Category: Taboo phone sex

Blair Meets the Puppetmaster

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Help me. I have been kidnapped by a deranged doll maker. I have been held captive for days , while he conducts evil, painful experiments on me. He has deprived me of food and water.  And, I am constantly in some form of suspension like a life size marionette doll. In fact, he told me I was doll like and he wanted to use me to create the perfect life size marionette. What the fuck? Those dolls are creepy. Always in horror movies, taunting people, scaring brats. Who does this guy think he is? The Dr. Frankenstein of dolls? I tried to beg and plead with him, but he keeps shocking me and stringing me up from the ceiling. He said next he was gonna cut my limbs and sew string through them and even slice my mouth open like the Joker to give me the authentic look of a marionette doll. He is gonna dismember and torture me so he can have his own personal creepy ass doll. Who is he, The Puppetmaster?  This sick, evil, sadistic mother fucker is enjoying my pain, my screams, my starvation. He says I’m just a stupid, worthless cunt and no one will miss me.  He says all girls should be seen but never heard and that is why we make the perfect dolls. You don’t agree with him , do you? Please someone help me.  Anyone. I will be a good girl; I will be quiet. You can do whatever you want to me, just let me live and get me the fuck out of this house of horrors.

Down South

Where have I been, you may be asking yourselves. Well I don’t have to answer to you motherfuckers! I went to a concert in Mobile, Alabama and got fucking turned around because the goddamn toll both stiffed me a dollar twenty-six. Are you fucking shitting me?! That stupid ass bitch stole from Bianca. So I was all enraged and ready to twist a neck off when I realized I was going the wrong way. The hell? Turns out I was in some redneck dive called Pascagoula. I crossed the state lines . . . I know what you’re thinking, so shut your damn trap. It’s an evil, sick ass place. Just because it’s bumfuck Mississippi doesn’t mean they’re gonna hand you sweet tea in a mason jar or some shit like that. Fuck that! It’s a wild ass neighborhood. Most of the citizens consider the day wasted if they haven’t violated a goat by noon. It’s sickeningly dark there. One wrong turn, and you’ll wind up in the trunk of a Cadillac, never to be seen or heard from again. So of course I took this opportunity to explore. I headed straight for the Brass Monkey. It might as well be called The Drunk Asshole Bar, because the company was wicked! When I was leaving, I spotted a guy trying to break into my car. Not. fucking. okay. I reached for the crowbar I keep in my purse and bashed him in the fucking head. He grunted and fell to the cement. I just kept beating and smashing the metal bar into his skull until it exploded with red goo and I kicked him aside, slid into my vehicle, and drove away. Byebye Mississippi. I don’t have to fear any thing or any place. You fuckers fear ME.


Bloody Phone Sex Keisha

I have big round tits that bitches had always been jealous about. I try not to showboat or draw attention to myself but last night I got punished for someone looking at me. My master let his nigger whore come with him and pick one thing from the store to enjoy. I was so excited when I saw an outfit laid out on my cot. Night after night he made me stay in the basement for beatings and to suck his cock whenever he wanted it. I was so grateful he stopped beating me two days prior so all my bumps and bruises went down. They were barely noticeable to me but when I walked into the store all eyes were on me. Though my tits were about to burst out of the shirt master said I could still come. Master had me in a pretty red shirt and black skirt that obviously drew the attention of multiple men. The more they looked the harder he would squeeze my hand. By the time we passed aisle three we had already turned around and went back to the car. Master smacked me right across the face. “You love that type of attention don’t you? Stupid black bitch” I was in such shock I just held my cheek and let the tears roll down. He pulled me out the car and up the driveway by my hair. When we got in, he threw me down the stairs and watched me lay there. I thought the worst had happened but when he came downstairs he had a switchblade in his hand. I tried to run but he yanked me by my hair again and with one swift motion cut it all off. Then he threw me on the ground and ripped my shirt off. I was trying to fight but he just kept punching and cutting me. He sliced away at my black tits exposing the white meat. He forced me to lift my skirt so he could shove his cock inside of me as well. He was defacing my body in so many ways I wanted to just black out. “This is what happens to arrogant niggers like you bitch” he grunted as he trashed my cunt and breast at the same time. To top off the humiliation, when he was done with me he shot his load all over my open wounds, my face, and my now butchered hair. He left me there covered in cum and in a pool of my own blood.

bloody phone sex keisha

Bloody Phone Sex with Cassandra: Gut Me Like a Pig

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Bloody phone sex is what I crave. I am a total whore to blood. When I was a little girl, I cut myself to watch the blood run out of me. I would masturbate as I lay there bleeding. Feeling the warm gush of hot, sticky blood run over my limbs made my clit throb. Now, as a full grown pain slut and subby bitch, I need more. One of my many warped and depraved sexual fantasies is to be kidnapped, strung upside down and sliced open and gutted like the pig I am.  My insides falling out of me; totally eviscerated  for the pleasure of a blood thirsty cannibal who lay beneath me. In my ultimate bloody  fantasy, a sexy naked female cannibal uses a male accomplice to hunt me down like a wild animal. He brings me back to his mistress’s lair, strings me up upside down while I dangle screaming for mercy over her  naked body. He then gives her a massive sickle knife and she cuts the arteries in my legs so blood spurts out of me, covering her in my blood. Underneath me she lay, masturbating as my blood drains out of my body onto hers. When I am still breathing, but just barely, almost drained dry of all my blood,  her accomplice slices my belly open so my organs spill out onto his mistress, giving her another hard orgasm.  Then with my dead carcass above her, they feast on my bloody entrails, saving some of my organs to cook later and eat for dessert.

Do you have bloody phone sex fantasies you want to explore with me? I promise to get off good and hard as you drain me of my blood. Cum gut this pig. You know you want to jack your throbbing cock off as you watch the life and blood drain slowly out of me.

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The sound of my switchblade

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan

Have you ever heard the sound of a switchblade knife open?  It is a very distinct sound. When I am hunting, they always hear it. I make sure of it. It is a necessary sound. As is the sound of their throat as I cut it.

She was breathless from the chase, ah my old familiar hunting grounds. So many deciding factors in her fear. The dark, the confusion, her scrambling to run so fast as she falls and tries to get up. She is already bloody and dirty by the time I subdue her. And as always, I catch my prey. It is pay up time.

She hides as best she can, but I can smell her fear, like a bloodhound their scent always leads me to them. I think its the mixture of adrenaline and sweat, mixed with whatever stale and sickly soaps and perfumes these cunts always wear. That is how I can find them easily, they are so predictable.

As I approach my prey, it is deathly silent. And in the quiet dark all you can hear…is my switchblade.

Taboo Phone Sex Reagan



Alice with an ‘A’


‘A’ is for Alice. ‘A’ is for awesome…and it also stands for asshole. That’s right. I’ve been ass fucking lately. I find it’s best to do without any lube. Not on me, of course. I prefer to watch a little one get reamed while I chomp on some popcorn from a safe vantage point nearby. It makes me laugh so hard when their itty bitty eyes get wide in fear and they whimper and shriek in pain. It makes my wet pussy hole get nice and turned on, too. I always want to fuck a stiff dick after watching a tiny, precious little munchkin get used and abused by a big, strong adult. Haha. I guess I have a weird sense of humor, but don’t try to lie to me, baby. You like it, too, now don’t you.



Ugh… those worthless little sluts that wander around the mall after school are the bane of my existence. What I wouldn’t give to have one of those whores cowering in fear, locked in a small dog cage, naked and cold. I found one I like last week… she was a short, very skinny little thing in a group of several other carbon copied girls. Every single one was wearing a pair of very tight skinny jeans, a poorly designed triable patterned crop top and a pair of those god awful TOMS shoes. Every Single. Girl. As a small group of three other teens walked by, one chubby, one fat and one gay they made quite a few snarky comments. Oh what I wouldn’t give to slice the scalpel I have in my bag between their thin little rib cages and puncture their lungs… or perhaps slitting their throats is the way to go… I’ve read that if you slice through the Larynx that the vicim will drown in their own blood, gasping of air as the very life-force of the body that distributes oxygen deprives them of it. Oh what I wouldn’t do for an opportunity… 

Do You Want to Cook a Girl?

taboo phone sex

I have some very dark fantasies.  Dark desires that just get darker as the days go on. I have one master I speak with who understands my desires, gets the psychology behind my deep sick twisted fantasy world. See, I get so wet thinking about being eaten. Not in the vanilla sense of  having my pussy eaten and licked; but in the  twisted sense of being cooked alive and eaten.  There are tons of cannibal porn sites on the internet that I masturbate to; movies and pictures of hot women like me being kidnapped, tortured and cooked. I want to star in a movie like “How to Cook a Girl,” but I want it to be real. I want it to be a snuff film. Do you have fantasies of cooking a hot bitch who snubbed you? Do  just have certain cravings that hamburger or chicken can’t satisfy? Do you get off on hunting a stranger, kidnapping her, then cooking her to a slow, torturous death? You know I look tasty. You know I look like every bitch who ever humiliated you. You know you want to be my Hannibal Lector. Let’s cook up a hot nasty dark scenario where I meet my ultimate demise in your stomach. I bet I am of so yummy.

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In Fear

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I thought we were simply here to have a good time. My husband never took me anywhere so when he offered to take me to a water park I immediately agreed. I wanted to spend time together like we used to but this day was soon spoiled by his horrible fucking attitude and hair trigger temper. It all happened in the “Lazy River” when we saw a young boy floating past us looking for his mother. I could see all over his face how terrified he must be. Being so young and vulnerable out in the open by his self must be a mortifying experience. My heart went out to the boy! My husband was infuriated at the thought of me giving attention to something other than him. He crept up behind the boy’s floatie and ripped him off of it. I tried to look away as he pushed and held the pre-pubescent little boy under water. My husband had this sick look in his eyes like got whenever he beat me. That’s when I knew he was going to kill the youngin. I begged him to stop but according to that sociopath, “I gotta hear him say it. Let this little fucker beg for his life.” Before he could finish his sentence the water went still. I grabbed the boy trying to blow any air I had back into his little lungs. As my husband walked away I held the body of somebody’s lifeless little boy. I knew I had to move quick before somebody came and saw me holding this dead boy. I had no choice but to free him from my bosom and watch the weight of rigamortis bring him to the bottom of the wave pool. He died fearing for his life and I couldn’t even pity him. Mainly because I knew for certain now that when it was my time, that exactly how I will meet my death. In fear.

Prey at the water park

Cannibalism phone sex2

for Rick

My accomplice and I are lucky that we have very similar tastes in meals: the young, plump, and healthy ones. We decided to case out a parking lot of a local water park; I wanted a larger theme park (for more options), but my accomplice was quick to inform me that such a choice would come with dangers…most specifically, security cameras.

I wore a short coat with a hood that looked like I could have a bathing suit beneath it; and, he wore his normal attire because he would be staying near the van. It was dark, so I didn’t need my hood; but, covering more of my face made me look even younger. And here they were: a young couple of coeds having a quarrel. “Sir, my daddy needs car help,” I said in my little girl voice. I shuffled my legs like a teenager. And, of course, his female companion was sympathetic.

When we approached the van, my accomplice forced some chloroform to her mouth while I slit the man’s throat. We headed home while our little female captive was bound snugly behind the seats. I kept checking on her; I wanted to see her face when she opened her eyes and saw her dead companion with his neck barely hanging by a thread of skin to his body. And, it was exquisite; those large eyes, the tears…

I would discard the male’s body near a local bar after injecting heroin into his veins. Then, the female…she was going inside the house with us and straight to the kitchen. The spices were spread across the kitchen counter as my mentor handcuffed her hands to the metal rail on the table. I made slits in her flesh to place extra seasoning. The rosemary and red wine were added; and my accomplice placed stuffing in her ass. It was odd but nice how our victim had become dazed and compliant, almost as if she was having an out-of-body experience.

But when we placed her on the roaster, the bitch started screaming; he assured me that that the screaming would stop very soon…as soon as her lungs were filled with smoke. We saluted to our accomplishments and discussed how flavorful this one would taste. We traded compliments and began enjoying the lovely whiff from the kitchen. Mhmm…yes, it was one of the most exquisite dinners ever!