Category: Evil phone sex

One for The Money

There’s this skank I know who doesn’t understand how to keep her piehole shut. She’s been causing a lot of shit to hit the fan running that mouth of hers, so I decided to use it for something useful–making me money. How many dicks can you fit down the throat hole of an annoying little twat? Mmmm, baby, let’s find out.

I’ll get the scissors and we can cut a nice, neat little slit right across that little bitch’s tummy. Everyone loves a nice pussy hole, asshole, and of course a tight, wet pink throat hole–but I’ve got a bigger plan. How would you like to whip that rock hard cock right out of those pants, baby . . . take it in your hand and grasp that boner while it twitches. Feel the heat radiating off of it in droves and picture pumping it in and out of this stupid fuckcunt. 

I’ll sell this whore out and get her nice and used up, so by the time I’m ready to snuff her out, she’s made me mounds of cash. It won’t be hard to get her to the area where she’ll spend the next weeks of her life as a living cumdoll. I’ll just sprinkle a ‘lil something-something in her drink to keep her nice and compliant while she’s fucked up and creamed in. Such a stupid cunt . . . she’ll regret crossing me, that’s for sure. I’m gonna mess that bitch the fuck up.

Evil Phone Sex With A New Friend

evil phonesex angieI just met the most wicked, twisted and evil man ever. My nipples are hard as rocks and cum is dripping down the inside of my thighs at an alarming rate. I can’t stop the fire burning in my veins and the arousal that he has stirred inside me. I spent the afternoon learning of his glorious torture methods and his wicked ways. I have never met anyone that has a larger body part collection then I do. He loves breasts. He has every size, shape and color. All floating in jars of formaldehyde. Dancing gracefully in the liquid when I picked them up to get a closer look. Then he took me to his latest victim. A beautiful young thing with long blonde hair. He showed me the hook that he inserts into the base of the spine, paralyzing his girls so they can’t run, but can still feel every minute of his torture. Like me he loves hearing them cry and beg and taking them to the disconnect state when they have that glassy look in their eyes.He showed me how he loves to mutilate the breast and examine the breast tissue inside and how he loves the feel of his cock inside the breast fucking it and feeling the warm soft tissue. I like his style of titty fucking for sure! He showed me how he has learned to remove the whole vagina, uterus and all, in tact to keep for ever. I could have stayed there for ever just watching all his methods. But alas a body can only take so much before it expires and needs to be replaced.

Piss Angel

Sadistic Phone Sex Reagan

He used to bring me such happiness, as most boyfriends do. Not many things other than hunting bring me joy. And I have known him all my life. He was my last reminder of the lighter side of life. I actually enjoyed life when I was with him. But that was over now. I was foolish to think I could stand in darkness and light, I had to end it. I must eliminate my enemy.

I watch from across the street, sitting silently in a bed of rotting flowers that are waiting patiently for the morning sun. The sky is a dark gray, clouds have sealed off the earth from god’s eyes. Streetlights.. one by one flicker and die. I smile to myself as I watch silently into his window.. his silhouette is joined by another, slowly pissing me off that they continue to breathe. I look over at my bag, inside are the tools I will need to bring this night to a close. Bolt cutters, splashed with congealed blood and bits of bone, perfect for removing digits. My switchblade, small and sharp, perfect for silencing voices. And tonight I will use my gun, each bullet with his name on it… carved carefully.

I decided what I wanted just then. To stand over both of them, and watch them. Breathless, bloodied.. eye sockets dry and empty. Mouth agape, tongue swollen.. scratches and chunks out of the skin. Seeing your silent screams paused in the sky. So beautiful, like a bird flying in circles. I want to reach out and take it.. put your scream in my pocket covered in blood. It will be a meal for later. I am hungry to end it, and end it now.

I started to sing to myself

I see you headless with me caressing your neck
My personal nightfall
An eclipse of the sunflowers
I feel so invisible
So unknown
A coffin of dust
An illegible tombstone
They finally buried the gravedigger in the sky
I just need to shower in your amber and bathe in your earth

**Song cited : Piss Angel by Pig Destroyer**

Sadistic Phone Sex Reagan

Cannibalism Phone Sex with Cassandra: A Real Bloody Mary

cannabalism phone sex torture bloodyCannibalism phone sex is a real fetish. And it is a lifestyle for some. Some people just have a special appetite, require a unique diet. One of my Master’s has such an appetite. Today, while I was in his dungeon being tortured, he had a pretty young thing that he had kidnapped for his wife. Master made me watch as he snuffed her out. She laid there on a cold slab, tied down, begging for her life. Master enjoyed watching her beg and plead for survival. Then, with no warning, he slit her throat and watched with joy as the blood gushed out of her neck, bringing her to her death. Master’s wife, drank her blood as it ran from her neck. I was watching in horror, afraid I would be next. I was fleshier than that waif of a girl, and could imagine my body would provide more sustenance for him and his wife.

But this was not about nourishment; it was about teaching me. Teaching me to enjoy flesh. Master dissected that young girl like a butcher cuts up a cow for parts. Master was meticulous in how he filleted her flesh. He made me watch every horrifying cut. He carved her flesh off her bones and put it in a big bowling pot. Flesh stew he called it. Then, the most awful thing I have ever witnessed befell my eyes. He cut out all her organs: heart, brain, kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs… He threw them in a blender and hit puree, making an internal organ smoothie, which he claimed was oh so yummy. He made stew with her flesh and smoothies with her organs. I was mortified and scared.cannibalism phone sex big tits milf

Master poured that  bloody concoction into a big glass, and even put a straw and a stalk of celery in it like it was a fucking Bloody Mary. I thought he and his wife were gonna drink it, but it was meant for me. Master wanted me to taste creamed organs as he called it; not only a delicacy but supposedly a very iron and nutrient rich drink. Master’s wife, who was covered in blood and munching on chunks of flesh, took the ball gag out of my mouth, while he held my head back and forced my mouth open. His wife poured that bloody smoothie down my throat and so I couldn’t spit it out, she put the ball gag back in my mouth. I felt  guilty. Not guilty because I was alive and she wasn’t. Not guilty because I was now a cannibal like Master and his wife. But guilty because I liked it.

Victim Turned into Evil Phone Sex Accomplice

evil phone sex

Daddy doesn’t take too kindly to disrespect. The other day daddy found out two of his most trusted soldiers were skimming money off the top of his operations. He kept quiet about it but voiced his frustrations on me and to me when we had alone time. He would fuck me roughly, slapping me in the face and yelling about how much of a dirty bitch I was. After he was finish abusing me he let me stay in his bed, something very unusual for me. He would then say how loyalty is hard to come by and he couldn’t believe he was betrayed like that. He asked my opinion on  what to do and being the distraught locked up victim I am I just told him what I would do if I ever had the chance to seek revenge on my sorry excuse of a husband. 

I would beat him senseless, taking all my anger out on his face, and body leaving his dick and balls for last. I would  give him that drug where you can’t move a muscle but you can still feel everything. Then cut his precious manhood off. Not only would I do that but I would put them in a blender with cut up glass and maybe a finger and some toes. Make him watch me blend together a sweet smoothie for him to drink. And since daddy has two dishonest soldiers well, more smoothies for the both of them.

evil phone sex blender

Daddy appreciated my evil mind. I even assisted him in making these smoothies for his victims to drink. After they drank it, he gang raped them until they both were near death. I sat there and looked at them and vowed never to be disloyal. Even when the beatings are unbearable, This slave is here to stay. 

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies with Venus

murder phone sex fantasies goth teenI have a confession to make. There are a lot of folks out there that annoy the fuck out of me. I have no tolerance for stupidly, even less for self entitled misogynistic pricks. A few months ago,  I met this dude who runs a tattoo and piercing place in his apartment.  I was looking to get my nipples pierced.  Turns out he had some penthouse type apartment  with a huge balcony and wonderful view of the city. Nicer than any place I had been in. I paid him for the nipple rings, then I took my top down and got ready to be pierced.  He said he needed to strap me down so I didn’t wiggle and loose a nipple. I figured it sounded logical. He was professional up until he pierced me. As soon as that stud went through my left nipple, he pulled out his cock and started jacking all over me.  I was strapped to that table. I was calling him every name in the book. He got on top of me as if he was gonna penetrate me. But, he underestimated my desire to control my body and what is done to it. I said, come up closer, let me suck your dick. Tried to tell him he didn’t have to force himself on the willing. Instructed him to feel my cunt if he had any doubts. He didn’t know that my pussy was wet because I was about to hurt him deadly.

He straddled my face and put his worthless pecker in my mouth. I mean a real man doesn’t have to force a woman. I bit that sucker clean off too. Blood was spurting everywhere. I was covered in blood. Yummy, sticky, sweet tasting blood. He curled up on the floor in fetal position and screamed in pain. Took me a few minutes to finagle the knife outta my pocket and cut that strap freeing myself, but I did. I am not without my resources. I leaped off that table, spit his limp dick in his face and kicked him in his balls. I then took my knife slashed him a few times.  I sat back, covered in his blood and masturbated as he laid there moaning and crying like a pussy.

He didn’t deserve to live. You can’t violate a woman and think you can get away with it. He was crying like a baby on his floor, begging for mercy, offering to pay me whatever I wanted. I wanted his life, nothing more, nothing less. Self entitled prick thought he could buy my mercy, buy my silence. But how to snuff him out? I could just stab him a few more times and let him bleed out like the worthless pig he is or I could push his sorry ass off his balcony. I went with option B. I dragged him to the balcony, forced him up on his feet and pushed him over the railing. Took almost no strength as he was little snippet of a man weak from bleeding. Very troll like. He landed in a garbage bin. How perfect was that? He would be taken out with the trash, like the garbage he was. Not a person in site either. It was fate.  I had his DNA all over me. I could claim self defense if I had too. I could hear it now, “Yes officer,  he tied me down and sexually assaulted me and when I broke free he tried to kill me. I was just defending myself, so I grabbed a knife and just slashed frantically to keep him away from me. I guess we ended up on the balcony and he fell over. I had no choice, he was gonna kill me.”  Of course they would believe me. If they ever found him, his loss of manhood could be attributed to the fall or rats. They would never find his worthless cock anyway because I took it as a souvenir. A reminder that no man would ever assault me again.

Turns out though, no one missed his worthless ass. I am sure I was not the first woman he forced himself on, but I was certainly gonna be the last. Hell, I’ll castrate you if you want. Felt good to go all Loreena Bobbitt on a piece of human trash. If you don’t know how to use it properly, you shouldn’t have it anyway.

murder phone sex fantasies sadistic torture

Killer Phone Sex Slut Ivy

killer phone sex ivyIt all happened so fast. Dave called me over when his wife left, as usual. He bitched about her and how she didn’t want to give him any pussy and blah blah blah. I told him he should just let me snuff the uppity bitch. Her pussy can always be replaced. Of course he loved the idea but was too chicken to go through with it. We went along with our night, Dave said wifey shouldn’t be coming home until late, which gave me a brilliant idea. I slipped something in Dave’s drink for the night. It would leave him awake long enough for me to fuck him real good and make it seem like the sex knocked him out. 

After he was out for the night, I grabbed his phone and text his wife that she needed to come home. I knew it would take a few hours but like I expected she arrived around 2am. I greeted her and told her not to worry. I put it on you so good you were knocked out and she shouldn’t bother you. Of course she was livid but no one is as evil as I can be so her anger was happy thoughts to me. She met me upstairs and tried to put her finger in my face and called me all kinds of bitches and sluts and whores. I laughed. Maybe if you were fucking Dave like his personal slut or whore then you wouldn’t have to worry about other bitches creeping in your marriage. Dumb Bitches… 

She charged towards me but it was already to late, somehow she tripped and fell over the balcony.. hahaha yea we will stick to that story. 

killer phone sex ivy 2

And well Dave couldn’t call the police. How would he explain he was having an affair. It would have looked like a set up right? We basically made her disappear…. my specialty. After a long day we went home and I fucked him until he was knocked out all over again. This time without the drugs. 

I’M INto CHoking your life And RaidinG your pEace of mind

Wanna know what gets me wet? Seeing the fingerprint imprints my hands make as I’m squeezing the breath out of your slimy throat. I like watching the abrasive red splotches darken to deep purple bruises as a result of my handiwork. It takes serious skill to stop the convulsing long enough to get a good knee kick into the underside of a fucking guy’s chin. An elbow across the forehead will split apart the skin . . . and as the blood is pouring out of the slash in his head, I’m doing an uppercut with my fist connecting all the pieces. It brings a smile to my face every time I see it. Maybe someday I’ll be a good little girl and pray before dinner, but for now, if you’re gonna fuck with me, be prepared to fear it…

Home Invasion Phone Sex * Brother and Sister

Home Invasion Phone Sex Reagan

Next to hunting down victims, the best thrill is being a good accomplice. But even better is when my partner in crime plays a victim too. They don’t want to be known as an evil doer, and that gives me so much more room to play. This time it was a very dirty man who wanted to fuck his sister. He had always wanted her, but was so Home Invasion Phone Sex Reagan much older than her. It had to look like I was going to force him to fuck her. I waited till the evening and when I saw them inside alone, I entered the house through the back door. I did not even bother to hide who I was, since there would be no witnesses after tonight.

Of course the stupid slut screamed, I was expecting that.. so I sucker punched and knocked her out. Her brother tied her up good and tight and when she awoke I had a gun to his head a knife to her throat and I told her to open wide. Brother marked his territory alright, and she choked it down through tears. I did not even have to say a word, brother told her he was being forced to violate her or I would kill them both. I just laughed. What a lying sack of shit, right?

He had his way with her, fucked every hole while she cried like a dumb bitch. It was fun to watch cause I knew this would not be a happy ending. After I grew tired of her cries and his grunts of carnal lust at the expense of his sister, I shot them both. And since I did not touch a thing. I just wiped my prints off the gun and put it in his hands. Another murder suicide. One of my best staged scenes.

Distruction Is A Great Cover

snuff phonesex karmaI will never forget the urge to go to Mississippi after hurricane Katrina hit. Seeing all the destruction on tv made my cunt yearn to be there. So I packed a bag and hit the road. The destruction didn’t disappoint me. Buildings everywhere reduced to rubble, the wood no more then match sticks. The flooded streets had bloated bodies floating face down. The smell of death was in the air. It made me feel alive. And what better time to go on a killing spree? Fuck so many people were dead and missing that this was the perfect cover and I took full advantage of it. I wasn’t picky, I killed anything I saw that was still alive be it human or animal. Blood covered my hands for weeks while I wondered around. No one noticed, no one paid attention. People were to self absorbed in their pain and suffering. Pain and suffering that served to keep my cunt hotter then hell. It was two weeks of sensory over load for my wicked ass. All the pain all the suffering all the death and the ability to kill at will in any way I wanted to. Knowing that I was leaving and that the body count was so fucking high anyway, the cops and national guard worried about looting and providing shelter, food and water to survivors that they wouldn’t even be thinking about looking for me. I was in and out of town in a flash. It was the best vacation I have ever taken. The first of many visits I have made since to disaster zones to get my fill of blood. snuff phonesex disaster