This first time my husband sold me for a fix, I had no clue how to suck a cock. Well I had sucked cock before but I wasn’t a pro at it. My new masters made sure to teach me the way they liked their cock sucked to perfection. And they weren’t gentle or loving in any sense. I got a throat fucking, gagging, rough, cocksucking lesson. They had me on my knees for hours some days. My knees would be so bruised up and weak after they finished with me but that was the least of my problems. I would have to suck both of their dicks at the same time and if I made a mistake I got a fist to the face. Even with a black eye and a swollen cheek I had to keep sucking their cocks. Meanwhile, my masters would degrade me. They love calling be a “stupid nigger whore” and “porch monkey”. They often tell me I should be glad I have such a sexy ass body because I would have been dead a long time ago. They keep me because I am loyal and obedient. Those compliments are short lived because they are right back to torturing me and fucking my sore throat. One of my masters has been making me gag on his cock and I can feel my throat closing from being so sore. That’s bad for me, they will only fuck me up some more until they force it open again.
Category: Taboo phone sex
Your New Apprentice
I see you have an apprentice now? He is so young, just a boy. I wonder where you found him, but I dare not ask. I am still in pain from your beating this morning. I know he isn’t your son, but I sense he belongs to you now, just like I do. Just like we all do. But he isn’t caged or tied? He is with you by your side, listening and learning. You both approach me, I shudder uncontrollably as fear grips my body. You laugh and I can see you speaking to him, but I can’t hear a word. You punctured my ear drums long ago.
I see you both laughing and you point to me, as I lay on the cold floor, unable to move from my ropes. You kick me in the gut and blood comes out of my mouth. When I catch my breath, I see the boy smile and pull his leg back to kick me. Something in his eyes terrifies me. This is the moment he changes into a monster like you. UGGHHH. He kicks me with unbelievable force in my chest. I am shocked by the power he has at his tender age. Blood drips from my mouth onto the floor and he reaches down and rubs my face in it. I can see the evil in his eyes. He is loving this.
I plead with my eyes and shake my head trying to convince him this is wrong, and to run away. My horror is obvious and this makes you very pleased. I want you to spare the boy, I dont want you to be able to cultivate your cruelty into another person. But its too late. He has seen too much. He has a taste for blood, and nothing will stop his progression now. The boy gets on his knees, and while I still plead NO with my eyes, he shoves his little hard cock into my bloody mouth. I close my eyes, and then close my lips around his evil little cock.
I open my eyes when I feel the cum coursing towards my mouth. The boy is laughing at me, his eyes are black, and he shoots his demon cum deep in my bloody face. I can see the pride on your face, and I know now that my torment will never end.
Bloody Phone Sex with Stephanie
Blood, blood everywhere, but not a drop to drink… You have been bleeding me for months now. Collecting my precious life liquid in your metal machine. The time is almost here to perform your ultimate experiment. I am severely anemic, but alive. You bled me slowly enough over these past weeks to make sure I was too weak to try to run, but still strong enough to be aware of your master plan.
My skin is pale white, my gums are white. My eyes are sunken into my head. There is barely enough pressure inside me to keep me awake. I gave up trying to move weeks ago. My body is almost numb, it just tingles every so often. Or maybe thats my imagination.
The dirty needles and tubes scatter the floor. I am so cold, laying naked and drained on your cold metal table. My thoughts are not clear, and I hallucinate most of my days. But every time you come in the room, my body reponds. I crave the needles now. I crave the feeling as you drain my red love. The butterflies in my stomach, as I lose just enough blood, make me feel sick and good at the same time.
I see you wheel your machine over to the table where I lay. There is a clear window on the front, and I can see pints of my own blood preserved inside. The color is so beautiful. The machine is humming, keeping the temperature correct, no doubt.
You take out your scalpel and tell me its time to fill me back up. You have enough of my blood to fill me up, and then fill me even more until my heart explodes. You pop a hole in my inner thigh, and insert the tube from the machine. You flick a switch, as I watch helplessly. The machine kicks on and blood surges through the tube towards my leg. Ohhhh myyyyy goddddd, the feeling of the blood being pumped back into my veins makes me piss all over myself. The feeling of life being forced into my veins, gagging me with the copper taste that seems to be coming from nowhere.
You kick the machine into a higher gear, I can see the blood leaving the machine and pumping into my body. I feel so alive…. but then something is wrong. I start to swell. You are pumping too much and you just laugh at my surprise. You continue to pump and I feel pressure all over. I am going to burst from my own blood! My head aches, my limbs are swollen and my heart is pumping so hard its the only thing I can hear.
You flick the level to the highest level, and the blood courses even harder into my tiny body. I can feel pops inside as my vessels burst, and I know I am filled with blood. I choke as blood comes out of my mouth and then POP my eyes go next, spewing my red blood all over me and you. My heart tries to keep up, tries to keep pumping, but it finally cannot take anymore, and bursts right out of my chest….
Alright you sick, P-cock perverts . . . you wanna know where to find the best slabs of fuckmeat? There’s a bike route that runs through the woods here in Jackson. The twisted, gnarled tree limbs hang low, reaching out with their spindly branches to grab those miniature bitches as they walk past. We’ll be waiting to grab them too, won’t we baby? I have a great plan for those little slut dolls. We’ll play whack-a-mole with their three tight holes, and then we’ll take turns stabbing the bitches with torn-off tree branches. If we have to, we can sharpen the wooden edges on our victims’ teeth. Who cares if they’re whittled down to enamel-stripped stubs by the time we’re done with ’em? They’ll never be tasting another one of their Girl Scout cookie again . . . and instead, those naked, young human snickerdoodles are our treats to devour. Use your dick–and stick it in deep. If their cervixes aren’t gushing blood, and I can’t see it spouting out like a twisted fucking fountain, you aren’t pounding that baby pussy hard enough. It’s time to get walking, baby. We’ve got to catch up with these Girl Scouts and show them just how delicious they are for us . . .
Crimson Part 3
I sat watching the whore for over three hours… now that I had her I was beginning to wonder if my original plan was good enough. The hard part was over, I already had her in my dungeon and her friend had been so drunk that she probably would think that her friend disappearing was just a dream… until it’s too late that is. The little slut is starting to wake up. Perfect. Just in time too, I don’t like to start playing until my victim has fully understood that they are not leaving alive and true fear begins to set in. She starts by looking confused, an understandable reaction in my opinion, one moment she’s on walking home from an epic night of partying and the next the she knows she can’t move her limbs and she’s in a dark room.
I slowly rise myself out of the chair in the corner of the room and move into the dim light emanating from the surgical light above the gurney. I smirked and she frowned, looking confused for a moment until I raised my fingers into her line of sight. It wasn’t my hand that scared her but rather when was in my hand; a nice, shiny new scalpel. I slowly drug the flat side of the blade along her cheek and down the valley between her supple breasts… As I made the very first cut just above her stomach a bit of beautiful crimson blood blossomed like an elegant rose on her white dress. I don’t know why she’s screaming… doesn’t she know no one can hear her in my soundproof stone dungeon?
Fun in the Tropics
I love going on vacation so much… especially when that vacation takes me to places like South Africa and the Congo. I was doing some research on dengue hemorrhagic fever. It’s a deadly tropical disease caused by the Dengue virus. Because there is no commercial vaccine for the disease, and because there are so many variations of the virus I took the time to set up my own little lab in the Congo in order to play around with it. The characteristic symptoms of dengue are sudden-onset fever, headache (typically located behind the eyes), muscle and joint pains, and a rash. I was looking forward to taking some mosquitoes home with me as well. Dengue virus is primarily transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, particularly A. aegypti. These mosquitoes usually live between the latitudes of 35° North and 35° South below an elevation of 1,000 metres (3,300 ft). They typically bite during the day, particularly in the early morning and in the evening, but they are able to bite and thus spread infection at any time of day all during the year. Other Aedes species that transmit the disease include A. albopictus, A. polynesiensis and A. scutellaris. I had my work cut out for me, but it would be worth it when I get to see the looks of terror when I kidnap several pregnant women and make them kill each other in an attempt to save their unborn brats…
Murder Phone Sex Fantasies with Blair: Forced to Be an Accomplice
I have been very ill for a few days now. Deathly ill. High fever, vomiting, shitting myself, skin lesions… My Master has taunted me the entire time and refused me the medical treatment I need. I thought I had the flu; even toyed with the notion I had the zombie virus. But today, my Master informed me he injected me with an infectious virus to force my hand. He gave me Ebola. This disease kills thousands fast in third world countries. He told me he has the antidote to prevent my death, but I must be willing to do anything for him. I looked at him with blood running out my eyes and said, “Anything for you Master.”
He then tied me to his rack he use to torture me with. My skin smelling putrid and my flesh falling off my bones, he tortures me further. I am about as near death as I have ever been. I tell Master I want to live so I can continue to serve and please him. I beg him to tell me the conditions to save my life. I promise to do anything. He tells me I must agree to hunt young flesh with him. I am getting to old to keep giving him new ones to destroy, so now I must agree to go on the hunt outside our family for fresh meat. He loves to torture tight little holes and not only are my holes no longer tight, but he has ruined the holes of the precious young things I have given him. He says, “Flesh for your flesh.”
I have never minded the horrible things Master has done to me in the past. I have taken every sick, twisted, painful thing with a smile. But I always resisted making others suffer my agony. I have refused to be his willing accomplice, but now, here I am dying. Do I have a choice? If I agree to be his sadistic accomplice and bring him fresh, tight, young holes to ruin, I will live; my beautiful body will be restored. I have no choice. I want to live. Forgive me Father, for I am about to sin…..
What cruel and unusual lengths will you take, to make me your evil accomplice?
Snuff phone sex: Near Escape
The ex-husband, who had solicited my help to snuff his wife, hadn’t heeded my warnings. He had insisted on just tying her hands with rope that he brought (apparently it had some kind of sentimental meaning to him). But, the evil bitch had chewed through the dainty rope, which looked much like an accessory to a wedding gown, and fled. So, when we returned to the basement after a heated argument about him not following my directives, she was gone. There was no exit in the dungeon; and, she had not come upstairs; so, we decided that she had to be somewhere in the large basement. This is precisely why I do not take on clients from friends!
I thought about one moment; and the next moment, I was in action. I ran upstairs and locked the door to the basement. I’d let them fight it out. I made myself comfortable in my library, where my surveillance cameras were catching all the movements downstairs. And there she was: hiding in a small crevice where the basement tunnel turns a little. She had nowhere to go, and she knew that now. Her macho ex was pounding on the door, angry and impatient for me to return. I just scoffed at him. I smiled as I noticed the reflection of a shiny object that hit the camera; the woman had a razor blade that I had set on the table.
The stupid buffoon of a man was charging forth, armed with only his anger. He searched for the woman, probably expecting her to be cowered somewhere and crying. But, I could see her head tilt; she heard his footsteps. I leaned closer to the monitor; when he rounded the corner, she lunched at him from behind so that the blade struck his neck. She struggled to free the blade and then continued stabbing him. She stood there for a long time and then dropped the blade as if she knew she’d be okay.
I quietly unlocked the door and allowed her to stumble, bloody and sweaty, into the upper level of the house. I told her that I hadn’t meant for any of this to happen; she fell on me and cried. “Yes, I know. Kam is such an asshole. He used you, too, and threatened you. I know.” I acted sympathetic; she didn’t even reach for the door. She was so close to the outside world. But, alas, as she pulled away from me with a smile, I sliced her throat. The blood trickled and then gushed. I had thought about torturing her, but I did enjoy the look in her eyes as she died. She knew: she had nearly escaped.
You Rang?
I heard your idiotic whimpering all the way upstairs. You were praying were you not? I clearly heard through the tears and the insipid sniffing up of snot you “praying” to be saved. Do you honestly believe that this “God” that you were praying for will miraculously appear before you, open up the cage and set you free? How quaint. From what I know of the invisible man upstairs that you were crying out to, he already was here and gone. Sent his son and all that nonsense. You missed out.
Now, you have Me. You seem to forget the situation that you have found yourself in. I feed you, I house you, I take care of you, and yet you want someone or something else to come and take you away from all this. Yes it’s true that all you get is ground up raw road kill to eat, and toilet water to drink, but it is sustenance is it not? Yes you do not have a bed to lay your body down on, but you do have a nice warm place to sleep, right next to open basement window so you can have fresh air. You are living the dream My pet. Yet, you want more. I find you to be ungrateful for your ‘blessings”.
Perhaps if I take some of the aforementioned away from you will learn not to complain and to realize the only God that you will ever come into contact with is Me.
Victimized and Fucked Hard
It was an vial of vile consequences and I had stumbled upon it by pure accident. Staring at it and contemplating its contents. I thought I had overcome my lust for the white powder that ruled me for so long. I stare at and recall the very words spoken to me, “if I’m unable to overcome my lust for the white powder I will then be endangered upon opening this vile, as it not only contains pharmaceutical grade cocaine but it is laced with an Infectious strain called Anthrax”. This was a test of my strength or rather weakness for the drug that owned me for so long.
It’s hard especially after watching my Master snort a fat line of the pure pharmaceutical cocaine not laced with an infectious and deadly disease. He is always trying to test me and I keep failing. If I fail this test then I am deserving of my demise. Shaking and sweating as I long for my old lover. I long for the taste, warmth and the ecstasy I feel when I snort it. I want it so bad, why the hell did he do this to me?
Ok, so yeah, I dipped into his stash once or twice when I found it yesterday. I had not known he was dealing the shit, and finding it had my mouth watering to taste it. Really, I just wanted a taste, I hadn’t meant to do so much. I certainly had no intention of letting him on to my discovery or desire for the nose candy. This is pure and absolute torture. He is just out right evil to me.
I was shaking so bad he came in and brought a friend with him. They both did a couple lines right in front of me and then proceeded to lick the knife blade and leaned in to kiss me. Letting me taste it as they took turns fucking me and taunting me. Telling me if I was a good enough fuck to drain their balls well enough they would allow me a little line of the clean stuff. Otherwise I was welcome to the vial of tainted crap, after all how did I know the stash was even safe. Crack hoes always sniff out the shit and do it without even thinking of consequences. As he slammed his cock in me deep and pulled my hair -pulling my face to his- he asked me if I was a crack hoe as he dispelled a fat load of cum deep inside my cunt.