Where have I been, you may be asking yourselves. Well I don’t have to answer to you motherfuckers! I went to a concert in Mobile, Alabama and got fucking turned around because the goddamn toll both stiffed me a dollar twenty-six. Are you fucking shitting me?! That stupid ass bitch stole from Bianca. So I was all enraged and ready to twist a neck off when I realized I was going the wrong way. The hell? Turns out I was in some redneck dive called Pascagoula. I crossed the state lines . . . I know what you’re thinking, so shut your damn trap. It’s an evil, sick ass place. Just because it’s bumfuck Mississippi doesn’t mean they’re gonna hand you sweet tea in a mason jar or some shit like that. Fuck that! It’s a wild ass neighborhood. Most of the citizens consider the day wasted if they haven’t violated a goat by noon. It’s sickeningly dark there. One wrong turn, and you’ll wind up in the trunk of a Cadillac, never to be seen or heard from again. So of course I took this opportunity to explore. I headed straight for the Brass Monkey. It might as well be called The Drunk Asshole Bar, because the company was wicked! When I was leaving, I spotted a guy trying to break into my car. Not. fucking. okay. I reached for the crowbar I keep in my purse and bashed him in the fucking head. He grunted and fell to the cement. I just kept beating and smashing the metal bar into his skull until it exploded with red goo and I kicked him aside, slid into my vehicle, and drove away. Byebye Mississippi. I don’t have to fear any thing or any place. You fuckers fear ME.
Category: Evil phone sex
I have big round tits that bitches had always been jealous about. I try not to showboat or draw attention to myself but last night I got punished for someone looking at me. My master let his nigger whore come with him and pick one thing from the store to enjoy. I was so excited when I saw an outfit laid out on my cot. Night after night he made me stay in the basement for beatings and to suck his cock whenever he wanted it. I was so grateful he stopped beating me two days prior so all my bumps and bruises went down. They were barely noticeable to me but when I walked into the store all eyes were on me. Though my tits were about to burst out of the shirt master said I could still come. Master had me in a pretty red shirt and black skirt that obviously drew the attention of multiple men. The more they looked the harder he would squeeze my hand. By the time we passed aisle three we had already turned around and went back to the car. Master smacked me right across the face. “You love that type of attention don’t you? Stupid black bitch” I was in such shock I just held my cheek and let the tears roll down. He pulled me out the car and up the driveway by my hair. When we got in, he threw me down the stairs and watched me lay there. I thought the worst had happened but when he came downstairs he had a switchblade in his hand. I tried to run but he yanked me by my hair again and with one swift motion cut it all off. Then he threw me on the ground and ripped my shirt off. I was trying to fight but he just kept punching and cutting me. He sliced away at my black tits exposing the white meat. He forced me to lift my skirt so he could shove his cock inside of me as well. He was defacing my body in so many ways I wanted to just black out. “This is what happens to arrogant niggers like you bitch” he grunted as he trashed my cunt and breast at the same time. To top off the humiliation, when he was done with me he shot his load all over my open wounds, my face, and my now butchered hair. He left me there covered in cum and in a pool of my own blood.
The sound of my switchblade
Have you ever heard the sound of a switchblade knife open? It is a very distinct sound. When I am hunting, they always hear it. I make sure of it. It is a necessary sound. As is the sound of their throat as I cut it.
She was breathless from the chase, ah my old familiar hunting grounds. So many deciding factors in her fear. The dark, the confusion, her scrambling to run so fast as she falls and tries to get up. She is already bloody and dirty by the time I subdue her. And as always, I catch my prey. It is pay up time.
She hides as best she can, but I can smell her fear, like a bloodhound their scent always leads me to them. I think its the mixture of adrenaline and sweat, mixed with whatever stale and sickly soaps and perfumes these cunts always wear. That is how I can find them easily, they are so predictable.
As I approach my prey, it is deathly silent. And in the quiet dark all you can hear…is my switchblade.
Alice with an ‘A’
‘A’ is for Alice. ‘A’ is for awesome…and it also stands for asshole. That’s right. I’ve been ass fucking lately. I find it’s best to do without any lube. Not on me, of course. I prefer to watch a little one get reamed while I chomp on some popcorn from a safe vantage point nearby. It makes me laugh so hard when their itty bitty eyes get wide in fear and they whimper and shriek in pain. It makes my wet pussy hole get nice and turned on, too. I always want to fuck a stiff dick after watching a tiny, precious little munchkin get used and abused by a big, strong adult. Haha. I guess I have a weird sense of humor, but don’t try to lie to me, baby. You like it, too, now don’t you.
Bringing The Pain Just For You
Of course I love to fuck, that’s obvious. I use my body to manipulate and control and it’s never failed me yet. But, the main thing that gets my pussy dripping wet and aching is having a brainless, worthless little piece of flesh to use and torture to my heart’s content.
And even then, it’s not just that, it’s the entire deviant, twisted process is what really gets my sweet juices flowing. Together we spy just the right innocent little one to stalk, capture, fuck and torture as long and as we can until we finally use them up to our satisfaction and dispose of the lifeless creature.
And the best part of it is when we’ve finally have used up the pathetic tiny whore, we can simply rid ourselves of it and when we’re ready and the time is right we can find a brand new fresh sweet angel to defile. We’ll take them to depths of such horror and pain it makes the intensity of it almost like a drug and we lose ourselves in the dark erotic sensations.
The part that is so ironic is that the fucking stupid cunt actually looks to me for mercy and compassion just because I sound so sweet and can get those mindless little fucks to trust me wholeheartedly. Oh, but the look in their eyes when I tell them in my sweetest little voice that we’re going to do the most unspeakable, painful and wicked things to their unused bodies is priceless.
Mommy and Daddy don’t give a shit about them, I say and were so relieved when you and I took the tiny twat off their hands. You see, to me fucking with their minds is just as satisfying as fucking with their little cunts. Sometimes we can get so carried away, we just fuck each other right on top of the sniveling and traumatized doomed little thing.
I’m always so impressed with all the effort and imagination we use when thinking of ways to disfigure and carve up the tasty treat. When it’s all said and done, I love nothing more than to lie back and savor every deliciously gory and bloody detail with you and fantasize about just how far we can take it the next time…
I Want You to Force Me to Watch
Snuff is an addiction. You are my fucking drug. I need you to take my life blood. I need you to crave me, and be hungry to taste my soft flesh. I want to feel the sharpness of your blade cutting into my tits. Cut out bite size pieces and we can eat them together. Make me devour myself for you. Feed me my own nipples and feed me my own clit. Slice them off and make me chew them up and swallow them.
Take me to the edge of death by draining my blood out of my pussy. Take your spiked leather glove and fist my pussy. Punch the spikes up through my vagina and into my uterus, slicing and destroying my uterus. Make me the worthless piece of shit I am. Keep thrusting your fist with the spikes deeper and deeper, until I can feel the spikes stinging the back of my throat. Your whole arm is inside me, blood everywhere, and your spiked fist sits in my chest ready to punch itself free.
Slice my eyelids off so that I have to watch. Then curl your arm so that your spiked fist comes straight out between my tits and tears me open in a shower of blood and screams. Then as my staring eyes start to fade, tell me I am your dirty little fucking whore. I need that to be the last thing I hear.
Belly of the Beast
It was time for the annual meeting of freaks; and, when I say “freaks,” I mean people who jack-off to the idea of being devoured. My personal problem with it is that it’s all a theatrical production; no one is really eaten. Why can’t they just commit to being eaten by a cannibal. Anyway, this year’s theme was “In the belly of the snake.” A gigantic snake was created and the attendees were going to be able to be swallowed and digested by the monster; and, better yet, the attendees were supposed to dress as biblical figures. Now, this is the type of irony that I could appreciate.
I waited until mid-morning and set out to the studio; the crowd wouldn’t form yet until afternoon. But, there were a few stragglers; and all I had to do was wait for the perfect opportunity. They presented themselves fairly quickly: they were a young college couple. But, they were dressed as Jesus and Mary Magdalene; and, well, that was just too sweet to resist.
The admissions clerk took their money and then sat squarely behind a garbage can to finish smoking his rock. I snuck in easily; I had placed a couple of cameras in the large constructed snake and I could track their every move. Laughter and awe gave away to eroticism as they began to make their way down the intestines. By the time I reached them, they were mutually masturbating underneath their clothes and yelling, “Eat me. Yeah, monster, eat our deliciously sinful bodies.” I almost laughed.
When I approached, I slid a blade quickly into the male and I told the female that he had, indeed, been eaten. Thinking that I was part of the production, she cried out to be eaten, too. She remained docile but excited as I tied her with rope and gave her some bullshit about being constricted in the snake’s belly. Then, she noticed that her companion hadn’t moved and there was a little bit of blood leaking beneath him. She began to scream; and I was a little glad that she was finally recognizing her dire situation.
I slit her belly open, carving out a large portion of flesh from her breasts to her torso. She bled out fairly quickly, but not before she saw me hack into her friend and place his decapitated head inside of her. And, as a last touch, I chopped off his cock and put it in her mouth. I staged them for the next visitors and pitied myself that I hadn’t brought some kind of manger and doll with me; but, I was proud of my work and took a quick photo.
Swallow Me Alive
When I was a younger girl, I would sit on my daddy’s lap and watch movies like Jaws and Anaconda. I belonged to my daddy. He owned me. Instead of reading me books like Goodnight Moon, we would watch torture porn and horror movies. I would get aroused watching Jaws swallow men whole. When Anaconda came out, I would masturbate furiously to it. Something so arousing about the idea of being eaten alive, actually swallowed hole and forced to live inside someone or some thing’s body. My daddy told me I was the not the only one with vore fantasies. He had often jacked off to the thought of swallowing his baby girl alive. That image has been spank material for me for years. First, I want to be out in the wild, hunted like prey by a ravenous mutant snake. I’m scared and hiding, but its keen senses and stealth hunting tactics prove to be out of my skill league. It finds me, and paralyzes me with its toxic saliva. I can’t move, can’t scream. I’m totally helpless. It’s huge mouth opens up and this mutant snake devours me inch by inch, swallowing me whole while my daddy watches and masturbates like the sick fuck he is. I’m sliding slowly into the belly of the beast. Unable to see or move, alone with my thoughts; forced to be inside his belly for years before he digests me or regurgitates my remains. The thought of languishing a slow death inside the belly of a beast soaks my pretty pink cunt.
I have a master who finds the thought of devouring me hot. He doesn’t want to eat me, just swallow me in my entirety. We role play this often. He kneels behind me, with his mouth open wide and my ass goes in his mouth first until he can fold my body like lawn chair and swallow me whole. Of course, as he devours me, his cock is rock hard and he has to stroke it as he feels his belly expanding from having consumed another living human being.
I’m no vanilla girl. I have no desire to be your phone GFE. I want to be your sick, twisted taboo phone sex whore. What wicked, morbid fantasies do you have in mind for us? Would you like to devour me perhaps?
Approaching Storm
Urban legend has it she comes when you are sleeping. You don’t suspect it but while you’re cozy and snug in your bed you’re awaiting your death. The one catch is, she comes when she feels like it. This once loophole makes people walk on egg shells hoping she doesn’t see something in you that pisses her off. Legend has it her father was the one who turned her into this sick torture freak. When her daddy pierced her nipples instead of crying and begging for mercy, she begged for more. When he branded her, instead of trying to run, she became his whore. Supposedly, he taught her by example on how to be cruel and heartless. Now, she is a pro on how to drag out the hurt and cum from any type of pain. I never believed in urban legends but this one sends chills up my spine. Being a black pain slut I’d love to see what Storm had in store for me. Pain is always painful but it always makes my pussy drip too. Looking back on your past couple weeks, should you be preparing for the approaching Storm?
The Devils Tramping Ground
Some say it’s an Urban Legend, others swear it is the real deal. Either way I am about to find out for myself. I am on my way to North Carolina and a little place called The Devils Tramping Ground. I have read all about it and it is perfect for a camping vacation. So I am packing up my camping gear and headed out to a little patch of woods in a forest close to Bennett, North Carolina. Where there is a 40 foot circle of land that is barren. Nothing grows there at all. It is said that animal carcasses are found all around the out side of the circle and have been sacrificed to the Devil. It is also said that if something is put inside the circle, the next day it is found outside the circle. But the reason I am going is that it is said that if you dare spend the night within the circle, you will see the Devil as he patrols and protects his plot of land. That men who have stayed the night there have been committed to mental institutions, unable to live with the terror of what they have seen in the dark of the night with in the circle. It drives sane men mad with insanity. It is the perfect vacation for me and my evil cunt is dripping with desire to be there and spend not one night but the whole weekend camping right there in the middle of that circle with the devil himself in all his dark and evil glory! As for the fear of being driven mad…..well loves, I am already very much insane and I like it that way!