Category: Taboo phone sex

Ass Rape Porn: My Next Victim?

For fun I made my brother dress like a nun and I sodomized his bitch ass.  Making blasphemy sex ass rape porn is quite the way to procure extra cash. I find it the obvious solution when my brother fucks up a task. Nothing more satisfying than screaming blasphemies as I wear a priests collar and little less than a strap-on, and anally fuck a nun.

Fuck my brother and I have been having incest sex since we discovered that our parts plugged into one another. So yeah I’ve fucked my brother often and most of his friends. Did I mention he is part of the biker gang I am in. Getting beat into the club was so fucking hot that I had one hell of an orgy after the initiation. So if you are into a badass tormenting you, well I’m just the one for the job. Home invasion schemes for some form of revenge are a specialty. Tying the inhabitants up and doing all kinds of deranged shit. 

Ass Rape Porn

Just don’t expect me to be submissive!!!



I found her all alone

taboo phone sexI found this little bitch, nice and young… can you believe she was alone at that age? She was alone and appeared to be lost. I think she said something about looking for her Mommy, so I told a little white lie and said I’d help her find her Mommy. Little did she know my only plans were to snatch that little bitch up and take her to my place for a not so fun time…for her. She was clueless until I started inflicting pain on her tiny body. I was going to do all types of awful things to this brat. I had a strap on that ripped her open, literally. She was bleeding and screaming and crying but that didn’t stop me, my pussy was still dripping wet, I was turned on and far from done.

Body Farm Day Trip

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Everyone at the college knew exactly who you were. You are the school dean. Everyone looks up to you. No one knows you keep me as your useless fuck doll to play with whenever you want. You told me today was going to be a different day than usual.
I was anxious to figure out exactly what that meant. After an hour in the car, we arrived to what looked like a forest area. I assumed you were going to tie me up to a tree and leave me there like you’ve done before. Instead you tugged on my leash and led me into the woods. After only a little bit of walking, we arrived on bodies in cages.
You told me it was the universities body farm. I was so nervous. I’ve never seen so many dead bodies or even one for that matter. I was so nervous. I noticed you started breathing heavy and I looked down to see your cock rock hard out of your pants.
You ordered me get down and suck it. I hesitated since right next to us was a newly dead woman. You slapped my face so hard tears came out. I got down on my knees and started sucking your cock. It wasn’t even five minutes before you came right down my throat.
I knew the dead bodies turned you and right at that moment I knew my final fate.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Cum True

rape phone sex fantasiesRape phone sex fantasies are fun to explore with my callers. Just don’t tell a guy you are fucking that you get off to being force fucked. I’m seeing this new guy and we shared our dark fantasies. I told him, I had a stranger rape fantasy. The very next day as I was walking home from the corner store after picking up some cigarettes and alcohol, a few guys jumped me in the alley. I thought to myself, what a coincidence? I wasn’t too scared in reality, but I played the part. I screamed and begged for mercy. Informed my attackers I would do anything they wanted if they just didn’t hurt me. They roughed me up quite a bit, even bound my legs and arms so I couldn’t run away. They violated all my holes at once, called me names, even pissed in my face. Never once did they call me anything but whore. As they were skull fucking me and strangling my throat, I began to wonder if this wasn’t coincidence after all. My guy would not get that rough with me. He certainly wouldn’t damage me. He likes fucking me, doesn’t want to ruin me. I started to really get scared, no more play acting. When one of my assailants broke off a dirty beer bottle and sodomized my ass til it tore, I knew this was not an arranged attack. But I was mistaken. It was arranged. After they came in me, beat me up and sodomized me with a broken bottle, I was informed this was a message from Mr. Payton not to cheat on him. Apparently one of my masters caught wind of the fact that I was dating a normal guy and enjoying sex. He didn’t like it much. Stupid submissive whores don’t have boyfriends. They have masters. Another lesson learned the hard way.

Daddy’s lil Pet

Rape phone sex fantasies (4)

What would Daddy do without his little pet? He makes me do all types of humiliating things. He even put ears on me and made me bark and beg for him to fuck me in my ass. I bent over doggystyle as he fucked me, forced his cock into my poor little holes and had his way with me. I cried and begged him not to but he just slapped my ass hard and slammed his dick in me deeper! I  barked like he wanted and took his cock, feeling it so deep in me and feeling it dominate me in every way. He told me that it was dress up your pet day today and that I will forever be his lil pet and his little fuck toy. He told me I am lucky that he didn’t share me with his friends because I would be choking thru their cocks trying to bark. He laughed at me and call me a pathetic whore as he pounded me deeper and deeper. I was feeling like a skank, just taking his cock because I am nothing but a helpless little victim for all of daddy’s rape fantasies.  I wanted it all, I needed it, and I deserved to be Daddy’s lil pet.

2 girl phone sex Ivy

2 girl phone sex

She smells so good as she cooks. Sookie is my latest meal. I found her on the side of the road here in Vegas. She waved down our car and asked if we wanted more company. My dinner partner gave her three hundred dollars to get in the car and just drive around. We talked and payed her six hundred more to come to our home with us. It is such a long drive and once we pulled up you could see the fear in Sookies eyes. Her fear made me horny. I choked her from behind until she passed out in the front seat.

Cannbalism phone sex


Once we got her in the house and tied up, we woke her up with warm water as we cleaned her body. My head Chef could not keep his hands off her. He really got all that yummy oil and seasonings rubbed into her body. He got all the curves and deep inside her pussy. Once he added his own juices inside of her we tied her up and started roasting her slowly. 

Evil phone sex


Fantasy Phone Sex: My Dreams, Others Nightmares

fantasy phone sexWhat is your fantasy phone sex dream?I am not exactly the Hallmark card kinda of girl. The only holiday I ever recognize is Halloween. Tomorrow is another stupid ass nonsense holiday called Make Your Dreams Come True Day. My dreams, are most people’s nightmares, so I think the day should be called Make Your Nightmares Come True Day. I plan on assisting a few well deserving fucktards get their worst nightmares fulfilled at the stroke of midnight. I have a list of men who I’m going to castrate. Maybe even take their worthless dicks too. If you don’t deserve balls, you don’t deserve a dick either. I sneak into an unsecured house while a guy is snoozing or passed out. Tie him to the bed, slap him awake, enjoy the expression on his face when he sees the knife to his junk. Bye bye cock and balls, hello nightmare city. Castration is a dream come true for me since I fantasize about a world with less stupid fucks.

taboo phone sexMove to the next house. It will be full of annoying little brats for me to torture while their parents watch. A parent’s worst nightmare is to have a sick twisted bitch like me break into their place in the middle of the night and hold their offspring at knife point. So much fun to be had here. I can make daddy diddle his son. Force daddy to fuck his little girl. Make mommy and daddy hurt each other for the false promise that I won’t harm a hair on their sniffling brats’ heads. So many fun sick games I can play. I can even kidnap those brats and deliver them straight to your door step so you can molest them first. Admit it. You would love to make some little boy or girl’s nightmare come true with my assistance and your cock.

acomplice phone sex

Fuck making dreams come true. Why not join me as my accomplice in a day of debauchery and mayhem? Our dreams are most folks’ nightmares. Let the games begin.

I needed her blood

bloody phone sexI licked the blood straight off my knife. It tasted like it always does, and my pussy felt so good. I loved the way it tasted, it was even still slightly warm. How hot is that? I loved the feeling it gave me, and I loved what I had to do to get this blood. She was still alive though, watching me with a terror in her eyes. Once she saw me licking up that blood she really knew I was crazy. I wanted her to know how much it turned me on, so I told her a little white lie. Told her if she did all I told her, I would let her go. She reluctantly was eating my pussy as I sat on her face. But the problem was…I needed more than that. I needed, I craved…her sweet blood. I was bored with her fucking my pussy with her tongue so I went straight to what I really wanted and started fucking her cunt with my knife. Her cries and screams are something I will never forget! Something I’ll be rubbing my cunt to for months…

Daddy Loses Me In A Poker Game

taboo phone sex renaI have been at home with Daddy almost a week now. He has been really kind to me. I am confused by this. From a very young age, I have been his slave girl. My only usefulness has been to service him and whoever he chose to loan or sell me to. I am his worthless slut, property, something to be seen and used, but never heard. I don’t know how to react to kindness. Maybe he feels guilty because Lee injured me so badly. Nevertheless, this kind of treatment is so foreign, I don’t know what to do. I just wish he would act normal again.
Then he brings you into the room. He tells me that he has lost a poker hand and I was the last bet he had. He tells me you have won the right to do with me what you will. You tell me to stand up and follow you to our basement dungeon. You tell me you are going to have lots of fun with me and that when you finish, you may feel inclined to share me with the other men and women present at the poker game. Since I have never had a Mistress, this is a new concept. You have that sadistic gleam in your eyes. I am in fear of what this night will bring, but I am also getting hot and turned on by the possibilities that lie ahead.

What do you have in mind for our time together? Do you want to be my temporary Master? Let’s discuss the many possibilities.

Ass rape porn

ass rape porn

I have a fascination with angry unstable men. I love having them treat me like the nasty little Slutt that I am. Especially when they show me affection ! They do it with such passion and rage, they hold me down tying me up with tie straps since that’s all they had in there car, they then put a nasty ass oil covered rag in my mouth as they begin to hang me upside down by my feet. They then grab this blade tearing into my flesh as they carefully try not to go to deep where they cut an artery.

The cut is carefully placed on my skull with in seconds bloods beings to pour out since all the blood is rushing into my head from being upside down. They then put this bag over my face so that the blood begins to suffocate me as I try to gasp for air. I then feel my body beaten by fists, burned by sharp pointy objects in between my spine. I feel this cool sensation on my legs as I feel this tiny scalpel scrape across my skin exposing this icy cold breeze that sends chills up and down my body.

I then feel my self being lowered feeling this warm hot liquid being poured all over my body making me go numb. As they take my mask off one of the men pees in my eyes slaps my face and orders me to give him head as he points a bloody knife at my eyes. I cry and whimper choking as I taste his cum running down my tongue. Another man then rips off my underwear with his scissors and begins to cut at my pussy lips. I begin to scream in pain and they laugh with joy as I begin to bleed all over.

One man begins to eat my pussy causing his whole face to be covered in blood. I scream in pain when he begins to bite my clit trying to chew it off. His teeth piercing through my skin shooting pain all over my body screaming I being to cry out for help. One of the men then begins to fuck my ass cheeks as I scream for help pulling my hair laughing as he penetrates deep inside me. He begins to lick my face saying that he has always wanted to fuck and kill a little blond bitch! I then passed out waking up in a Walmart parking lot not being able to move.