Category: Medical fetish phone sex

Freak show human doll creation

Violent phone sex

My accomplice devised this wicked scenario and asked me to join in the fun. We kidnapped a young girl and took her to a special surgical underworld. The doctors cosmetically altered her to make her look wonderfully freakish at our command.

We had her breasts enlarged to the size of cantaloupes on her small body; then, we relocated her nipples so that they were not centered. One was even hanging off the side of her massive breast! Then, my partner had her teeth removed so that her mouth was entirely gums; I requested that she have bones reconstructed to keep her mouth open at all times. Her face would be in the shape of a constant “O” like a fish. We both agreed this would be attractive for men who wanted blowjobs. And, we made sure that her limbs were broken and reconstructed to not match in length.

We debated about creating malformed penises out of her clit, but I persuaded my partner to be patient; I had a gift that I wanted to give him later where this was concerned. We added concrete to her buttocks to make her look absolutely ridiculous. All the while, we were taunting her, reminding her, “This is all of your fault. You will never be like the pretty girls.” We mocked her as she stayed relatively conscious with little to no pain medication.
When it was complete, we walked her around on a leash. We took her to porn stores, where we paraded her and kept her in the back room for guys to fuck unmercifully. And, they did: they fucked her holes raw until they were just pieces of meat. Then, we would make her lick up all of the cum on the sticky, filthy floor. And, her open mouth was a perfect urinal.

But, the real fun was just about to begin!

Jagged Little Pill

There’s nothing like hydrocodone ground up beneath the heel of my dirty boot. Go ahead, lean down and sniff that shit. Don’t be a pussy. Snort it up. Get that powder deep up in that nasal cavity. Smell that? Yeah baby. LOL!  You wanna get high as the fucking sky? That’s the best time to conduct a kill. Every time you take a deep breath, feel yourself riding the euphoric wave of life on its way to the end. I’m going to make you keep at it until you fucking die. That’s right you stupid asshole. I know my stash was raided last night. You left your grubby fingerprints all over the crime scene. *KICK* Right in the fucking spleen. I hope it bursts and you’re cursed with a million ways to suffer. Burn in Hell. Did I tell you to stop? No. Keep snorting. That’s right. Take it in nice and long. Haha! 🙂 Get that sniffing little nose and keep on going. No one steals Alice’s drugs. If you want to fuck with me, you’re going to have to take a whopping for it. You were snatching for my pills, so now you’re getting them. Aren’t I sweet? Yes Siree. Now keep sniffing like the little drug stealing dog you are. BITCH. My fucking drug bitch. Snort faster! Go. Go. Go. Fucking go faster. Uh oh. That can’t be right. You’ve stopped breathing . . . I leaned over, looked in your pocket, and your I.D. says Dr. Steven. Ummmm? Well, that’s weird. I guess I did a few too many pills myself last night. Looks like I got the wrong guy. Sigh. More work for me. Oh well. That was just a warm up. Think of it this way: there’s so much more time to plan my revenge fun for the real fucker outta luck 🙂 The more the merrier. Lol!

Anus Mundi

Torture Phone Sex

There you are.  Do not be nervous.  I know you are used to your other home care nurse, but she fell unexpectedly…ill.  No I am not with the service, I am a friend of your care provider.  You just lay back and relax.  I just need to take off my coat and get situated.  You may notice the way I am dressed.  I know it may be a little bit overboard, but I think it creates a certain aura.  It helps set the mood so I can do the necessary work I need to do.

I was informed of your Heritage.  I found it very interesting to say the least.  I was wondering if anyone in your family may have found themselves in a camp during World War II?  Perhaps working there? I did some research on your name and I was astonished to find that you had some very close relatives that wore a certain uniform whilst working at these places.  Does my Uniform maybe remind you of those relatives? It does? You are ashamed of them? I see. What is that they say? Guilty by association? Sins of the Fathers?

Excuse Me while I get the necessary instruments out.  You and I are going to reminisce about the old times.  Now if  you will just lift your arm up just a tad, I can place these restraints on your lower arms.  Now onto your legs. There, all snug as a bastard in a rug.  Open your mouth for me so that I can place this bit in your mouth.  Believe me when I tell you, you will want something to bite down on. 

Where should we begin? I am thinking the eyes.  A nice sharp hit upon the end of a chisel with a hammer right on the outside of your orbital socket should do the trick.  Then perhaps onto the hands.  You do not really need ten fully functioning phalanges now do you? The possibilities are endless, and so is the amount of fun I am going to have.  Welcome to your own Anus Mundi. 

Evil phone sex

Sweet Little Pussy Lips

torture phonesex angieCastration is such a wonderfully fun procedure. I love it when I can use a dull, rusty blade and make pain so much more intense. I love when the wound gets infected and my newly castrated patient becomes weak with fever which is always followed by them becoming delirious. If course when most people think of castration,the instantly think of males. However I do not discriminate when it comes to administering pain to my victims and I am just as happy castrating young pussy as well. And today I have some sweet young bald pussy lips to remove. Slowly and carefully. No anesthesia is necessary. A nice sterile sharp scalpel is not required. All I need is this sweet young victim, tied to my table. Legs spread wide open with her eyes wide and full of fear. This nice dull knife that has so much rust on it you can’t tell it was ever silver. And this yearning deep in my pussy to draw blood and cause pain. My cunt tingles as I grab that pussy lip and pull it, placing the blade on the top part, pushing the blade into the skin the first drop of blood and the scream flow forth together and my cunt contracts in anticipation of the orgasm that will surely come. torture phonesex casteration

Mutalation Madness

torture phonesex karmaI love digging through the dumpster at the hospital. You find all kinds of interesting things. Yesterday I found an annal speculum. Today I am going to find someone to use it on in both the medical sense of the word and the sadistic one. I tried all day and couldn’t find one single mark so I guess it is back to the old standby. I saw a beautiful big German Shepard in someones yard. He barked like a mad man till I got up to him with some raw meat. A little bit of fight and it is all gone for food. He followed me all the way home. All the way to his doom. It has been a long time since I mutilated an animal and my cunt was on fire! I love it when I start and their animal instinct kicks in, when they try to bite and fight to survive, hearing them yelp and whine, spurs me on. The first hing I had to do was use my new toy, shoving it up his ass and spreading it wide open as far as it could go. The howls of pain were music to my ears! Then I poured hot wax inside him and the cries became yelps. By the end of my torture he was mutilated beyond recognition. The fun part was taking him back and dumping him in his yard watching from the bushes as his family found him. I had another great orgasm watching them cry over his mutilated corpse!torture phonesex mutilation

Castration Phone sex with a Sadistic Mortician

Taboo phone sex Pandora 2You came to me deep in the darkness of night on your knees. Looking at you, I felt no sympathy by the way you were groveling before me. You contacted me before about this obsession you have and how I am the only one that can satisfy your taboo desire. This time it was different and after much consideration, I have made my own decision. However, I don’t give a fuck about the reasoning upon why you want me to preform this procedure, nor do I care to hear it. So with that being said, you may get undressed and lay down on my operating table.

Now I am going to restrain you down so that you can’t move at all during the operation. But I am not using rope to keep you still. No, that won’t do at all. I feel that the best way to keep you still, is by using barbwire. At least it will give you more of a motivation to stay idle during the procedure. Look at it this way, if you move or jerk around, you will be the one cutting yourself with the barbwire. Also I think using a sharp metallic restraints will not  take away from the entire experience. So yes … I promise you that you will be in blood shattering pain. Now let’s go ahead and start the surgery.

With your testicles in my hands, I am feeling how firm they are from this excitement but I would like a better look at them. I grabbed my sharp scalpel and pressed in the tip point downward on the top part of your scrotum and at the base of your penis. Now look at that. You couldn’t stay still and cut yourself against the barbwire. This is definitely going to be a very long castration procedure, isn’t it?! (wickedly evil laugh)  

A Bloody Lesson


torture phonesex karmaMy whole body is alive with excitement. Electricity running through ever fiber of my being. He wants me to help him harvest body parts to sell. A way to torture and get paid for it. Tonight is a lesson for me. He picked a pretty little thing that lives alone. Here we stand by her bed. she is tied down and gagged and the surgical tools that will be mine are on the bedside table. While he is preparing to get started I look around the room and the closet door is opened. I see rows and rows of beautiful and obviously expensive heels. I can’t help but silently admiring them, even though I would never wear them. torture phonesex hands2He asks me if I am ready and I can feel myself cumming in my pants with anticipation as I shake my head yes. He lifts the scalpel and her eyes get wide as he lowers it to her exposed body. I watch as the scalpel eases into her skin and the milky white turns a crimson red. Her screams are muffled by the gag in her mouth and I can see that she is about to pass out. He spreads her skin open and takes a bigger scalpel to cut through the meaty flesh. Pulling out the first organ he carefully shows me exactly what to do.Then he examines it and shows me that this one is no good. He points out the flaws and tells me why it would not be able to be distributed. I look at the heels and I go get a pair of nice spiked ones, turning them over I take the defective organ and skewer it through the heel, placing it on display. I am going to create little trophies with any organ that we are unable to sell. I can’t wait for him to pull the next one out! torture phonesex hands1

Life before I was a mortician

Taboo phone sex Pandora 1When I was going through medical school to become the skilled and secretly wicked mortician that I am, I had a roommate right down the road from campus. This roommate was a guy who was pursuing his M.D. to become a doctor in various medical fields. Shortly after we became roommates, I noticed that he had the same lustful desires for cadavers as I do. However, we had a difficult time finding fresh dead corpses to have at our disposal which lead us to the dark adventures that were to come. We came up with a plan to go down town to where the strip of bars and night clubs were all at. There we began hunting for the right specimen to take away in the late night for medical experiments and nasty sexual fulfillment. The perfect candidate would be a beautiful, young drunk girl who had way too much to drink. Usually we would find this drunk girl passed out from drinking in an ally way or violently vomiting into the brushes which is clearly obvious that she is on her way to blacking out near by for us to take her away. Oh I do miss those college days with my old roommate.

Medical Advances in Cock and Ball Torture

I know someone who loves to have his cock and balls brutally abused.  I had good fun with the motherfucker the other day!  I recently ordered an examination table, online (with stirrups), used for gynecological exams.  Since this fucker loves pain, I performed the procedure without anesthesia (HAHAHA)!  I laid my guinea pig on the table and put his feet in the stirrups-just like a bitch, getting ready to give birth.  This fucker gave birth to pain (HAHAHA)!  I put on my goggles-grabbed my cigarette lighter and began to burn off the motherfucker’s pubic hairs (I always told the bitch to shave)!  He screamed, cursed, and cried as he smelled the scent of his burning hair and flesh.  Next, I wrapped barbed wire around his balls-cutting into the flesh.  There was so much blood from the cuts made by the wire into his ball sack, that I used it as lubrication for my fingers as I finger fucked his asshole with 1-2-3-4-then 5 fingers….eventually forcing my fist inside of his ass, as I tightened the barbed wire around his testicles-yanked his dick shaft, and flicked the lighter on the head of his cock.  I cooked the meat until it turned brown (HAHAHA).  All the while, the motherfucker screamed at the top of his lungs and tried to get off of the table (but he was strapped down and couldn’t escape)!  Before now, the fucker said he loved CBT!!!!!  Next, I took a pair of scissors and repeatedly stabbed his shaft and stopped once the final thrust ripped though the flesh of his shaft.  I left the long scissor in his cock and told him to look at it, as he screamed his head off.  He began to perspire-uncontrollably and I put the heat of the lighter against the scissor blade that was sticking through his cock, and let it get scolding hot until it cooked his dick-from the inside out! (HAHAHA).  Don’t ask for CBT if you can’t handle it!!!!


Collection of Scissors

tool picThere are so many medical instruments I could use to dissect my victims whether they are dead or alive but one of my favorite choices is scissors. I believe scissors are much more personal than a knife or even a sharp scalpel. When using scissors, you get to feel every bit of flesh material slicing with each and every snip. The terror in the victim’s eye just sends chills throughout my entire body from the feeling of the continuous cutting. I can cut into the flesh precisely so that it looks more like a work of art than some deviant act. Like cutting up paper dolls, it looks like the shape I desire them to be. Perhaps it looks extreme when I completely snip off eyelids, nipples, and even the stupid bitch’s clitoris. Who gives a fuck when you are having fun with a sharp pair of scissors in your hands. However, that is all so trivial when in comparison to cutting them open so you can slice their heart out. Hmm, I wonder who will be the next one for me to cut up?