shit beaten out of me that evening. Thinking I was in the clear I took myself to bed nice and early, even feeling safe enough to only sleep in my panties tonight. Big mistake! I woke up with hands around my throat, I tried to scream and squirm away but there were more hands than I could count holding me down. I tried to gasp for air, and was greeted by the taste of piss in my mouth followed promptly by a giant cock. I could feel myself starting to pass out from lack of air, I was choking like crazy, all my holes were being violated and I could hear my Daddy say in my ear “Were these the plans you were talking about babygirl?” I could hear the anger in his voice and felt him as he punched me over and over. Was this going to be the end for me? Would Daddy be okay with fucking my lifeless body? I hoped he would see some use for me as him and his buddies beat and fucked me till I was covered in blood and cum, too exhausted to beg anymore.

No Cowboy’s Sweetheart

strangulation phone sexFucking redneck piece of shit. They are such easy kills. Watching too many farm animals fuck has made them think women are the same. Male sniffs female cunt and finds her in season. Female lefts tail. Male sticks cock in. HAHA. They just can’t figure out that I’m not one of them. I’m no fucking brood male.
Ol’ country Cooter thought I’d be an easy lay from the city. Oh, he was so wrong. I played my role so well. He bought me a few drinks at a local eat n puke. I giggled at his lame ass jokes. And then he offered to take me for a ride on his tractor. Seriously, had he been listening to too much country music? Your damn tractor aint fucking sexy. What was sexy was the thought of me running over his pathetic ass with that tractor. Imagining his bones crunching underneath the wheels while he screamed for mercy. Now, THAT made my panties wet.
So, I let Cooter boy take me for a ride in his crappy pick-up. We ended up in a field. He threw down a nasty horse blanket and urged me to lie down beside him. Dumb fucker. I let him kiss me, his sloppy tongue trying to touch mine. He reached his hands up under my shirt and touched my titties, moaning like he had never seen any. I helped him take his jeans off.  He was wearing some disgusting tightie whities with yellow stains on them. I almost fucking puked. Poor ol’ boy never saw it coming. He was being led to slaughter.
While he was busy groping and fondling, I had discovered a 3 foot length of barb wire lying in the brush. He was so stoked on getting into my panties that he didn’t realize that I had eased it behind his head. Now that made me excited for real. I tore off my panties quickly and straddled him. He was practically pumping the air when I settled my hot box right down on his cock. Dumb hick piece of shit. I couldn’t wait to watch him die. I took his cock to the hilt, rocking back and forth, getting more and more excited. My swollen clit was sloppy wet, soaking his balls with my juice. I dug my heels into his thighs, wishing I was wearing spurs to tear his flesh.
I rode that cock hard, taking every inch of him deep inside. He was whimpering with need now, begging. “Please, Tasha. I’m gonna cum.” I smiled at him as his cock began to throb and his eyes rolled back. At that moment I pounced. I pulled the barb wire noose tight around his throat and fucked him harder. He was helpless as his balls emptied into me and my own pussy contracted. He never quit coming. Even as he thrashed and died, his dick stayed hard in my cunt as I screamed at the moon in triumphant orgasm.
It was the best fucking sex ever. I left him there on the blanket with his cock limp, as I drove off in his pick-up truck. Time for another hick town country night. Yee-haw, mother fuckers.

Your sexy psycho,

Crowley and Me

I hate people. My mother made sure I never liked people. I do how ever like my fur babies. I spend more time with them than I do with people. I have been used and abused since I was pushed out of my cunt of a mother. I have been fucked and beaten by men and women all my life. So when I was laying in bed and my fur baby Crowley started licking my pussy it felt good. His big wide tongue felt so good going across my pussy lips. He nudged his nose inside of my cunt, right on my clit.

Taboo phone sex

His cold nose woke me up, I tried to push him away but he growled at me. I laid there letting him finish when I noticed he was actually getting me close to cumming. His tongue was warm against my pussy and traveled up in my cunt hole. He licked me clean and didn’t care that I was a bloody mess. He even licked my ass hole which made my body go wild. I noticed his knotted cock was out and dripping with cum. I rolled over and pushed my ass up in the air. His big claws dug into my skin as he climbed on top of me. I loved the pain, I was waiting for him to enter me. I reached around him to help guide his knotted cock inside of my wanting and waiting pussy.

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He bit down on the back of my neck, not extremely hard but I could not move. Feeling his cock pumping in and out of me was amazing. His furry balls were slapping my pussy lips as he went in deeper. The pain of his bite and his claws digging into me, plus the added pleasure of his cock made me squirt all over him. Once Crowley came inside of me he climbed off of me and started to lick me clean again. Now Crowley and I have the best relationship. He protects me from the people who try to hurt me. He eats the ones I hurt and we fuck often. 

Snuff Porn Shot In A Hospital Makes For Lots Of Bloody Rooms!

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I have always been a chat of Dr. Victor Fries’ work. I know that he really gets into his creations, turning humans into monsters, and being a wicked brain surgeon, of course he is completely mad! So when I approached him that I wanted to make a snuff porn film for all of my admires and my own amusement in his back woods busted down mental hospital I expected him to tell me no right away. When he said yes I was both honored and excited. I gathered by camera and selected a couple of nice pretty girlies for my portion of the movie. 

I started filming in his room. It smelled heavily of iron. That was the layers of dried caked on blood that immediately flooded your senses when you entered into the abandoned mental hospital. In a rusty wheel chair sat the Doctor’s latest victim. His skull was already partially removed. The poor babbling idiot would not quit crying as the Doctor preformed brain surgery to get rid of his desire for being a weak women server. Dr. Fries did not believe in that, and only tolerated me for my talent. Once he decided the project was to be scrapped I left the camera on a tripod to watch the mans demise. I could hear his screams echo throughout the halls void of life, but full of their remains. 

bloody phone sex

I could hear my two crying from their gags. I grabbed them each from the broom closet I had them stuffed in. Their blonde hair gripped nicely between my fingers. I chuckled as they fought, thinking they were going to be getting away. Once we were in their room I strapped both down to their urine soaked gurneys. I was going to give these little bitches the makeover of their dreams. I filmed myself making a big bloody phone sex mess as I cut the scalpel into their skin. Their shrieks were like music to my sadistic ears. I even gave the fillers, of course it was concrete and not collagen, but same thing right! 

Blode dripped down their faces and over their beautiful hair. Once they were done I styled them very nicely I must say! I even persuaded them to help me make a promo ad for my movie. They said I was the best Doctor ever. What dumb sluts, they actually thought I would let them go. They screamed as I showed them their reflections. Bad little skanks, it is not nice to be so unappreciative! That was all it took too! I slammed the mirror right against ones face. Taking a large shard of glass I slit their dumb throats. How dare they insult me. Dr. Fries took all of the bodies downstairs where we watched them burn in the crematorium. Bye Bye barbie bitches. 

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I Am Waiting

mutilation-phone-sex-karmaIt has been some time since he has come to me for his special therapy. You see he has dark desires and fantasies that he feels are so wrong and yet they feel so right. I am his fallen angel, the one that soothes his savage beast, that leads him to his desire and whispers in his ear that it is all OK. I urge and encourage him to take her. To run his hands along the lean straight lines of her underdeveloped body. To inhale the sweet innocent sent of her flesh. To let all of his senses be consumed with the desire of his flesh. To shut out the sounds of the voices in his head that are keeping him from enjoying the one thing that satisfies every fiber of his being. I am his accomplice, his voice of reason and I give him permission to feel what he longs to feel, to take what he needs to have and to loose himself while satisfying the both of us….I miss him.

Babysitter phone sex

Babysitter phone sexI am suppose to watch my younger step sister tonight. It is a weekend so I know she is going to be annoying wanting to stay up. I don’t really know her too well, I actually didn’t know my mother had another daughter. Her father I have met a few times, but my mother and him decided to try and rekindle things recently. They warned me not to open the door for anyone. I thought that was strange because I am old enough to asses if  I would open the door or not. They are being dumb obviously. So anyways it is getting later and later and this brat is still up. The door bell rings and she goes to look at the door. She tells me it is her brother. I think nothing of it and go ahead and open it.

After all, I will never object to meeting my other “family”. He comes in and I immediately get a strange vibe. My step sister is very quiet, he tells her he misses her and asks her if is it time for her to go to bed? He immediately grabs me and ties me up. I start screaming and he quickly puts something in my mouth and tapes it closed. I look up at my step sister and she is just watching. He caresses her body, and I squirm trying to break free. He grabs me and takes me to the garage. He then introduces himself and begins making every inch of my body full of pain. I guess this is what my mothers boyfriend was  warning me about. I wonder if they will be home soon. He tells me how pretty I am and begins examining all of my holes while his sister watches.


Taboo phone sex

Prissy bitches are afraid of bugs and shit. I love bugs, and spiders. Anything creepy crawly I love. I love feeling them all over my naked body, going in and out of me. I saved a roach one day at school. This preppy bitch tried to kill it. She called me a freak and said I was a nasty fucking roach lover. After that day I wanted to smash her like she did to all other roaches. After her cheer practice she was the last one to leave the school. I took the spark plugs out of her car and stabbed her tires. Poor princess had to fucking walk home. I figured she would take a short cut through the woods by the school. That was where I would make my move. I had my shotgun full of rock salt ready to fire at her chest. I wanted the bitch to go down, not to die. I dragged her home and into the shed where I keep all my friends.

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I cut off her clothes, and tied her up. I didn’t want her to hurt my friends when she woke up. After the bitch was tied up I went to work putting my friends all over her body. First was the maggots, then the roaches and finally my 8 legged freak. I loved the look on her face when she woke up. The bugs had worked their way inside of her cunt and her throat. I forced them into her ears. I wanted them to eat her. I fucked myself watching you squirming and listening to her scream. Then I heard a crunch. That fucking whore killed one of my friends. Now it was her turn to fucking die. My boots were nice and heavy, perfect to smash her fucking head like she smashed my friends. I was covered in her blood and brains. I let my friends eat on her for days. I fucking love feeding my friends. 

Violent phone sex

Run Run away

Taboo phone sex

He found me sitting in the shade at the shitty truck stop. I had no money, no food and no hope in my eyes. He seemed so nice, he got me some food and asked me where I was going. I told him anywhere but here. I climbed up in his big truck, after a while I started getting sleepy. He started asking me weird questions and really started to scare me. I kept asking him to pull over, when he finally did he reached across me and opened the door. He kicked me in the back as I was climbing out.

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That was when I realized that he put something in my food. I tried getting up to run from him, I was weak and in the middle of nowhere. He got to me laughing, pulling his zipper down and his cock out. He bent down and took a bite out of my ear. He laughed as he looked into my eyes. “You have some beautiful brown eyes, I think I’m going to fuck them.” He grabbed pliers and his knife and came at my eye. I was screaming and trying to bite him. He took the back of his knife and hit me right in the mouth. I was choking on my teeth and blood. The pain was horrible, he pulled my eye out. He made me look at my eye with my one good eye. He stuck it in my mouth and made me eat my fucking eye. He grabbed his knife and slit my throat. I was dying as he fucked my eye.

 Violent phone sex