Category: Cheap phone sex

Pain Bitch!



Accomplice phone sexI love to torment bitches. I mean really drag out their pain. I like to make my prey suffer. Hardcore Pain Whore! That is exactly what I am. I love that first scream. The smell of fear that drips off your body. I love to show you the instruments I am going to use to punish you. My fist cuts will be shallow. Just to scare the bitch. Next will be deeper. To really get the blood flowing. I love the crimson flow of fresh blood. I love the feel of it on my fingers. And the smell of it on your body. And then the work out. The punching and pulling. The turning that beautifully bloody body into a purple and blue piece of art work. The grunts and groans of the sprit breaking. And the crunch of bones shattering! Mmmmm I try to drag it out as long as possible. My pussy gets so wet with every hit. I can feel the cum dripping down my legs. And I never want it to end. But eventually my prey just gives up. Stops screaming and stops fighting. Then it isn’t as much fun. I might as well kill the bitch if she is no longer entertaining. The last thing she will ever hear is me telling that Bitch to die!

Bend Over Bitch

Torture phone sexI know you know her. That Bitch that you dated once. You know the one. She made you feel like shit. She treated you like she was better than you. Like she was better than everyone. I know how that Bitch made you feel. Even if you don’t want to admit it. You want her to pay! You want to put that stuck up Bitch in her place. And I know just how to do it. Something she will never forget. Something she will never get over. I am going to snatch that fucking whore. I am going to strip her naked. Of course I will let you watch. I know you want to hear her beg and plead for her life. Then I am going to sing her a little tune. In my sweetest little voice “Roses are Red… Violets are twisted… Bend over Bitch… You are about to get Fisted!” I wait for my words to sink in. And then I shove my fist right up her tight Bitch ASS! I can’t wait to tell you everything we are going to do to her… How much she is gonna suffer! and we can decide if she dies or just wish she did.

Nasty Fucker

Castration phone sexI have that feeling. That urge that has been creeping up on me. I have learned to enjoy the urge. I start the hunt for the perfect prey. What type of mood am I in today? bitch… Cunt… What do I want to do? I have so many choices today. The fucking little cunt down the street who was throwing rocks at my dog. Or… How about the little bastard show knocked over my mail box last week…mmmmmm No I know. I caught that guy… That fucked up guy down the block looking into my windows. That guy who slinks around the neighborhood peeking and watching all the girls. I would be doing my civic duty. He is perfect! I find the fuck wad. It wasn’t hard. He was at the playground watching the brats. I tell him I need his help. I will pay him. He comes with me willingly. I take him to the house… I told him there were some box’s in the basement. When he went down stairs I hit him over the dead with a weight. He went down hard. When he woke up I had him tied tight to a poll. I explained he was a blight on the community. A waste of our air. I was gonna make him pay for his sins. I picked up a spoon and popped his eyes right out of his head. They were just dangling on bloody cords from his eye socket. I put a little battery acid on a plate and dipped his eyes in the acid. He was screaming! It is the last time he tries to peek at shit he shouldn’t. I noticed this sick fuck was getting hard at the pain! And I am NOT doing this for his fucking amusement. So I pick up my blade and start slowly sawing off his hard cock And balls. After I free them from him I slip them in his mouth and tape them firmly in place. Let him chock to death on his own cock. Nasty fucker deserves that. I don’t have much time before he bleeds out or chokes to death. so I use my time wisely. I cut him up really good. Getting out all my frustrations. I feel much better now.

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies With Jezabel

rape phone sex fantasies

A old friend of mine came over today for a visit. He said that he hadn’t seen me in such a long time and wanted to visit. I was fine with that I was very happy to see him. We talked for a very long time about everything when we were younger. After a few hours I told him that I had some things to do and he needed to leave we could see one another in a few days or something. I was walking him to the door when I felt him grab my hair and push me down on the floor pulling my pants to the side and trying to force his cock inside of me. We fought for a few minutes and then I told him baby if you want to fuck let me show you a real good time. We walked upstairs together and we both took off our clothes. I told him to lay on his stomach that I wanted to give him a massage. I took my handcuffs and cuffed him to the bed and tied his feet to the bed posts. He kept asking me what the hell I was doing as I walked out of the room. I came back with a huge ten inch dildo. I went over and grabbed him by the fucking hair and made the little bitch gag on it while I crammed it deep into his throat. When it was soaking wet by his spit and vomit. I took it over and spread his fucking ass apart and with no hesitation and stuffed it in his fucking ass pounding him with it while he screamed begging me to stop. I told him you were going to violate me now you will be violated and you will not be able to sit for fucking days.

Breaking And Entering

Violent phone sexOne late night while I am sleeping in my bed I hear a door creak. I wake up and grab my gun that I keep beside my bed for my protection. I walk towards the living room when I notice someone walking up the stairs. I step back so they can not see me. They walk up and turn the other way to walk into the living room. I walk up and bash them in the back of their fucking head. They fall to the ground holding their head begging me to not shoot him. I throw a telephone wire at him and tell him to tie his own feet up or I will shoot him right now. He tells me he will do whatever I tell him. Please just do not shoot him. I rip the other phone cord out of the wall and tie his arms up. I told the stupid mother fucker he broke into the wrong damn house. I do not just let someone come in and violate me or my home,or I will fucking violate them. I untied the phone cord wrapped around his legs and tied each of his legs to the legs on my couch. I grabbed my baseball bat and some lotion from my bedroom. I came back and rubbed the lotion all over the bat and then spread the fuckers ass cheeks apart and crammed the fucking thing up his ass. Ripping his asshole apart as he screamed and begged for me not to do it anymore. I just kept shoving it into his ass he needed to be violated to understand the way that I felt. When I was done with him I took his wallet for his address and information, put the gun to his head untied him and told him if he told anyone I would fucking blow the heads off him and his whole family. No one fucking does breaking and entering here.

Camping Trip


I am going on a camping trip next week it is something I have wanted to do for awhile. I am so fucking excited. Last time I went on a camping trip I got me some prey to play with and eat. I roasted till they were medium well and swallowed them all up! Today I am going to get all my supplies. Some wire,guns, and a axe. Oh and do not forget the matches.That is all I need to tie the little bitches up,chop them up and of course I need the gun in case one of my little prey’s friends decide they want to try and stop me from catching my dinner. It is not very often that you get catch a camp full of little ones. I over heard my little neighbor girl tell all her little girl scout friend they are going camping next week. There will be plenty of meat to bring home for the winter. Perfect timing for next hunting season. 

cannibalism phone sex


School is back in session

Accomplice phone sexBack to school.. Means back to pay day for me. I love to offer up my new “friends” to my older dirtier “friends”. I make sure the new meat knows that I can make or break their time in school. Then.. I invite them to a “some fun” They always show up. Steve was a good customer and I wanted him to get the first crack at her. She was fresh. I brushed passed her last year when she was still in JV. At the time I thought she was cute but not what I was looking for. Well she had a very good summer! Steve wanted the “innocent” girl and she was it with a little extra now. “She doesn’t know why she is here Steve, so I suggest you start slowly” I said. He handed me the thick envelope and smiled. “Sure, I’ll start slow” he said laughing. I can hear her scream as he rips her clothes off. She should be thankful. There are a few men who won’t be as “gentle” as Steve is being. He will rape her for a few hours then let her go. The others would keep her for much longer. But she will learn about them later. I have a very busy year planned for her! She is my bitch now. I own her. And she better not forget it… or everyone will know what a dirty whore she really is!




rape phone sex fantasiesI wanted to go out tonight. School is about to start and I wanted a night of partying before I have to go back. But instead mom said I had to babysit for my cousin. I hate that little spoiled BITCH! She argues over everything. And is such a fucking liar! Every word out of her mouth is fucking venomous. And tonight she was even worse! So I did what I had to do. I put a little something in her drink. Just enough to make her loopy. Then I began to beat the shit out of the little bitch. Punched her in the pussy. Took a brush and shoved it up her ass. I needed places her mommy wouldn’t see in the bath. I was having some fun but it wasn’t enough. That little Bitch needs to PAY. So I call over some of my play partners. And I watched as they shoved there dicks in both her holes. As she cried out in pain. They pumped and pounded her like a little rag doll. She was bouncing in between them. And they forced they huge cocks deep in her. And then they both cried out and came so deep inside her! She will be feel that for weeks. I threw the little slut in a bath and then put her to bed. It wasn’t the night I wanted… but it sure was fun!

Karma is a bitch!

snuff phone sexKarma is a Bitch and so am I. I’m done with people pissing me off! I take shit all day long from complete strangers. Cashiers and waiters. Throwing all kinds of SHITTY attitudes. Being bullies or punks. And I am just the wrong Bitch to mess me. So I am going to start teaching all these cock suckers some fucking manners. Like today. I go to the mall and wait for a space.. This little old lady is taking for ever to move her car. But.. I have to pick up a present for my grandmother and this is the only place to get it. So I wait. After she leaves a little fucking BMW Z3 whips into the spot I was pulling into! So blonde Bitch gets out ON her phone and walks by me smiling. I find another spot and when I am walking by her car puncture all 4 of her tires and then carve CUNT on the side of her door. I go into the store feeling better… Until that fucking perfume sales girl asks if I want to try on some stinky shit. I said NO very loudly and she sprayed me anyhow. When I looked at her she smiled and said ” Isn’t that better.. You smell nice now” Like I fucking smelled bad  So I walk up to her and say can I see that please when she goes to hand it to me I move my hand the bottle drops to the floor and spills all over her. I move away quickly.. now the shit smells better. And then… I finally buy my grandmother the perfume she wants. I go to my car and some ass hole is leaning against my car talking on his phone. I ask him to move and he tell me to wait a fucking minute while he is yelling at someone… so I do. While I am waiting I pull out my tire Iron and the second he hangs up the phone I smash his fucking head in. He falls to the ground bloody and mutilated… Lessons learned

Rape Phone Sex Fantasy

That night is burned into my brain forever, I can remember every last detail. The voices coming from my next door neighbor’s home from their son’s graduation party, the smell of fresh cut grass and the hot humid air all still are fresh in my mind.

Aria fingers pussy1

I met Christian at a coffee bar and we talked for hours. He seemed so genuine and funny I just anticipated every moment with him, my heart was beating so fast and my ached to feel his mouth on mine.

When I invited in I was so excited and wasn’t really thinking what would happen. When he finally leaned in to kiss me, I immediately felt my panties get wet, I heard myself moan out loud and he began to kiss me deeply and I felt his hand slide up my thigh We were passionately kissing on my sofa and  I felt my little white denim mini skirt was being pushed up around my waist. You pushed me down onto back and told me how badly you wanted to fuck me.

Reality started to set in, I did want him but everything was happening so fast. I begged him to stop, please wait everything was going way too fast.But as I looked into his hazel eyes all I could see was this uncontrollable lust and nothing I could say was going to stop this from happening. “Don’t try and act like you don’t want this now, you wanted this  from the moment we started talking. I know you’re a little slut, and I’m going to fuck you like one.”

I could hardly breath, I pleaded with him to stop, “I’m sorry I led you on, please don’t do this!”  With that, he grabbed my wrists and pulled them above my head. “Shut up bitch, this is going to happen, you can try and fight it but expect punishment if you do. I don’t want to hear you unless I ask you something, do you understand, cunt?”  I barely managed to whimper out a yes when his fingers yanked off my tiny white thong and slide two fingers in my tight pussy.

“Mmm, you’re pretty wet for someone who doesn’t want to get a good hard fucking.”

I couldn’t believe it but I was wet, my body was defying me. My pussy was dripping wet, and as he began crooking his finger inside me rubbing his fingers on my G spot I couldn’t help but moan out. “That’s right, you’re such a dirty whore, don’t worry baby I’m gonna fuck you just like I know you want it” With that, he loosen one of his hands and unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out his thick hard cock and thrust it so hard up my smooth wet snatch. He pumped me harder and deeper and I couldn’t help but roll my hips against him. It felt so good and I found myself enjoying it, wanting him to fuck me harder and faster. I felt my pussy start to contract and I came so hard all over his throbbing dick. He gave me a devilish smile and whispered, “such a little slut/” and he unloaded all his hot thick creamy cum deep inside me and it felt so fucking good. I would never look at sex the same again, I knew in my heart that yes, I am a little whore and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for a rough, wet fuck.