Category: Evil phone sex

Decapitated and Loving It

taboo phone sex stephanie

The air is damp and I can smell mud as I wake up. My vision is blurry and my throat is dry as paper. I try to cry out, but I can’t even make a sound. My lungs feel like they are on fire and with each exhale it seems shards of glass are tearing inside my chest. I look up, dazed, and its you. The man I kept seeing everywhere. The man who stared a little too long. I never should have smiled. I never should have indulged your perverted stare. But I did, and now I knew I had made the ultimate mistake.

You are staring down at my body, and I know I am naked because I can feel the wet air licking my nipples. Where are we? The light is dark green, and it appears you have blood on your mouth, but it appears black. I am certain my nose is broken, I cannot get any air through it and I can feel the sticky crushed wounds on my face.  You tell me how beautiful I used to be, and how you are going to make sure I am never beautiful again.

Your accent tells me you are not from here. A sophisticated monster. Well mannered and controlled. You laugh at me and tell me that it will end for me tonight. Here, with you. You tell me a story of the French, and I lull in and out of conciousness trying to listen. Trying to understand. You tell me that you’re going to chop off my head and that I will still be alive to watch as you fuck my writing body. I don’t want to believe you, but you promise me that it will happen.

You pull a machete out of the fire, its blade glowing red from the heat of the coals. You pull my head up by my hair and look me in the eyes. With one swift motion you slice off my head. The sound resonates in my ears, so loud, and then total silence. But somehow I can still see you. I am at a different angle and can see my own decapitated body flopping on the steel table. You grab my body as it spasms, still holding my head by my hair, and shove your cock deep inside my pussy. I can’t believe what my concious mind is allowing me to watch. You look in my eyes as you fuck my wet hole. I can’t feel anything, I can only watch my body jerk with pleasure as blood pours out of my neck.

My vision starts to fade and slowly everything fades, the last thing I can see is you fucking what is left of me… my eyes glaze over.. and I am finally gone

The Devil Inside

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Welcome to my hell.  You are the devil himself and I am here to service you with my blood, my life, my soul. I would never question you my darling keeper. I am lucky to have been chosen, and I will continue to be your blood hungry slave for eternity. The scratches down my back and across my breasts let all the other slaves know that I have been marked by you. I am the prey you have been seeking and will devour tonight.

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You turn to me and I see the blackness where your eyes should be. I shiver all the way to my bones, and I crave the evil inside your cock juices that only you possess. There is no affection on your face, only pure hatred and darkness. Your desires to eat me bit by bit race through your head as I stare longingly at you, just waiting for you to strike. You bring your claw up to my face, slide your razor sharp claw into my mouth. I go weak with anticipation. Without mercy, you rip my face from mouth to ear. My cheek flaps down, exposing my teeth from the outside.

You slit the other side the same way. My lower jaw is exposed. My white teeth barely visible in all the blood. You grab my head, my exposed jaw hanging helpless, and shove your monster cock into my destroyed mouth. The cock of Satan in my mouth, fucking my throat, as you laugh and send chills through every slave watching. I am so very glad I was a very bad girl and found my way to you, Lucifer. You take my life, and are able to restore it, only to take it again. Fuck my soul, I am yours… That already belonged to you. I want to be your demon slut for eternity.

Hogs for a Hog

Bloody phone sex

Yes, I am a nasty bitch; so don’t think that I’m out to “right wrongs” after you read this.  It just happened; and, I still got the same thrill (okay, maybe more) from the blood and pain that I always do.  There’s a fraternity about a mile away from me; and, on one of my nightly strolls, I saw that it was lit up and loud.  That in itself was not unusual; however, I was curious at all the representations of hogs.  There were plastic hogs stuck in the ground, drawn hogs on banners, and even a mascot at the door.  It wasn’t until I watched who entered that I finally understood: the frat boys were bringing fat chicks back for a dance.  I bet they were competing for who could snag the biggest “hog.”  My malicious mind was already in overdrive.

I returned home for a couple of tools and had a few glasses of wine, enjoying myself…even laughing at my own wit.  I decided to walk back to the fraternity house; after all, I knew the stupid fuckers were incapable of holding their liquor all night.  This time, there were little paper scales littering the yard along with empty bottles and ribbons.  I almost snickered as I entered the house, looking at the stupid boys who had presented themselves to me.  Some were passed out in their own vomit; and, I thought about how they had mocked their dates for being vulnerable!

It was quite easy.  I doused them with a little extra chloroform; after all, they would bleed more because they had drunk so much.  Then, I took my scalpel and got to work.  First, I split the delicate skin of their penises; then, I peeled it back.  I chopped off their dicks, experimenting with scissors and bolt cutters.  The smell of blood finally started overpowering the smell of beer and piss.  After I had taken what had previously been their sausages, I hung them up over the mantle…where pictures of their dates had previously been.  I lined the chucks of flesh in order from largest to smallest.  I figured a few of the boys would live; and, when they saw it, they’d get a kick out of it!

The next day, I waited impatiently by my computer for news.  At first, people were saying that it was a serial killer who couldn’t stomach finishing the job; then, some people blamed feminists.  I don’t consider myself any kind of feminist; but, I will tell you…that shit was fun!

Bloody phone sex

Bloody Phone sex with Blair: Be Careful What You Eat

bloody phone sex torture pain slutMy Master thinks I am getting too fat. He hid all the food and is trying to starve me to death. He keeps me  under lock and key in the house. Well today, I couldn’t take it any more as the pain from hunger was just unbearable.  I ransacked the house for anything I could find. And under my Master’s bed I found a case of baby food. I was starving. I opened a bottle and starting emptying it into my mouth. But wait, it was crunchy and within minutes I started bleeding. WTF? There was ground up glass in the jar. I was eating glass. Did Master know it was there and this was a test? Or was it some fluke, some manufacturing flaw? I got scared and I was in pain; but I had to clean up the mess I made and try to make things look like I wasn’t there or Master would be very angry.

My lips and tongue were cut but I stopped the bleeding and thought Master would not know. But he knew the moment he came home I had been a bad girl and slapped me hard across the face. He then grabbed my hair and pulled me hard out to the garage. He put my chains on  and began yelling at me. I had failed his test. He knew I was a weak bitch who could not be trusted so he put glass in the baby food jars and hid them. If a weak bitch, I’d get my comeuppance. I tried to apologize, beg for another chance to be a good slave. Too late, he began spoon feeding me the food with crushed glass. Master made me chew the glass and swallow it. Blood was spurting out my mouth. I kept crying and pleading but he just kept spoon feeding me crushed glass and strained peas. I could taste the blood from my cut tongue, cut lips, cut throat, cut esophagus… I was making gurgling sounds there was so much blood.

 Master was smiling as more blood poured out my mouth. He just kept saying eat up bitch. If you are so hungry, then eat up. I even vomited up bile and blood and he just laughed. He said you think this hurts bitch, wait till you shit it out tomorrow. I had not thought of that. The glass would shred my ass and my intestines. I’d rather starve to death slowly and painfully than to die like this. I will never eat without permission again Master.

bloody phone sex eat glass


Torture phone sex Fun

torture phonesex angieI have been feeling particularly twisted lately and my latest taste of torturous fun is very interesting. It has been keeping my pussy nice and wet for days now. I have lost count of how many victims I have played with over the last few days. I have body parts every where and each time I look at them and remember the screams, the agonizing pain, it makes me cum all over again. What diabolical, evil means of torture have I been implementing you ask? I will tell you….I have been grabbing unsuspecting and random people. I haven’t been particular about age or sex. The only requirement has been that they are alive and lucid. I created a machine in my basement that is crude but does the trick. It has two pieces of wood that are connected to heavy springs. I pull them down and latch them in place. Then I place my victim on them binding their ankles and wrists to the wood. When I pull the lever the spring create a great force, pulling the wood up and apart and ripping the bodies in half. The screams are deafening but brief however they are blood curdling and enough to make me flood my panties with cum. It is the purest erotic sensation ever and I am loving every minute of it. torture phonesex torture

Rape phone sex fantasies Alice ~ do the dirty

I am not a law abiding citizen of America. I say this fully intending to disclose a little secret I’ve been keepin’ about my true self. Maybe I’m not a picture perfect version of the United States’ sweetheart, but I can make you cum harder then anyone has every made you orgasm in your life.

That’s because I know what you really want. The stuff you’re way too scared to tell your wife or girlfriend. The dirty, nasty, sickeningly dark and violating aspects of human life. You want to mess up a slut and fuck your way through an entire all girls Catholic school, don’t you?

Well, I can help you with that. See, I have a thing for babysitting little ones myself. I can get in undetected and let you in through the front door without a hint of suspicion from the neighbors. When we have those young little babies all to ourselves, that’s when the fun begins. You try to keep your hands to yourself, but those pigtails and cute little diapers are too much for you to resist. It’s okay . . . bite into those miniature asses. I won’t tell a soul. That’s because I’m just as twisted as you are, baby . . . even more.

Torture Phone Sex with Cassandra: Payback with a Cattle Prod

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I have always been a subby bitch to men; however, when it comes to women I can be a switch hitter. When I was younger, I thought most girls were beneath me. I mean I am a tall beautiful goddess with huge tits. I could steal any man I wanted. In fact, in college, I often did.  Not because I wanted the man necessarily, but just because I could. There was this one girl whose boyfriends I regularly stole because she was a fat mean cunt and didn’t deserve handsome men anyway.  I saw her recently at the mall and I didn’t recognize her at all as she had lost so much weight and was actually kind of hot. She of course recognized me. We buried the hatchet and she invited me out for drinks. I met her, and I thought all was well, until I woke up in her basement tied to some table spread eagle with a baseball bat up my ass. She was fucking torturing my ass and when I started to scream and plead why, she simply said, “Because I can.” I begged for mercy for my ass. But she kept shoving bigger things inside me. My ass was being shredded. I could feel splinters in my ass. She pulled the bat out and it was covered in blood and shit and she shoved it down my throat and said, “Clean it up whore.” Then I glanced over and I say a medical tray filled with devices and one looked like a cattle prod. I pleaded again, but she didn’t care that I was a changed woman. She was hell bent on her revenge. A cattle prod would electrocute my ass, and may damn well kill me. She looked at me with an evil grin and said, “Cattle prods are hugs with oomph.” She then rammed that thing up my already destroyed ass. The rest is a blur.torture phone sex cattle prod big tits

Drown Me in Taboo Phone Sex

taboo phone sex taylor

I’m laying in the tub thinking of you and the first time you tried to drown me. I want to feel the air taken from my lungs.  I fought you with all my strength, but I couldn’t win. Your large hands around my throat and pushing my head under the water. That look in your eyes – I thought for sure I was going to die. And yet, I have never wanted you more than at that moment.  You let me gasp for air while you fingered me and made me cum even though I was terrified.

My adrenaline pumped for 20 minutes as you drown me, and brought me back over and over.  I swallowed water and then your cock as you climbed in the water on top of me.  Choking on your giant cock and watching as you revelled in scaring me. You straddled my face and shoved your cock in my throat so hard it held me under the water. You loved feeling me choke, and you loved waiting til I stopped fighting to bring me back to the surface. I begged you for my life, and secretly I never wanted it to end.

I lay here now wanting nothing more than you to visit me again tonight. I will wait for you in my tub. I will wait for your strong hands, huge cock and evil eyes.

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Rape Phone Sex Fantasies Snuff Night

Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your knife will cut me deeply.  I woke up in a fog and I don’t know what day it is or whether its day or night.  I’ve been locked underground for so long and had so many blackouts that I can no longer keep track. I look down and your name is carved across my abdomen. The blood has clotted and it looks so beautiful. I run my hand across your name, feeling the thick blood scabs, and whisper it to myself.

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I realize at that moment I can barely speak, my throat is raw from you fucking it and my tongue is swollen from your beatings.  But you treat me exactly how I deserve to be treated. You are the only one who knows how to control my sexual desires. I reach down further to where my pussy used to be. Now between my legs is just a mangled mess of flesh and loose skin and blood. My clitoris is gone, and I know that you have it. It has always belonged to you.

I try to listen for you, wondering where you are and why I am here all alone. But my ears are ringing in my head. You’ve no doubt cracked my skull. I can feel my heart beating weakly inside my chest. I ache to see you one last time. I count my breaths and hold onto life waiting to worship you.

rape phone sex fantasies stephanie

Then you’re there.  Standing over me. That gorgeous smile, teeth covered in blood, glaring down at me. The tip of your blade glistens in the air above my face. A single tear runs down my face because I got to see you one last time. Now it is time to take what is yours. My life, my blood, my pain.

Blair Meets the Puppetmaster

sadistic phone sex torture whore

Help me. I have been kidnapped by a deranged doll maker. I have been held captive for days , while he conducts evil, painful experiments on me. He has deprived me of food and water.  And, I am constantly in some form of suspension like a life size marionette doll. In fact, he told me I was doll like and he wanted to use me to create the perfect life size marionette. What the fuck? Those dolls are creepy. Always in horror movies, taunting people, scaring brats. Who does this guy think he is? The Dr. Frankenstein of dolls? I tried to beg and plead with him, but he keeps shocking me and stringing me up from the ceiling. He said next he was gonna cut my limbs and sew string through them and even slice my mouth open like the Joker to give me the authentic look of a marionette doll. He is gonna dismember and torture me so he can have his own personal creepy ass doll. Who is he, The Puppetmaster?  This sick, evil, sadistic mother fucker is enjoying my pain, my screams, my starvation. He says I’m just a stupid, worthless cunt and no one will miss me.  He says all girls should be seen but never heard and that is why we make the perfect dolls. You don’t agree with him , do you? Please someone help me.  Anyone. I will be a good girl; I will be quiet. You can do whatever you want to me, just let me live and get me the fuck out of this house of horrors.