When I saw her I knew that she would be the subject of a very hot strangulation phone sex call with someone who shares my love for snuff sex. Her neck was long and slender like her legs and the way she moved invited sexual advance. When I had her I fully intended on making this last for hours, Torturing her in the most evil and sadistic ways, making her beg for mercy, stripping her naked and watching her tremble beneath me. I wanted to make this violent and drawn out so that my pleasure was increased by making myself wait for that final moment when I would slowly squeeze the life out of her. I know the thrill it brings me to slowly increase the pressure around her neck, to hear the gasping as my victim fights with reality that her life is slipping away. The joy of watching eye balls bulging and staring straight ahead with a glassy look that could be mistaken for the look of a day dreamer or a star crossed lover. The only thing that gives away the reality of the situation is the redness of the face and the spasmodic jerking of the body as life leaves and death enters. But alas she was to loud and fought more then I thought she would for a little thing. She brought my fury to a boil before I had more then her blouse off and I found myself wrapping a cord around her neck sooner then I wanted to, taking her life with orgasmic pleasure and soaking my panties with hot, musky cum. My only comfort at the dismay of killing her sooner then I wanted to was when I finished undressing her limp body so that I could have my way with her as I soared again to that place of ecstasy that only snuff sex takes me.
Category: Strangulation phone sex
Strangulation Phone Sex Fun
Ass Rape Porn for a Cheap Slut
I met this hot guy at a Halloween party. I thought this was my chance to act like a goddess instead of the submissive whore I usually am. I wanted to get fucked. I mean fucked in a pleasurable way, not in an ass rape porn way. Guys are obsessed with fucking my ass and punishing me. I am a pain slut, but I like to cum too. This guy I met didn’t seem to have an alpha bone in him. He waited on me hand and foot at the party. He paid me some of the nicest compliments ever. I really thought I might be girlfriend material for once. I went back to his apartment with him for the night and I saw a totally different side of him. He shoved me down on his couch to ass fuck me. Took his belt off and tightened it around my neck until I passed out. I woke up with him skull fucking my mouth so hard my eyes felt as if they might pop out of my head. He had my hands tied up with my bra, his belt still around my neck, a fist in my cunt and his cock in my mouth with his big smelly balls on my chin. I wanted to cry. I just laid there like a rag doll getting punished in my fuck holes. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and shoved it back in my ass. He shot his load in my ass then forced me to lick his shit stick clean. My sin? Going home with him after just meeting him. Only a dirty whore hooks up with someone she just met. Do you agree?
Nice Guys Finish In My Ass
He seemed so nice. I was lost on the way to my mom’s new house and stopped in a gas station to ask directions because my cell phone had died. I asked the guy behind the counter but he had no idea what I was saying. A man in a suit stepped forward and said he could help me out. He said he knew exactly where I was trying to go, but he said he didn’t quite know the street names but I could follow him there as he was headed that way as well. I figured why not and so I went back out to my car. Just my luck, my car wouldn’t start. The man told me he would take me to see my mom so that I could get money from her for a tow and everything would be fine.
I agreed and hopped in his car, not thinking anything of it. Off we went and I noticed as we were driving he was becoming more and more anxious. I asked if he was feeling okay and he didn’t really answer me, just sort of grunted. Something wasn’t right and the hair on the back of my neck stood up on end. I tried to shake it off as nothing and just relax. He suddenly pulled into the driveway of what looked like a rickety old farmhouse. I knew it wasn’t my mother’s house because the address she had given me didn’t match. He said it was his friend’s house and he had to stop and let his dog out and asked me to come in with him so I didn’t have to sit in the cold car. I got out and went inside.
I went in first and he followed right behind. I heard him lock the door and spun around to find him standing right behind me with a rope. I noticed immediately there was no dog and that this guy wasn’t nice guy after all. He grabbed me and threw me to the floor and started choking me. I could barely breathe and was nearly unconscious when he let go of my neck. I was in a stupor trying to catch my breath as he tied my hands and feet up. I was finally able to scream but then he put his hand over my mouth and told me to shut up or I would die right here. I kept thrashing around as he undid his pants and entered me from behind. He stuck his cock in my ass with no hesitation and fucked my ass so hard I could feel it bleeding. Inside my head I was screaming, but then the strangest thing happened – I came….
Snuff Porn
This new guy I am fucking was like so, “Wanna make a snuff porn?” He knows I am a submissive whore, so I never say no. I like the idea of pretending to die on film. It really is all about angle and lighting. I can control my breathing well to give the appearance of death. I had my ass on his cock looking right at the camera begging to be snuffed out. He was pounding my ass so hard you would have thought he wanted to make an ass rape porn. As his cock assaulted my back door, his hands tightened around my throat. My eyes started to bug out. I could feel myself suffocating. It was hard to not fight him. I really thought he was just getting carried away with method acting, but I passed out from lack of oxygen. He kept fucking my ass hard because it jolted me awake. I could see from the little window on the camera that my throat was purple from his grip on my throat. My ass too. Apparently he was holding on to my ass cheeks so hard as he anally tortured me, it left bruises. This felt too real. I started to get off of his cock but he put both hands around my neck like he was wringing a chicken’s neck. He violently thrust me down on his cock while strangling me. I felt a windpipe crush and blood fill up in my throat. As I started to gag on my own blood, he pushed me off his dick, onto the floor and shot his load over my face as he kicked me in the belly repeatedly. “Smile for the camera you dead stupid whore,” he said as he spit on me. I certainly felt dead.
Dead Pussy for Halloween Fun
The door creaked loudly as I lie there. I wasn’t sure if it was the wind or the fact that it was Halloween until I saw your silhouette in the doorway. I closed my eyes, hoping it was just a bad trip. You whipped the covers back on my bed, exposing my naked flesh. I whimpered as you drew back your fist and punched me in the face. “Time to die, whore.” you growled. You ground your cigarette out on my titty and I screamed through bloody teeth. You grabbed me by the throat as your other hand violated my pussy, shoving multiple fingers inside of me. You were almost wheezing under your mask as you pulled out a knife. I felt the first jab in my ribs. You were one sick perv, the kind who gets off on making a girl bleed slowly. The steel blade punctured my lung and I let out a high pitched squeal.
I looked over at the other table and there was a young girl. Pretty and blonde, her eyes bulged in fear. She had watched you torture me. Her fate would be much worse than mine though. Her name was Parker and you had plans for her. You wanted to keep her for breeding to give you an heir. She would be violated until she achieved your demand, then forced to watch her own offspring being abused as well. We both gasped in fear when you returned to the room.
Your shaft was rigid in your lust for blood. You dipped your fingers in it and into my mouth. I suckled them, knowing that this was the end. I was in for a bloody ending after a night of torture. Once you satiated your need for pain, I knew what would happen.
As the sun touched the morning sky, I was near death. You had violated me in every way. My pussy was ripped from hole to asshole. My nipples were gone. My body bled from a dozen punctures, soaking my satin sheets. You had jerked off many times as you tortured me and still you fisted your raw meatstick, the blood soaked head drooling pre-cum. You had not allowed yourself to cum, choosing only to edge for all these hours.
Now you climbed upon my broken, prone body and forced yourself inside my bloody hole. Your hands went around my throat as you began to pump. I felt my life leaving me and it was almost sweet relief. As I took my final breath and exhaled with a twitch, you joyfully fucked my dead body. For me it was the end, but for you, the fun was just getting started……
Sex with Dead Bodies Fantasy Turns Deadly
Sex with dead bodies was his fantasy. Since he owns me, I cater to all his dark desires. I watch Criminal Minds and Law and Order: SVU, so I knew about necrophilia. Master tossed me in a basement. No ordinary basement either. It was refrigerated. I was so cold; I felt like a slab of beef. I knew what he was doing; trying to lower my body temperature so I would feel like a dead body. He left me there overnight. I began to wonder if he really wanted me dead to fulfill his fantasy.
He fucked me cold. My fingers were blue. My circulation poor. I tried to be a good dead bitch, but I was not convincing enough. I still had a pulse. He dragged me upstairs. I thought for sure he was going to beat me for not playing dead to his liking. I wish he would have beaten me. He put his hands around my throat and squeezed my jugular until I passed out. I woke up in a cold dark place. I was so scared. I tried to sit up but I couldn’t move. I was in a box. Then it hit me. Master had buried me alive. I was the star of his snuff porn. He was going to get his dead body to fuck. I started pounding on the box, screaming, hoping maybe someone would hear me.
The noises I heard as I hit the box hard, convinced me I was under the ground, but not too far down. I mean Master hardly had time to dig a grave in the amount of time I was passed out, right? I started panicking. What if he had this all planned out and my grave was already dug? I started clawing at the box. I felt my finger nails snap. Splinters were getting embedded in my skin. My fingers were turning into bloody stumps. I was starting to lose oxygen. I just kept clawing at the wood despite by bleeding, likely broken fingers. I managed to get a small hole in the box. Mistake. Dirt started pouring in from the hole. Pouring in fast. I lost consciousness again.
Woke up in a coffin with Master fucking me. I knew better this time. I just laid there motionless. So grateful to be alive, I played dead.
Chelsea Loves Snuff porn movies.
You are dark and sexy. I knew you were the devil in disguise but I agreed to go with you anyway. You would take me to the secret place where you took all of the girls you fucked. Mostly, you just used them and dumped them. I had even helped you a time or two when you wanted a succulent little teen to molest and kill. I guess I thought I was safe.
I thought I was different, maybe even special. You took me to your cozy little place in the country and not the woods or the water treatment plant where you usually took your victims. We had a nice glass of wine. You began to undress me, telling me how hot my big tits and round ass made you. My pussy was ready to gush when you finally slid your joystick into my cock coozie. You fucked my pussy, my ass, and my mouth, telling me how good they all felt. I was so happy, thinking that maybe you wanted me as your GF.
Finally, you had me facedown on your bed, wrecking my ass. I felt your rigid choad in the depths of my bowels and I was bucking wildly, trying to take more. I felt you reaching for something and suddenly your belt was around my neck, pulled tight. I fought and wiggled, trying to get away, but that just made you wilder. Your breath was coming fast as I struggled. I felt light-headed and I knew I had to get away. As your orgasm neared, you pulled even tighter as you pumped me without mercy. I felt my ass-rim tear with the force. You pulled the belt-noose tighter, cutting off my air. My windwipe began to collapse and I gagged. I clawed at the sheets and arched my back. My legs kicked as my heartbeat began to dwindle. I gave one last gasp as your cock exploded into my limp, dead body that still twitched, even as it began to cool.
Strangulation Phone Sex Revenge
Never ever screw over a man with a black heart that knows bitches like me. Of course she was a to stupid to know that and to stupid not to get caught.
When he found out she had cheated, he called me and asked me to be his accomplice so he could teach her a lesson. We have spent many hours sharing strangulation phone sex fantasies so planning her demise was easy.
I have a friend that works st the morgue. Talking him into giving me the key and access to the building was just a matter of giving him a piece of ass. I have done it many times before when I have the craving for sex with dead bodies.
I was ready and waiting for them in the cold room of the morgue. As soon as they got there I threw him the cord which he wrapped around her neck and began to tighten. I watched as she slowly slumped to the floor, her body convulsing and my cunt twitching while I watched.
But that was to easy I wanted to bring her back and inflict more pain. He ended it all to fast and I hadn’t had my fix. Laying her on one of the exam tables I took the paddles and began to shock her, first on the chest, next on either side of her head….nothing. But the way it made her body twitch made him want to fuck her. So I kept shocking her while he fucked her, spitting profanity at her.
Finally I threw him on the cold floor and rode his cock with my hands around his neck until I came all over him.
Snuff phone sex with Natasha
I’m in the mood for some blood. Some slice n dice fun. I’m thinking about stealing me some skanky young pussy today and making her pay for being such a slut. I hate them the worst. The flirty, giggly ones who think they’re all that with a cherry on top. I’d like to cut their throats and keep them from reproducing. I know you men have to feel the same about these blue-balls teases.
Let me lure one home for us. I’ll tell her I can make her a fucking model, but haha, in a snuff phone sex video. You’ll be waiting there, ready for the damage we’re gonna inflict. She won’t look so pretty with her face burned off. What man would fuck a woman who looks like a melted candle. Of course, we’ll inflict some damage on that foul gash, too. She won’t be needing it, so I say we sew it shut. We’ll stick a straw in her urethra so she can piss.
You know how I am when I get to feeling evil. I may say anything in my bi-polar craze. Anything from furry friends fucking to garden shears can be fun. Hot wax torture and orgasmic asphyxiation. I just have a need for blood and guts, and I know you do too.
Get off your ass and give me a hand, fucker. It’s time to play the devil and make others pray for mercy.
Strangulation snuff porn sites with Natasha
Time to do your homework, snuff porn addicts. We’re going to explore your favorite strangulation snuff porn sites and share some of the sickiest, goriest shit around. You know I’m a snuff freak. My pussy gets wet for the bloodiest porn I can find. I love to discuss ways to die. Strangulation is one of my personal favorites.
It’s a fucking power trip. Feeling the pulse of a living creature under my fingers, knowing that they are helpless, and slowly squeezing that life out of them. The pulse gets quicker as adrenaline rushes in and they begin to fight. But they are always weak and helpless. That pulse begins to falter and becomes choppy. A blue tinge creeps unto the lips. Eyes begin to roll. Extremities twitch. Live ebbs away. And comes the final beat and this is when my sicko pussy gushes. I’d love to get fucked as I choke the life out of someone.
Objects are good, too, but not as personal as my hands. I love a large cock inserted into a girls throat until she does the death twitch. And a Walmart bag is super cool as they almost inhale the bag while gasping and “dying” for a breath. Oooh, I’ve got a finger in my panties thinking about that.
And of course, there’s the classics. Rape fantasy sex followed by a wire or rope around the throat, throttling her as you use that dead pussy for one final load.
Pull up a chair and your favorite websites and let’s explore your evil side together.