Mutilation phone sex is perfect for a sadistic bitch like me who enjoys castrating useless men. And let’s face it, there are lots of useless men out there. Let’s just say I subscribe to the old adage if you can’t use it properly, then you should not have it. Case in point. This total tool I encountered on the subway last week. It was rush hour, and we were crammed in like sardines. This loser in a business suit sits down next to me. He tries to make idle chit chat with me and is oblivious to the fact I don’t give a fuck about what he is saying. He actually put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him, and very calmly stated, “Touch me again pervert and I’ll castrate you.” He recoiled his hand and I thought he got the message. That was until he set his briefcase on his thigh to block the view from the other side of the train and whipped out his pathetic cock and started stroking it. I knew what I had to do. Indecent exposure equals not deserving a cock.
I followed him off the train even though it was not my stop. I had my favorite knife in my backpack. He was so stupid, he didn’t even realize I got on the same bus with him. I sort of stick out in a crowd too. I could tell he was trying the same thing to this chick on the bus. I could read the horrified expressions on her face loud and clear. Yes, this douche bag falls under the category of if you can’t use it properly, you should no longer have it. I got off at the stop he did and stalked him to his house. I waited a few after he went in; realized no one else was home yet or maybe he lived alone. Hard to believe that this pathetic fuck had a wife or family. But there are lots of stupid, naive cunts out there.
I knocked on the door, then pushed my way into his home wielding my big ass knife. “Remember me asshole,” I screamed as I lunged at him with my knife in the forefront. I backed him into a corner, till he slid down on the floor like a coward. I sliced his hands a few times so he would feel some pain and it would weaken him a bit. I grabbed him by his suit tie and strung him to the kitchen faucet. I tied his bloody hands to the pipe under the sink. So he was on the ground, struggling for air, tied to his kitchen sink. I took my knife and slashed his thighs a few times. Big baby was whining. “Did I whine when you jacked your worthless pecker in front of me bitch,” I yelled angrily. I then unzipped his pants with the knife exposing his worthless pecker. He looked scared and all I could do was laugh. Payback is a bitch.
I took the knife and mutilated his chest. I carved Loser into it. I mean you have to be a loser to expose yourself on the subway to a total stranger, right? He was shaking and crying and I just kept carving up his flesh. Mutilating his skin, but saving his cock and balls for last. I was enjoying this. Mutilating flesh on a worthless human is so fun. So fun it makes my nipples hard and my cunt wet. We were both covered in his blood. I kept licking the blade too. As he lay there covered in a pool of his blood, I grabbed his testicles. I twisted them until I thought they might pop off on their own, then I sliced the right one off, followed by the left one. I shoved his balls in his mouth as a ball gag. “Shut the fuck up loser,” I quipped.
I left his penis, his dick, his worthless little pecker, whatever the fuck you want to call it, for last. I carved my initials in it first, then I lobbed it right off. Blood spurting everywhere. All I could do was laugh and masturbate. I told him he asked for everything he got and then some. I went and got a mirror so he could see his mutilated body. I told him be lucky I didn’t kill him for what he did. All I did was take away his cock and balls and maybe mutilate his body a wee bit. If you don’t know how to use your dick, you don’t deserve to have one. Pure and simple. I left his balls in his mouth but took his severed pecker and put it in a zip lock baggie and left it on the kitchen sink for him. I explained I was being generous this time buy not flushing it down the toilet or feeding it to Fido over there. Perhaps a skilled doctor could reattach it. They was of course, if anyone finds him before he bleeds out.
Do you deserve to have your cock and balls? Because if you don’t, I am happy to take them away for you.