Category: Evil phone sex
Bad romance
Mrs. Patterson hates my guts. I am a terrible influence on her baby boy. Showing him the ropes to snuff sex.The moment she saw her bright boy was dating a she devil she lost her mind. Mrs. P did everything under the sun to break her son and me up. Stupid bitch doesn’t understand the power I have on these men. I am living god. I can do what I want and please. I have been told I can make a man commit murder. 😉 If you are asking have I done so in the past? Well, Honey, I plead the fifth. My mother in law was not liking me one bit; I could see her desperation to bring cookie cutter girls around my boyfriend. I had about enough of her shit. So what her goody too shoe son is now into hardcore rap and rock and roll and is indulging in plenty of fun fuck sessions There is nothing she can do to separate us. I think I proved that point when I made her delicate angel beat her to a bloody pulp. The fun didn’t end there we brought in some friends to have there way with Mrs. Patterson. I guess you can say we have a bad romance. Being good is overrated anyways we have blasphemy sex and cause havoc. Call us Bonnie and Clyde
Blasphemy Sex Is The Best Fucking Time
The best thing about blasphemy sex is that I can get out all of my aggressions about the catholic church and make the congregation my bitch. I love nothing more than outing these damned hypocrites and the best way is fucking blackmail their asses and exploit them with their dicks out. I love the idea of taking a few brats from their Bible studies and lure them away with the devils candy. I want a nice barely legal piece of ass to play with and maybe her little brother also. I found my duo and next is the jerkoff christian, holier than thou hypocrite from hell. Fuck this is good. I lured him with my damsel in distress and need a good man to come over and keep my torrid mind at ease. Oh please read to me from your bible because you know whores like me need saving. *evil laughter*
He is at my place and with his trusty book, but bitch this fucking book is no tool against me, I am Satan’s whore and accomplice and you are nothing but a fucking tool. I get the girl and boy brought out by my big black buddy and these two are naked. The oh so holy wannabe started getting a raging wood at the site. I forced the girl over to him and to undo his pants take his dick out and start sucking it. I film this shit as he nearly cums in her mouth before I pulled her off of him and slice his pecker right off with my hatchet. The boy starts crying and the girl is in near hysterics and that is fine I let my buddy have the sweet cuny of this little brat as he loves a youngone in distress it makes him really mean. He took her like a raging animal in heat and pounded her snatch into a bloody pulp all while he strangled the bitch. Once done with her we took her brother that has been watching it all and I had his little puny peepee in my mouth and sucking it off before I decided to bite down on that sweet meat and bite it right off.
As the three bleed out in a basin beneath, because I will thoroughly enjoy the Bathory bath of blood when I am done with them, but first, my buddy was promised a chance to fuck this white girl cunt and he deserved it well.
New Slave for Us
It took some convincing master, but I finally got the slut that you asked for. I’ve spent the last 2 weeks making her feel comfortable around so that we can turn her into fucked up little plaything. This morning I told her I wanted to go with me to a party I heard about. It didn’t take much for that dumb bitch to fall into my trap. I followed your instructions just like you said, master. Bring her by building and wait for you to grab her. So now that the cunt is in the next room, what should we do with her master? I want to hear her scream as you whip her bloody. I want her face to turn blue while we choke the shit out of her. If I’m a good fucking slave do I still get to have her make me cum once before we throw her away? You said this time I’d get to have fun too.
Don’t start something you can’t finish
Sadistic phone sex is best with a slut that deserves getting strangled and muliated. My mom brings over her boyfriends, and I always seduce them this time I messed with the wrong man. I was teasing him so much he lost it on me. I gave him a lap dance and he was beginning to reach under my skirt. I pushed him away and went about my buisness. In the bath I went to rub one out. Well mommy’s new fling had another plan. I was grabbed and dragged out of the tub. I was given a beating I would always remember. The rage in his eyes was like nothing I ever seen. Don’t start something you cant finish little whore. Slap after slap I was recieving a brutal attack till I was drenched in blood. Once I was all bloody and screaming in agony thats when he fucked my cunt an ass. The bloodier I got the more excited he was. I was his slave for the night.
I Love Blasphemy Phone Sex
He made me his blasphemy phone sex partner. He is a Satanist and I am a survivalist. When he kidnapped me, I just wanted to live. We broke into a church and desecrated it the vilest manner. Confession. It felt good. What has God ever done for me? I should worship Satan. He would be on my side; he would look out for me. God has turned his eyes every time I have been ass fucked or gang banged until I passed out form pain. I masturbated my dirty cunt with crosses. We pissed in the baptismal tub. We shit in the pews and wiped our asses with Bible pages as we hailed Satan. We talked about the depraved things we would do to the congregation if one was present. He would force his cock into the tiniest of holes on the littlest members of the church. I would stab the cunts of the pious God worshiping bitches with crosses that had been up my ass as I made them recite Satanic verses. He would carve pentagrams in the flesh of the men. We would sacrifice lambs and goats and make the congregation drink the blood. In the end, we would burn down the church with the mutilated congregation inside as we hailed the dark lord our master for life. I was wrong. Blasphemy sex is fucking hot. Hail Satan.
My dad punished me by bringing in a guy with the biggest cock I’ve ever seen to stretch my tight little pussy and ass. He locked me in a room with him and he forced himself onto me. My panties were ripped from my body and his hard cock was forced into my pussy. I felt my cunt being ripped and stretched as he plowed in and out of me. Once he had destroyed my pussy, he moved onto my ass. I screamed and begged him to let me go, but he just punched me in the face and told me to shut up. I felt two teeth knocked loose and my mouth filling with blood. I finally gave up on fighting back and he continued fucking my ass until it was bloody and ruined and filled with his cum.
Dead Lay
Fuck me it’s all I can think about right now I want you to be really mean to me I would like for you to get vicious even. Have you ever imagined or fantasized about slicing a dead body while fucking it at the same time? Have you ever thought about being a necrophilia lover? I can give you what you want I can set the right environment and circumstances for you to fulfill all of your bloody gore filled salacious disgusting fantasies. I’ve got a group of friends who bring over those hot unfortunate skanks who didn’t make it in the streets. My friends sliced them up so they can bleed for you well you penetrate their lifeless bodies. I can have it set up to where you get to watch yourself as a memento if you will fucking a cold hard dead skank tramp whore. For instance, I know a girl she’s been missing for only 2 weeks now, and she is a really hot spicy piece of tramp trash. She’s still warm and breathing, but that can all change if you want it to. It can be arranged for you to have that fresh hot wet pussy brought to you lifeless and still warm. Let me make your nightmares come true all of the sexual desires that everybody tells you to ignore. Let me make you the happiest Boogeyman ever. I want to watch you take advantage of a nice, recently deceased piece of young pussy. I like to videotape and sell those tapes overseas to very high-paying perverts that love Gore. I want to make sure that you are entirely pleased but only for the right price.
Predators just seem to be able to sniff me out, like a cat hunting a mouse. I’ve always been a victim. Years ago when I was a lot younger, I was walking home from school when a man took me. I guess he saw a cute little redhead walking alone and he just couldn’t help himself. He pulled me into his car and drove me to his house. He duct taped my mouth and tied my ankles and wrists. He held a knife to my throat and told me if I screamed he would carve out my jugular. He took the tape off my mouth just so he could jam his cock into it and fuck my throat until I vomited on myself. He forced himself into my virgin pussy and fucked me until I was bleeding. I could feel his hard cock ripping apart my hymen. When he was done with me, he warned me not to tell anyone or he would come back for me. He dumped me out onto the road in front of my house the next day and drove off. Sometimes I would see his car parked outside of my house at night and I knew he wanted me to see him, he wanted me to know he was watching me. I never told anyone for fear he would make good on his word about coming back to take me out. I still look over my shoulder when I’m walking alone. I’m just waiting for the day I see his car slowly driving down the road, coming to get me and drag me back into his basement to abuse all of my holes and hold a knife to my throat. Will he let me go again when he comes back for me? Or will he finally snuff me out for good?
Snuff sex for dumb bitches
I swear bitches are just to easy nowadays! I straight up told this dumb bitch that I wanted her to come over for snuff sex, I told her we would be making a gory scary movie and she would be the star and she didn’t even hesitate. Even when I told her that she would die in this movie she was still down, I guess she thought it would just be fake but she was very wrong. It started out like a regular porn, she was getting fucked by two well hung men. She was sandwiched between them with a cock in each fuck hole when they started to get rough with her. They were fucking her real hard and slapping her around and she decided that she had enough. She was begging us to stop but I made them keep it up and get even rougher with her. It all ended with her being fucked to death and let me tell you, it was hot as fuck!