Category: Rape phone sex fantasies

Accomplice Phone Sex

picture2life_87003_originalWe were out walking around late last night, just wandering, not really paying attention to where we were when we realized we were in a really bad area. I guess if we were two normal girls we would have been scared to be in the ghetto so late but this is me and Lydia I’m talking about here and we are far from normal. And when two ghetto ass gang bangers walked up on us thinking they could intimidate us and maybe even rob or rape us, we just laughed in their faces. That made them very angry, the bigger one grabbed Lydia by the throat and picked her up, at first he was screaming in her face that she better learn some respect but after about two seconds he was just screaming in agony because she pulled out the knife she always carries and stabbed him in the gut. The bitch pretty much disemboweled him with one stroke of her knife! He was sobbing and crawling away from us and his friend took off running like a little bitch, it was hilarious to see two big ass thug wannabe gangsters crying and running away from two little white girls like us! Shit with an accomplice like Lydia, anything could happen!

Deadly Sweet

DeadlySweetWhen I first heard about “National Cheesecake Day” I thought, how silly.  I like cheesecake but I didn’t get having an entire holiday named after it.  Then I started thinking I could totally use this to my advantage!  What better way to lure in prey with sweets?  Sure it’s a bit cliche’ but with my innocent looks and angelic voice, they’ll never see it coming!  Of course with something like this I’ll need an accomplice.  I have so many special helpers lol!  I invited a few neighbors and encouraged them to bring their families.  I do like variety after all.  My deadly sweet treats looked like something fresh out of a Rob Zombie movie.  I told them I was just getting an early start on Halloween but the silence in the room could be cut with a knife.  Oh well, the jig is up, giggles.  Now it’s time for total annihilation.  We rounded them up like cattle to the slaughter.  I let my special helper have some fun with the Moms and young ones while I got everything prepared in the basement.  One by one they screamed and begged, pleading for their lives.  I just giggled at them telling them in my sweet little voice not to worry, they would get their just desserts. 

School is in session

2 girl call phone sexAria and I went back to school, not to learn or anything, we went there to kill. Just picture it, a whole classroom filled with tiny victims all of them watching in horror as we killed their teacher, hot as fuck right? Believe me it was! We didn’t stop with the teacher either, one by one every single brat in that room was killed and killed slowly. We had so much fun! All those little brats screaming in agony, all that blood glistening, the sound of their tiny bones breaking one by one It was paradise! Aria had one of the little whores bent over the desk while she shoved a chair leg up her ass and I swear it was the funniest thing I have ever seen! She didn’t even break the leg off the chair first and when it wouldn’t go in far enough, she just laid the bitch on the floor and sat on the fucking chair! It was awesome! We were so tired by the end, it takes a lot of work to kill so many at once but damn it was fun!

Ten Little Piggies

Taboo phone sexTen little piggies went out to die;
One was choked then there were nine.

Nine little piggies were tortured until it was very late;
One was stabbed to death and then there were eight.

Eight little piggies walking to the oven;
One was roasted inside and then there were seven.

Seven little piggies getting beat with sticks;
One was chopped in half and then there were six.

Six little piggies getting stabbed with knives;
Stabbed one in the heart and then there were five.

Five little piggies trying to call the law,
Until I broke a neck and then there were four.

Four little piggies all covered in pee;
One was drowned and then there were three.

Three little piggies living in my Zoo;
One was shot for sport and then there were two.

Two little piggies outside in the sun;
One got strung up and then there was one.

One little piggy left all alone;
He was ripped to pieces and then there were none.

Delightful Nigger Meat

Jezabel22Me and my friend Mr.M went out to a local disco club. While we are in there dancing and having a few drinks he asks me if I see that little nigger whore across the club. He said he believes niggers do not deserve to be on this fucking earth so they should just be eaten. He said that would be a very tasty meal. That fucking nigger whore was dancing around and showing off her ass and titties, she had so many drinks in her that anyone could do whatever they wanted to the stupid bitch. He walked over to the nasty bitch and offered her money of course the fucking nigger whore was not going to turn down the money he said that’s all these bitches are good for. NOTHING! He walked with her to the car and he opened the door for her as she started to get in the car he punched the fucking slut right in her head and she fell over in his arms. I walked over and pushed the cunt into the back seat and began hog tying the nigger bitch. He said that is the way all them fucking cunts should remain. When we got home he carried her in and laid her on the couch. We carried her to the bathroom and put her in the tub to wash all the filth the bitch had on her. She slowly started waking as we were washing her off. She started screaming so Mr.M put the rope back in her mouth and told her to shut up. As, he finished washing her and shaving all her hair off her body. I told her that she was going to be the main dish for us tonight. She asked him why and he told her that nigger meat is so delightful. After she was washed we carried her to the kitchen folded her up and put her in the pan. I took a few spices out to give her a better taste, as he stuffed her mouth with a apple so we wouldn’t have to hear the little whore whine. After placing her into the over for a few hours. Mr.M took her out and sliced her up with the carving knife. We had delightful nigger meat with our wine. Now, we will have enough dinner for at least a few weeks. Next we are going to try a hispanic they can be awfully tasty as well.


Jane Doe on the menu

Pandora 5Occasionally, I will receive corpses that have no identification or that no one would want to claim which is known as a “Jane Doe”. They are known as discarded bodies that no one will miss or notice. With knowing that knowledge, I like to make use of the unwanted remains. Depending on how they died and how freshly dead they are, I like to through dinner party gathering for a small group or selective friends. The other day Bianca approached me about having dinner with me. I accepted her offer and told her I would provide the food as long as she brings the alcohol for our dinner date. I had a freshly dead teen girl that came in this morning and that was found hanging over the side of the bridge completely naked. So it was obvious that she had not ID on her. Since she was found shortly after she killed herself, her body was very fresh and succulent looking for me and my dinner companion. So I cleaned her entire body and rubbed her down with some extra virgin olive oil. Then I stuffed her mouth and pussy packed tightly with vegetables and various seasonings. To make sure that nothing falls out while cooking, I took a needle and thread to sew both openings shut to preserve the savoring flavor. Then into the over she goes to cook until a golden brown. By the time she will be fully cooked, Bianca should be here so we can feast upon our tasty Jane Doe dish. Bon’ Appetit!

dinner pic

Home invasion phone sex with Storm

Home invasion phone sexHome invasion phone sex is what it is all about! Sometimes I can’t find what I want from just walking around. No amount of hunting and prepping is gonna hand me a sweet little thing to easily take. But there is always the hard way! I have no problem breaking into some whore’s house. I actually prefer it. They get so much more scared when it’s their own home. Yanking them out of their own bed brinks an extra thrill. Hell.. fucking with them in their own bed is hot. Cutting them.. Raping them. In the area they thought was the safest! And just Yanking that safety blanket away. If I let them They would never be able to sleep again. Never feel safe in their own house or skin. I love it! But lets face.. They probably wont live anyway. But sometimes… I like letting them get away. I like knowing that I will haunt them forever! And they will never get away from that.

Evil Video Games


My parents would never let me play the video games except for the ones that my brother wanted to play and normally that would be the Dark Knight. While, watching and playing the game with him I became infatuated with The Joker. The scene where him and a few other guys went in and robbed the bank and then shot all of them is where I got my next demented idea.

A few days after watching the movie, and played the video game for hours. I went and called my friends Natasha and  Storm to come over and we all had a few drinks I told them about my twisted idea of doing what The Joker did on the video game. The next morning we all got ready and walked into the bank and put our guns up in their faces and told them to get down as Storm tied them up one by one and made them sit up against the wall. They were all crying and screaming, they pushed the panic button thinking that I wanted the fucking money.

They just had no idea how twisted and demented I was feeling at that very moment. We each took a gun and took turns shooting them in the head one by one until all these beautiful dead bodies just lay in front of us. As we started to walk away Natasha said that she could not resist the urge to not at least take one of them with us. Just one would be enough for us to eat for weeks. Watch out The Joker may get in your mind next!

Home invasion phone sex

gunThey were all asleep when we broke in, all cozy in their beds, unaware that pure evil had infiltrated their peaceful home. One by one we rounded them up until they were all down in the living room all tied up and unable to move or speak. That’s when the real fun began, we started with the smallest little brat, poor thing was terrified and crying, she had no idea what was going on. My friend pulled out his cock and told the bitch to suck it, she shook her head and tried to resist but he was firm and down her throat his cock went whether she liked it or not. Turns out she didn’t like it much at all! But who gives a fuck what that stupid whore likes? Not me that’s for sure. I decided to have a little fun with the older brat while my friend was occupied with her sister, I made her open her daddy’s pants and suck his cock. She didn’t want to and he was trying to protest around the gag in his mouth but I think he liked it cus his dick was rock hard in seconds. We made that family do all kinds of filthy things to each other before we snuffed their worthless lives out and then we fucked all night in the room where there bodies were…

Submit Yourself

Don’t fight it anymore. Surrender to those twisted thoughts and desires. You can’t imagine the release when you embrace the blackness, when you finally savor the forbidden fruit. But you won’t have to face those demons alone. We’ll commit our acts of senseless violence together. We’ll crack the skulls of the innocent and watch the blood cascade in gory streams. I’ll guide you on your journey into the morose and the macabre. I know what it’s like to have these perverted thoughts and no outlet to relieve the pressure and the hate that’s been building inside of you for years ready to leash forth unbridled fury on the masses!. You may be tough and hard for these other fucks in the world, but I know how vulnerable you truly are. Reveal to me the soft flesh of your underbelly. Let me penetrate your soul and your psyche with the sick ideas that reel through your mind. They don’t have to torment you any longer. You will do the tormenting from now on. Follow me into the dark.

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