Category: Bondage phone sex

Dinner And A Movie

canabalism phone sex angieShe called because she wanted me to take her under my wing and teach her how to be a Sadistic. She read all my blogs and told me how hot she thought they were. How my evil and sadistic thoughts made her pussy wet. How she spent hours on line with me in secret, fucking herself and getting lost in my twisted and demented ways. Her voice was soft as silk and I knew she didn’t have an evil bone in her body. She was hypnotized by the dark side, But I know she wasn’t ready for it. The more we talked the more I pulled her in to my world. Teasing her with the allure of embracing evil. Enticing her with the satisfaction of letting go of all that is good and embracing all that is taboo and forbidden. Finally I invited her over for dinner and a movie. We were going to watch The Serbian Film. It seemed like the perfect fit. What she didn’t know was that she was going to be dinner. I had everything ready for her arrival. Of course I knew she wouldn’t be able to handle the movie and I was right. By the time it was all over with, I could smell the fear seeping out of her pours. She was trying to hide it. All I could think of was how good that fear was going to taste. Taking her to the kitchen, I asked her to take all her clothes off and lay on the table. She didn’t even notice she was laying on the cooking tray. She followed my every instruction as I tied her into a fetal position, legs up wrists tied to her ankles. I couldn’t let the opportunity pass by and I licked her sweet pussy until she came on my face. Then I began placing apples around her and herbs and oils all over her body. She moaned, enjoying my touch and oblivious to her coming fate. When I began shaving her head before placing her over the fire in my large hearth is when she began to panic. The sheer joy of the whole process made me cum. I continued to fuck myself to her brief screams as her skin crackled while being crisped and her flesh began to cook. I was so hungry and couldn’t wait to eat, again.canabalism phone sex feast

Ass Rape Porn: My First Female Master

When I was in school, I was a total bitch. I was a tall beauty and walked around like my shit didn’t stink. I guess you could say I was a mean girl. I’m not that girl anymore. I am a good  submissive whore now. I have been broken many a time over by a Master.  Last week I ran into a girl from high school. Let’s just say that I was a mega bitch to her in school. She was fat and socially inept. I made her life hell. She looks amazing now. Really transformed herself. I suggested we have drinks, get caught up and put the past behind us. She agreed.

I went to her place. Turns out she has not forgotten  how awful I treated her. In fact, she has been plotting revenge ever since. She drugged my drink. I woke up in her bedroom tied up. She had an evil sadistic grin on her face. She slapped my face, spit on me, and called me a worthless cunt. She then proceeded to fuck my ass with this huge dildo. I thought that was bad, then she brought out a baseball bat. OMG. Not saying I did not deserve anal torture, but that thing was huge. She fucked me until my asshole prolapsed.

Hours of anal torture as payback. I was bleeding. Covered in blood, piss and even some shit. I never knew she had that in her.  I think I have my first female Master.

The Nail In The Coffin

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As my master it is his duty to test me and push my limits. Find out what my weaknesses are and to not only abuse them, but use them to his advantage. And on one fateful night of torturing, as a punishment master told me I was going to be confined to a coffin. Closed and just in there for how ever long he chooses. I freaked out so bad. I couldn’t breathe. I begged master over and over again to please let me out. I think I did end up passing out from my anxiety. When he opened that ‘lid’ I went to jump out and he pushed me back down. He said he realizes his pet is afraid of this and he intends on taking full advantage of it. He ripped my clothes off and jumped on top of me. He pulled out his cock and shoved it down my throat. Making me suck his big fat fuckrod. All I could feel was him ramming it down my throat. Feeling a little bit of his oozy cream running down my throat, barely giving me a chance to catch my breath before he was shoving it back down my throat! When he started ramming faster and harder I knew he was getting ready to cum down my throat. He shot load after load of his oozy salty and sweet cream down my throat. He climbed out and pulled me up and told me, now every time I start freaking out in spaces like that, just think of all the dirty things he can do to me in them.


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Suffocation Phone Sex with Blair: Break Me Master

Suffocation phone sex mommy bondageSometimes a bitch needs broken. Not every bitch breaks easily either. I try to be a good bitch. I do know my place. But I am not always great with the pain, which causes more pain to be inflicted upon me. I need to learn to cry and scream on the inside only. I was suspended upside down being whipped nonstop while being sodomized.  I tried really hard to hold in the pain, but I was weak. Master cut me down and put me in a rubber suit. It was so tight. It hurt my flesh. I could barely breath, but I could not talk or scream. Master wanted me quiet, as in dead quiet.

 I had little slits for eyes so I could see what was going on still. Master dumped my body in a coffin.  He shut the lid and dared me to scream and cry all I wanted to. “No one will hear you now. No one will care,” he said. I knew he was right. No one cares about worthless whores. I wanted to still scream though, but even if I could it was futile. I needed to conserve oxygen. Master was trying to suffocate me. Force me to be quiet, maybe forever.

Suffocation phone sex extreme bondageNot sure what happened next, but pretty sure I passed out from lack of oxygen. I woke up still in coffin. Could hear Master and his pals laughing, speculating if I was still alive or not. They were amused by my predicament. At that moment, I heard the coffin door open. I was pulled out of the coffin, stripped of my constraining rubber suit and hung back up for more whipping and anal torture. This time the whippings were more severe; so severe my flesh was being sliced and torn. But you know what, I didn’t make a peep. I am a good quiet whore. I learned my lesson. I would rather suffer quietly as the flesh is ripped from my body than to suffocate in a dark coffin any day.

 How would you break me?

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THAT Belongs To Me

Castration Phone SexYou silly little man.  Did you really think that I would let you treat Me that way and get away with it?  Your stupidity is much more vast than I had thought, if indeed that is what you think.  Now you have found yourself in a very uncomfortable and unfortunate position.  Tell Me. How does that cold steel feel beneath you?  Do you enjoy being in five point restraints on a hard surface?  You can try and try to get out of it but I can assure you I am most adept at knots so you just go and struggle your little heart out.  You aren’t going anywhere sunshine. 

First things first I need to get undressed.  Don’t get  your hopes up doll, this isn’t an Edge Play type of thing.  This is so I do not get blood on my dress.  Do you recognize the lingerie?  It is what you brought for Me when W/we were in Paris.  I thought it only fitting to wear something that makes your pathetic penis rise. 

You just lay there and I will get the instruments ready that I will need.  See, you seem to think that just because W/we are dating that you “own” Me.  Nobody owns Me, and nobody ever will.  You have thought it necessary to be domineering in public settings when your friends are around.  Although I said nothing, do not think that I didn’t hear every word.  Now you leave Me no choice but to teach you exactly what belongs to Whom.

That thing that hangs between your legs is Mine.  You can shake your head no all you like, it doesn’t change that fact.  Since it is Mine, I am going to take it.  I am going to rip it from your body then feed it to you. One bite at a time.  They say you are what you eat, and you My dear have been nothing but a Dick.

Please no more!

Please mister, Please I promise I wont tell anyone where I was. PLEASE LET ME GO! .

Taboo phone sex Makayla sps 3

No matter how many times I begged him he wouldn’t stop hitting me.  He wouldn’t stop. I begged and pleaded. I offered him money. He never said a word. He grunted, and moaned but never said one word to me. He never asked me my name, where I was from. He just hit me. He spanked my ass until it bleed. He fucked my mouth until I vomited all over him.

I tried to bite him when ever he touched my mouth, or my face.Taboo phone sex Makayla sps

I would scream and cry.

He got tired of hearing me talk.

He put this thing in my mouth that held it open.

I drooled all over myself.

If I cried he smack me. 

He hit me so hard I could hear my teeth cracking against the metal in my mouth. 

There was a hole in this thing big enough for his cock to fit in. I couldn’t bite down on him any more. I could close my mouth against him. He just fucked it. After a while I just went numb. I stopped crying. I stopped fighting. That is when he tied me up. 

Taboo phone sex Makayla sps 2 He put a bar between my ankles so my legs stayed apart. 

Then he pulled my arms up and behind me if I tried to bed my knees it felt like I was going to break my shoulders. 

That is when he got his thin stick. 

He beat me until I started to cry again. 

I had that fucking thing in my mouth, my hands tied behind my back and my legs forced open. 

I was drooling, and crying so hard that I had snot bubbles coming  out of my nose and going into my mouth. 

I screamed and cried. 

He kept hitting me, harder and harder. 

I could no longer take this abuse and pain. I tried to fall to my knees. 

I was such and idiot. I dislocated both of my shoulders and passed out from the pain. I had no idea where I was when I woke up. I was scared and unable to talk, unable to move. 

That is when my mother walked into the room, I realized then and only then I was finally free from that man.. 

Or so I had hoped I was. 

Cooking With Ivy

Dr. Walter Jones is a idol of mine. In 1900’s he experimented with boiling hot water. He believed it would cure illness, which of-coarse it did not. It did however expose him to a whole new world. He conducted these experiments for years, with no result of it healing any kind of illness. I believe he did it to amuse himself. I think he watched his precious patients as they shrieked  in pain. I idolize his work with the boiling water. It turns me on to thing of some whore having boiling hot water poured on her clit makes me so fucking lustful I have to rub my pussy. 

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Like Dr Jones, I too conducted some experiments of my own. Pouring hot water on this whore I caught looking at my mate. She had beautiful skin. So soft, and white. She looked at my mate with her come fuck me eyes. So I set up for her to meet up with him at my house. I was all alone, and doing research on the good Dr’s experiments. I also had all four of the burners on my stove going with boiling hot water. 

Accomplice phone sex  Ivy2

When she knocked on the door I showed her in, She was in a skin tight red dress that made her skin flawless. As she walked through the door she turned her back on me. That is all she remembers. Now that she is tied up and waking up I can’t help myself.. I start to hit her with my riding crop, hitting her hard enough to make little cuts in her skin so the boiling hot water gets in them and burns her even more. I grab the pots of water, and I start at her perfect titties that I’m sure she paid shit ton of money for.. I can’t even explain to you how mind blowing it was to watch her skin puff up with burns and blisters. She passed out from the pain which is a no no. So I took the hose and sprayed her full blast on her clit and face until she woke up with from pain or pleasure. 

Accomplice phone sex  Ivy


I loved watching her skin boil off.. I sat myself on her face and made her eat my pussy until I came all over her perfect face. Well I guess it’s not so perfect now.. 

Rape Phone Sex Fantasies ~ Addicted to Pain ~

It was so fast, everything was a whirlwind and then BAM! I turn around and at the very second I was punched right in my face. I must have fallen and knocked my head on the chair rail at the bar. My hair was matted, I was black and blue and awoke to a cock in every hole.

The drugged coma lifted a few hours after I last recall consciousness. My clothes were ripped off and my breasts, face and thighs were sticky with cum. I tried moving only to find I was bound  to an old military bed with a pillow under my backside. Seems I have been receiving cock since they dragged me to the warehouse behind the bar.

As I showed signs of waking up they had a big glass of water for me they forced me to drink. As I spatted out the bad taste in my mouth they forced the glass to empty in my mouth and down my throat making me choke. I was gasping and spitting trying to recover. Before I was able to take a clear breath I had a huge black cock shoved down my throat. I started puking on this cock but another guy yanked my head back forcing all the water back down my throat.

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My face is being fucked hard as I am choking on water, cum and stomach acid and forced to swallow it all. Further impacting my breathing there was rope pulling against my trachea. This enormous  black cock started spurting thick streams of cum in my mouth and head still held back. I felt all breathing cut off, was gasping and struggling. Near dead I came to in the back of a speeding ambulance. I kept hearing how lucky I was… And that was exactly what was going through my mind as I reached to feel my drenched panties.

I’m a Worthless Cunt

kidnapping phone sex mommy rape fantasyThey saw me at the club all dolled up, dancing with my friends. They saw me snorting coke off the table and drinking and thought I was just a worthless whore. They waited until I stumbled out to my car and grabbed me. They gagged my mouth, tied my hands behind my back and threw me in the trunk. I could hear them laughing at how easy that was.  I was getting car sick in the trunk. I needed to puke. Just when they opened the trunk, I puked all over the place.  One of the guys grabbed my red hair and pulled me out. He dragged me across the gravel, up some stairs, into a house and tossed me in the basement.

I was banged up good and bleeding. What seemed like eternity was only a few minutes. They came down, stripped me of my clothes and started fucking my ass and pussy with their fists. They called me a stupid worthless cunt. Said I deserved everything they were going to do to me because I was going to drive drunk and I was a coke head.  They pulled my hair up above my head and tied me to a beam by my hair. I could feel my hair pulling away from my scalp. Then they started punching my belly and slapping my face. When blood started running down my scalp, the cut my hair so I fell on the floor.

There, on the floor, bloody and in pain, they forced themselves on me. Assaulted me with their cocks in all my holes. After a few hours, they stopped. One of them spit in my face and reminded me again what a worthless whore I was. Then they dragged me back into their car, drove a little ways and dumped me in a field. I woke up the next day, cold, partially clothed, covered in blood and cum.

I am a worthless whore. Use me in any way that pleases you. That is what I am here for.

Your lusty little secret!

snuff phone sex- macey finalI am here for the taking, look I am all alone just waiting for you and your friends. Bring as many as you like to play, the more the merrier.  My pussy needs a good pounding by a few big cocks at one time. God I am getting wet just thinking about you, and how you can hold me down and take whatever hole you want. Take my body over, fuck me hard, and don’t be nice about it. Rape me, I like it that way.

Bring your friends for a gang bang, so each one of you can have a turn abusing each of my fuck holes. I am cumming just thinking about you and your friends, holding me down and punching me. Tie me up, hit me, fuck every hole I have to offer you. Hurt me in the way that makes me cum for you.

snuff phone sex- maceyLook and see how bad I need your friends and you  to abuse me. Take me in every way you can, torture me, because the more pain I get the harder I will cum for you. My cunt is soaking wet, dripping down my legs just knowing that I will have cocks surrounding me. Taking anything and everything from me that they want. I even have a new play toy for you and your friends to torture my cunt with. I am laying on the table in this abandon warehouse all strapped and ready to get fucked, beat tortured, and rapped by all.