Category: Bloody phone sex

Blood Sausages

mutilation phone sex monettaaHave I told you that my master is very controlling and dominant? He’s also very protective of his pet. He doesn’t like for other men to mess with his possessions, unless he gives them permission to. A good example is this incident that happened just the other day.. but shhhh.. don’t tell anyone.

My master likes to have some people over from time to time, just to show me off and how good of a pet I am. One of his friends brought this guy she picked up on the way over here. Said he’d be fun for her to play with. I think his name was Rufus. It was fun, getting to meet master’s friends and their pets. But It was getting late and everyone left except Ana and her pet Rufus. I was sitting on the floor beside my master’s feet when he ordered the pets; myself and Rufus to go fix our master’s some drinks.

Yes master, I replied. Showing Rufus to the kitchen and asking him what his master likes to drink. I start fixing the drinks and need to grab one more thing out the fridge, as I bend over I feel someone come up behind me, pressing their hard dick against my ass. Thinking its my master I look back smiling only to see it’s Rufus.

It scares me so I back up and try to go around him but he slams me against the wall and is grinding on me. I go to yell for my master and he covers my mouth. Kissing on my neck. I’m trying to fight him off but he’s stronger then me. He’s grabbing on my tits and pinching my nipples through my dress. He’s being so rough with me. I start crying, hoping my master comes for me.

I think master was wondering why we were taking so long because they come walking into the kitchen as he has my slammed against the wall, tears streaming down… I feel Rufus being jerked off of me and himself being slammed against the wall. Ana looks so shock and master is fuming. He yells at Ana and tells her to leave. She tries to take Rufus with her but was told he was staying.

I have not seen the look that master had in his eyes, ever. I was more scared now then I was when Rufus was hurting me. Master let’s him know that there is going to be a punishment for his actions. He beats him in the face over and over again. Yelling him telling him he can’t touch what is his. I think he was knocked out because his body just slumps to the floor. I can’t do anything but just stand there and look at him

mutilation phone sex monetta3

. Master grabs a knife and cuts his shorts off, and grabs his dick and cuts it off. He gets up and throws it in the blender and let’s it puree til it’s just a creamy liquid.

mutilation phone sex monetta4

Master comes over to me to make sure i’m okay and kisses me and tells me he wont let anyone get that close to me again. He calls up a few of his friends that owns their own meat packing and processing company. We clean up the mess at the house and pack up Rufus and take him there.

They strip what’s left of his clothes. Then they put him in this really big blender that already had some blood in it and it starts chopping him up and grinding him. They even add in some seasonings. It get’s really messy as blood and little chunks of meat splash out on the floor.

mutilation phone sex

Once everything is ready they hook another machine/device up to it and they have these little casings. They hook the casings onto the machine and hit a button and it starts coming out, and into the packing. It looks like they are making sausages out of him.

mutilation phone sex

Master tells me they are using him to make blood sausages. That ‘s what he deserves. He wanted to treat me like a little piece of meat. And that’s what they are going to do to him. Serve him up to everyone across the world. Turns out he was the one that was a piece of meat. Once we got back home master fucked me and so good. Reminding me that I was his and only his. I have never been so turned on then what I was tonight, when I was showed just how much master wanted to protect me.  I never knew how much fun blenders were.. the little ones at home, that we use daily…or even the really big ones at the meat plant..

Victim Turned into Evil Phone Sex Accomplice

evil phone sex

Daddy doesn’t take too kindly to disrespect. The other day daddy found out two of his most trusted soldiers were skimming money off the top of his operations. He kept quiet about it but voiced his frustrations on me and to me when we had alone time. He would fuck me roughly, slapping me in the face and yelling about how much of a dirty bitch I was. After he was finish abusing me he let me stay in his bed, something very unusual for me. He would then say how loyalty is hard to come by and he couldn’t believe he was betrayed like that. He asked my opinion on  what to do and being the distraught locked up victim I am I just told him what I would do if I ever had the chance to seek revenge on my sorry excuse of a husband. 

I would beat him senseless, taking all my anger out on his face, and body leaving his dick and balls for last. I would  give him that drug where you can’t move a muscle but you can still feel everything. Then cut his precious manhood off. Not only would I do that but I would put them in a blender with cut up glass and maybe a finger and some toes. Make him watch me blend together a sweet smoothie for him to drink. And since daddy has two dishonest soldiers well, more smoothies for the both of them.

evil phone sex blender

Daddy appreciated my evil mind. I even assisted him in making these smoothies for his victims to drink. After they drank it, he gang raped them until they both were near death. I sat there and looked at them and vowed never to be disloyal. Even when the beatings are unbearable, This slave is here to stay. 

Legitimate Bloody Mary

Bloody Phone Sex 2b

The holidays are always a wonderful time for kidnapping!  I took cues from a friend and got a group to stake out one of the old country roads around here.  We had our great binoculars and were lying in wait for that one perfect meal…that one chubby girl who was going to unexpectedly have car trouble (courtesy of us).  I was on the spying team; and, I knew it was her as soon as I saw the car.  It was new; she had to be Daddy’s little girl; yep, not a scratch on the paint.  And, there she was, listening to her booming music; our good fortune was already evident…she wasn’t on her cell phone.  I radioed up the road; and, they threw down spikes. 

I was eager to see if it worked; so, I ran up the street and the girl was in shock.  Certainly, she’d never had a flat tire; they didn’t exist in her world.  After being paralyzed, she got out of the car and looked around it until she found the source of the problem.  She could see me as I neared her; and, she looked relieved.  Of course, my sole reason must be to help her!  I had to laugh at her…  She started asking me for help; and, I told her that I actually was stranded, too.  She was happy to have someone to bitch to…but unclear why I wasn’t sent there to be her savior. 

I told her to hand me her phone, that I’d call someone.  She happily obliged, glad that I was finally taking responsibility for her situation.  Then, my three friends emerged from the trees and brush; it was quite easy to subdue her.  I turned off the GPS on her phone; I decided to dispose of it later…I wanted to look through her pictures as she cooked and maybe ask questions.

At home, we were able to set her up in the oven (it was too hot to cook outdoors); and, I began talking with her about the pictures on her phone, her major in college, how she hated her sister (because the sister “got everything she wanted!”).  It was humorous; and, I felt cheated when one of my friends came up to her and sliced off her arm.  I asked what he was doing, to which he replied that he was making Bloody Mary drinks.  He winked and said, “The legit kind.”  I looked back at the girl; she was already dead from smoke inhalation; I looked at her driver’s license; her name was Martha, not Mary.  I shrugged; well, the name was close enough; and, I wondered how she would taste with vodka.

Bloody Phone Sex 2a

Fucking Dick

  Having had to find a new hook-up for blow I was fairly desperate in my search without it being a set-up, fucking pigs are so sheisty. So, in my search I have to flirt alot and act interested in some of the biggest dirt balls. Per word of mouth when I followed this coked up bitch to the ladies room I was able to hone in on a dealer. I got the slut to share her blow with me and it was pretty damn fucking good. After getting his name and description from her I made my move.

This fucking dick head asshole was a total fucking creep, and it makes me cringe thinking about him. I had to get the asswad to trust I wasn’t some sheister whore. So I had to lay the flirty whorism on strong. I got him to go back to the bathroom with me and had to give him a fucking blow job for a test and to get a bump. Gawd he was soo disgusting. Once I got his trust we were about business and I followed him back to his condo.

Taboo phone sex Dusty dr

So up in his condo I was hoping to get down to business and working out the deals for future hook-ups for blow, and nothing else. I reiterated to him I was not interested in fucking him, nor any other form of physical contact other than the dealings and doing of blow. He got super creepy and was trying to get me to fuck him. The fuckwad even tried getting me wasted and slipping a fucking rufi in my drink. I caught him doing that shit and threw the drink in his face. This fucking snake got all enraged and started coming at me. I opened the patio door and backed outside to the balcony. He kept coming and I wrestled with him a little and he tried strangling me, dumb fucking move faggot. I kneed his fucking balls and as he lurched at me again I moved aside tripped his dumb ass where he fell into the rail flailing to get at me when I grabbed his leg and boosted his loser ass over the edge. 

The asshole fuckhead fell four stories over the balcony and into some bushes. I went back inside, and found his stash of coke and snuck out the back way got on my bike and sped off.

 Taboo Phone Sex Dusty hell

Murder Phone Sex Fantasies with Venus

murder phone sex fantasies goth teenI have a confession to make. There are a lot of folks out there that annoy the fuck out of me. I have no tolerance for stupidly, even less for self entitled misogynistic pricks. A few months ago,  I met this dude who runs a tattoo and piercing place in his apartment.  I was looking to get my nipples pierced.  Turns out he had some penthouse type apartment  with a huge balcony and wonderful view of the city. Nicer than any place I had been in. I paid him for the nipple rings, then I took my top down and got ready to be pierced.  He said he needed to strap me down so I didn’t wiggle and loose a nipple. I figured it sounded logical. He was professional up until he pierced me. As soon as that stud went through my left nipple, he pulled out his cock and started jacking all over me.  I was strapped to that table. I was calling him every name in the book. He got on top of me as if he was gonna penetrate me. But, he underestimated my desire to control my body and what is done to it. I said, come up closer, let me suck your dick. Tried to tell him he didn’t have to force himself on the willing. Instructed him to feel my cunt if he had any doubts. He didn’t know that my pussy was wet because I was about to hurt him deadly.

He straddled my face and put his worthless pecker in my mouth. I mean a real man doesn’t have to force a woman. I bit that sucker clean off too. Blood was spurting everywhere. I was covered in blood. Yummy, sticky, sweet tasting blood. He curled up on the floor in fetal position and screamed in pain. Took me a few minutes to finagle the knife outta my pocket and cut that strap freeing myself, but I did. I am not without my resources. I leaped off that table, spit his limp dick in his face and kicked him in his balls. I then took my knife slashed him a few times.  I sat back, covered in his blood and masturbated as he laid there moaning and crying like a pussy.

He didn’t deserve to live. You can’t violate a woman and think you can get away with it. He was crying like a baby on his floor, begging for mercy, offering to pay me whatever I wanted. I wanted his life, nothing more, nothing less. Self entitled prick thought he could buy my mercy, buy my silence. But how to snuff him out? I could just stab him a few more times and let him bleed out like the worthless pig he is or I could push his sorry ass off his balcony. I went with option B. I dragged him to the balcony, forced him up on his feet and pushed him over the railing. Took almost no strength as he was little snippet of a man weak from bleeding. Very troll like. He landed in a garbage bin. How perfect was that? He would be taken out with the trash, like the garbage he was. Not a person in site either. It was fate.  I had his DNA all over me. I could claim self defense if I had too. I could hear it now, “Yes officer,  he tied me down and sexually assaulted me and when I broke free he tried to kill me. I was just defending myself, so I grabbed a knife and just slashed frantically to keep him away from me. I guess we ended up on the balcony and he fell over. I had no choice, he was gonna kill me.”  Of course they would believe me. If they ever found him, his loss of manhood could be attributed to the fall or rats. They would never find his worthless cock anyway because I took it as a souvenir. A reminder that no man would ever assault me again.

Turns out though, no one missed his worthless ass. I am sure I was not the first woman he forced himself on, but I was certainly gonna be the last. Hell, I’ll castrate you if you want. Felt good to go all Loreena Bobbitt on a piece of human trash. If you don’t know how to use it properly, you shouldn’t have it anyway.

murder phone sex fantasies sadistic torture


Taboo phone sex

Once in a great while I like to bring a fellow follower of the ways in which I Worship into My play time.  One such Sister is “Vivika” to whom I have grown rather fond of.  She is Russian and She is a bitch through and through.  I adore Her.  Her tastes are a bit different then My own, but I thought it in good taste that Our first outing would be along the lines of something She could really get into.

Her and I found a man whom She could really sink Her teeth into, literally.  He was mesmerized by the both of Us.  It was easy to have him come with Us.  After all, We were the candy, and isn’t it said that is the perfect lure?  She drove Us to Her place, or at least I thought it was Her place, until We got inside.  She drew Me to Her, She tasted like a mixture of perfume and Vodka as Her lips pressed against Mine.  The kiss was heated, intense, filled with dark promises of that which was to soon come.

He came up to Us, pressing his hands against Our bodies.  She pulled away smiling at Me.  I knew what that smile meant immediately as I have had the same smile play across My lips before I delved into My twisted playtime.  I kissed him deeply, holding him tightly to Me.  My eyes were open as She stepped behind him, She pressed Her bare breasts against his back.  I placed My gloved hand upon the back of his neck, he tried to pull away, but could not.  I smiled at Her over his shoulder, he was becoming angry as he knew something was wrong.

She licked her full red lips then bit down onto his neck.  He started to swear, pressing against the wall behind Me trying desperately to push Her back so that he could get away.  I grabbed his wrists as Her teeth broke the flesh.  He screamed, eyes wide, She bit down harder, he started to fall to his knees.  She lifted Her eyes to Me and I saw lust, hunger, enjoyment and heaven.


Crimson Part 5

   7 months, 29 days, 13 hours and 12 minutes. That’s how long I had been planning for this night. For months I sat silently in the shadows, watching my prey. Months of meticulous prepping and planning for this moment. I had had this poor girl in my dungeon for days. After the initial joy of the hunt faded, I only popped down into the dungeon to make sure she wasn’t dead or dying. The blood from the many slices I had made to her body had long lost its vibrant crimson hue, and was now the depressing brown of congealed blood. She was missing an eye from where I had ripped it out if it’s socket, and a few fingernail had been torn from their beds as well, but other than that I hadn’t really sone much with the little cunt. Occasionally I would go down and carve small patterns on her smooth flesh, but after while she stopped screaming and I would get bored… Don’t get me wrong, she was great while she screamed and begged and pleaded but now she was complacent and quiet. She had accepted her fate. As upsetting as it was, it was time to end it. It was a quick death, a shot of Bleach straight into her heart. She was dead within minutes, and I quickly got to work disposing of her mangled corpse. The time I spent planning this little… excursion… was defiantly worth it.TabooPhoneSexMagenta

Home Invasion Phone Sex * Brother and Sister

Home Invasion Phone Sex Reagan

Next to hunting down victims, the best thrill is being a good accomplice. But even better is when my partner in crime plays a victim too. They don’t want to be known as an evil doer, and that gives me so much more room to play. This time it was a very dirty man who wanted to fuck his sister. He had always wanted her, but was so Home Invasion Phone Sex Reagan much older than her. It had to look like I was going to force him to fuck her. I waited till the evening and when I saw them inside alone, I entered the house through the back door. I did not even bother to hide who I was, since there would be no witnesses after tonight.

Of course the stupid slut screamed, I was expecting that.. so I sucker punched and knocked her out. Her brother tied her up good and tight and when she awoke I had a gun to his head a knife to her throat and I told her to open wide. Brother marked his territory alright, and she choked it down through tears. I did not even have to say a word, brother told her he was being forced to violate her or I would kill them both. I just laughed. What a lying sack of shit, right?

He had his way with her, fucked every hole while she cried like a dumb bitch. It was fun to watch cause I knew this would not be a happy ending. After I grew tired of her cries and his grunts of carnal lust at the expense of his sister, I shot them both. And since I did not touch a thing. I just wiped my prints off the gun and put it in his hands. Another murder suicide. One of my best staged scenes.

Distruction Is A Great Cover

snuff phonesex karmaI will never forget the urge to go to Mississippi after hurricane Katrina hit. Seeing all the destruction on tv made my cunt yearn to be there. So I packed a bag and hit the road. The destruction didn’t disappoint me. Buildings everywhere reduced to rubble, the wood no more then match sticks. The flooded streets had bloated bodies floating face down. The smell of death was in the air. It made me feel alive. And what better time to go on a killing spree? Fuck so many people were dead and missing that this was the perfect cover and I took full advantage of it. I wasn’t picky, I killed anything I saw that was still alive be it human or animal. Blood covered my hands for weeks while I wondered around. No one noticed, no one paid attention. People were to self absorbed in their pain and suffering. Pain and suffering that served to keep my cunt hotter then hell. It was two weeks of sensory over load for my wicked ass. All the pain all the suffering all the death and the ability to kill at will in any way I wanted to. Knowing that I was leaving and that the body count was so fucking high anyway, the cops and national guard worried about looting and providing shelter, food and water to survivors that they wouldn’t even be thinking about looking for me. I was in and out of town in a flash. It was the best vacation I have ever taken. The first of many visits I have made since to disaster zones to get my fill of blood. snuff phonesex disaster

Listen To The Hummmmm

violent phonesex angieI pull the string and it vibrates in my hands, humming, singing to me, sending waves of adrenalin coursing through my veins. She lays there gagged, wide eyed watching, shaking, defecating all over herself from fear, naked, cold, nipples hard, sweat pouring out of every pore in her body. I stand over her holding it, feeling every nerve ending in my body come alive.The blood will squirt and spatter all over my walls. Hunks of flesh will fly and hit my body hot and sticky. I know what is about to happen. My knees are weak with anticipation. I hold the base of the humming machine against my dlit and enjoy the feel of it, enjoying her terrified sobs. It is time, I grab the gag and rip it from her mouth I want to hear the scream. It won’t last long but I want to hear it non the less. Slowly I lower the whirling blade of my chain saw to her throat a fist full of her dark hair in my hand, I can feel the blade touch her skin and I go as slow as I can. Watching her flesh rip and tear and the blood begin to fly. The scream is deafening, ringing in my ears as I slowly sink the blade into her neck, severing her head from her body. I lift it and delight at the blinking eyes, the muscles still twitching. Throwing it into the commode, eyes wide and staring into space, I reach down and smear her blood all over me, cumming in long hard spasms. Decapitation is so delightful!violent phonesex body