I have a fascination with angry unstable men. I love having them treat me like the nasty little Slutt that I am. Especially when they show me affection ! They do it with such passion and rage, they hold me down tying me up with tie straps since that’s all they had in there car, they then put a nasty ass oil covered rag in my mouth as they begin to hang me upside down by my feet. They then grab this blade tearing into my flesh as they carefully try not to go to deep where they cut an artery.
The cut is carefully placed on my skull with in seconds bloods beings to pour out since all the blood is rushing into my head from being upside down. They then put this bag over my face so that the blood begins to suffocate me as I try to gasp for air. I then feel my body beaten by fists, burned by sharp pointy objects in between my spine. I feel this cool sensation on my legs as I feel this tiny scalpel scrape across my skin exposing this icy cold breeze that sends chills up and down my body.
I then feel my self being lowered feeling this warm hot liquid being poured all over my body making me go numb. As they take my mask off one of the men pees in my eyes slaps my face and orders me to give him head as he points a bloody knife at my eyes. I cry and whimper choking as I taste his cum running down my tongue. Another man then rips off my underwear with his scissors and begins to cut at my pussy lips. I begin to scream in pain and they laugh with joy as I begin to bleed all over.
One man begins to eat my pussy causing his whole face to be covered in blood. I scream in pain when he begins to bite my clit trying to chew it off. His teeth piercing through my skin shooting pain all over my body screaming I being to cry out for help. One of the men then begins to fuck my ass cheeks as I scream for help pulling my hair laughing as he penetrates deep inside me. He begins to lick my face saying that he has always wanted to fuck and kill a little blond bitch! I then passed out waking up in a Walmart parking lot not being able to move.