Category: Babysitter phone sex

Drug Fantasy Phone Sex with Evil Alice

Alice 8I just have so much fun when I drug up those fuckin’ brats before I have my way with them. It really makes them more entertaining for you and me. Look at it this way, they would be so high that it won’t matter to them on how we will shove your cock deep up into their ass. Or maybe it would be totally hot to turn them into crackheads and watch how much they will beg to get their next fix. But that won’t happen until we watch them beg for you to face fuck them until they puke on your dick. I just puts a smile on my face when I see them laughing hysterically while I  tighten your belt around their tiny necks. However, I find it so much easier to trick them into taking pills by lying to them and saying it is candy. You know that those lil’ idiots love candy so lets give them the whole bottle. So many drugs and so lil’ time! Lol!

Kidnapping phone sex with wicked Alice

Alice 7There are some people these day that have terrible parenting skills or just none at all. So with that in mind it just makes it too easy for individuals like me and you to snatch them up way. Long after the fact that their parents finally notice they are missing. Lol! Oh but I must say that out of all the little ones in the the world to steal away for our fun times, it would have to be the ones that don’t listen and are greedy. You know which ones that I am talking about. I am talking about the ones at the store that wander off away from their parents to go look at the toy aisle or that fucking cryin’ , whiny brat that screams at her mommy for that candy that is in the check out lane that won’t stop making a huge ass scene. Yes, those are the perfect ones to take away to a dark place where we can do to them what their parents failed to do for them … punish the fuckin’ shit out of them for their horrid behavior. But why stop there, your cock is still hard and I need to satisfy demented thirst deep within my existence. We both will get off taking care of this precious, young one and the world will be a happier place without one less annoying lil’ shit around to pester us. So what are we waiting for? Let’s go grab that one over there.

The Bait

Evil phone sex

I felt a wave of excitement flood over me as she typed. I need some older men to milk dry of all their money! A quick post on CL should do it.      “Teen girl seeks an older man to teach her how to have great sex. Must be patient and kind.”        What a bunch of crap! I will pretend to be a little virgin. Let them fuck me and then tell them how old I really am! I will have to hide a camera and tape the whole thing! Then they either pay up or go to jail. I am going to be rolling in the money soon enough! Blackmailing all these pathetic losers! And making the do anything I want! And all I have to do is act innocent while I let them slip inside my tight little cunt! I will milk them dry of cum knowing the whole time that it’s the Last fuck they will ever get from me! But I will return the favor and fuck them over!

Pig Tail Brats

Alice 4What fun I have babysitting all the different kinds of fucking spoiled brats? They come in all shapes, colors, and ages. I have always been picked by several adults to watch their “precious bundle of joy”. Oh what the fuck ever! To me, they are all beyond annoying and should be be slap around while I ram a hard cock up their tight lil’ fuck holes. But out of all the brats I babysit, I just can’t help myself with those lil’ pig-tailed girls. They REALLY need to be played with the most. Look at it this way, when you pick out the pig-tailed ones it make it so easy to face fuck them with your hard cock as you hold on to their cute pig-tail hair. They make great handles to hold on to while they gab their fucking eyes out on your cock. Lol! Not to mention, how fun it is to rip off their tiny panties and watch them scream. Looking emo picat the face of a pig-tailed lil girl just gets me wet when I think about all the fun things I am going to stuff in her twat. It’s like take the face of innocence and ravaging it into the perfect fuck toy. Or I can flip them over and have their lil’ asses in the air so that they are in the best position. After I force that cock into their asshole, I can spank that ass until I am done with her. That will teach lil’ pig-tailed brats that they are not sweet princesses that should stomp their pretty lil feet whenever they want to get whatever they whine about. They just make the best victims with it comes to getting your cock to cum hard, don’t you agree? Lol!




rape phone sex fantasiesI wanted to go out tonight. School is about to start and I wanted a night of partying before I have to go back. But instead mom said I had to babysit for my cousin. I hate that little spoiled BITCH! She argues over everything. And is such a fucking liar! Every word out of her mouth is fucking venomous. And tonight she was even worse! So I did what I had to do. I put a little something in her drink. Just enough to make her loopy. Then I began to beat the shit out of the little bitch. Punched her in the pussy. Took a brush and shoved it up her ass. I needed places her mommy wouldn’t see in the bath. I was having some fun but it wasn’t enough. That little Bitch needs to PAY. So I call over some of my play partners. And I watched as they shoved there dicks in both her holes. As she cried out in pain. They pumped and pounded her like a little rag doll. She was bouncing in between them. And they forced they huge cocks deep in her. And then they both cried out and came so deep inside her! She will be feel that for weeks. I threw the little slut in a bath and then put her to bed. It wasn’t the night I wanted… but it sure was fun!

Evil Teddy Knife Fight

Knife Play Phone SexThe sound of crying usually makes my cunt drip, but that’s just because usually I’m the one causing the crying. However, when a stupid little bitch starts screaming and crying for no reason it pisses me the fuck off. A friend of mine begged me to cover a babysitting job for her (she still owes me a favor for that). Anyway, I agreed because she said she hated the little brat anyway and really didn’t care if I fucked with her in my own special way. So, the stupid bitch was crying her eyes out because I wouldn’t let her have a snack. She was squeezing her little arms around her teddy bear, whining and saying I was a “meanie”. She soon learned that the word “meanie” doesn’t really do my sadistic little soul justice. I ripped that teddy from her hands and pulled out one of my favorite knives. The blade was long and shiny and it looked so pretty as I ripped into that teddy bear and began pulling out all the stuffing. She watched me, screaming and crying. I made her open up her mouth and stuff all the bear’s insides down into her throat. She was trying to beg me to stop, but the stupid bitch couldn’t speak with all those bear guts in her mouth! Once her mouth was full I took the point of my knife and thrust it up through her chin. The blood began to gush out, soaking all the white teddy bear stuffing. I sliced her all over, making her rub her tiny hands all over her sticky blood and even finger her tiny little bald pussy with her bloody hands. Finally, once I was bored with her, I took my knife and slid it fast across her throat. I laughed out loud  with glee when all the blood spurted from her fucking throat! Looks like I gave that bitch and her teddy bear a reason to cry tonight.


Babysitter Phone Sex

Pandora 4I am not what you call the ‘babysitter’ type. However I have done it in the past for friends or family to help them out if they really needed someone to watch their fuckin’ brats. Like this weekend, one of my friends asked me to watch her young daughter last week while she was out of town to a funeral. Well, I am certainly not going to stop going to work because I am babysitting. So I brought her with me to work. I told the girl to stay in my office while I went into the next room to work. By the way, I never to that brat what I do for a living … maybe I should have told her the fact I get to play with dead people all day long and that might have prevented what occurred. Ha!Ha! But little ones never listen when you tell them to stay put in one spot so this became fun for me. I was working on examining this old man that died during sex due to a heart attack from taking too much viagra. So this poor bastard died with a huge hard-on and never got to blow his load. Therefore this man came into the morgue with his cock hard and fully erected. I already stripped his clothes off and started examining his body when I heard a tiny gasp. I looked up and there was my friend’s annoying, young daughter. She was completely freaked out at the fact she was looking at a dead guy with a huge boner. She tried to run out of the room but I quickly snatched her ass back into the room and locked the door behind me. Then I dragged her over to the corpse and made her look at his stiff cock. I told her that since she can’t listen when she is told to stay put in one spot that she has to pay for her actions. I knew she was frightened by looking at this dead man and I was going to make sure that she will listen to me for now on. I whispered in her ear “Do you want to see that hard dick go down?” She nodded her head yes and I told her to grab it with both of her hands. She refused to and then I told her sorry ass that if she didn’t do what I told her that I would tell her Mommy that she came down here to play with all of dead people. So she grabbed that hard cock and I forced her to suck on his cock until it went down. She gabbed and cried her eyes out when that cock exploded into her mouth. At least she will learn to listen when she is told to do something and well, my corpse finally got to loose his erection. Ha!Ha!Ha!

Classroom Devoured


Karma and I taught a class full of little brats today. They asked us to train a new male teacher that they got. We walked in our class room and the stupid little fucking brats were all over the place like they were little fucking monkey’s. I walked over to the youngest little bitch and snatched her up by her hair and dragged her to the back right in front of our class pets cages that we have in our class room. As I was dragging her she was yelling and screaming for us to stop and Karma kicked the little cunt right in her fucking nose till blood was dripping down her face. We opened the cage and let the beasts out they were growling and attacking as soon as they walked out ripping her little body apart limb by limb till she was no more. One by one they just kept attacking and ripping all the little fucking brats apart. We walked over and snatched a little one out of her desk and took her over to the new teacher and ripped her clothes off of her as he climbed right on top of her and rapped her little fucking cunt, Karma and me each grabbed a leg and pulled all the way back till we heard bones cracking as he was fucking her harder and hard. Soon as he heard the little bitch yell for Mommy he explode inside of her as we were kicking her in her face. Stupid little fucking students will know their place next time.


Summer fun for me

Alice 5Now that school is out and summer is here, I can now have all the thrills I want the next few months. This does mean I will get more time to babysit all of the annoying, little brats all over my neighborhood since they are not in school and their parents are still working. I can make some serious cash during this time of the year and the best part is that I get paid to not only watch their little asses but play with them as well. Lol! You know exactly what I mean so you need to have your cell by your side to be ready for my call for you to come over with my “bag of fun” in hand some we can enjoy our play date with youngsters. I know well will have so much fun beating their asses, scaring this shit out of them, and the most important part is to make them eat your jizz. Yes, I know that their tight, tiny holes will be perfect to rip wide open as well cum together in their horrific bloody mess. Have a awesome summer with me on our hot journey threw this hot few months.

Babysitting for two

Alice 2So my mom told me that I am going to be babysitting two little girls that are sisters named Cara and Tara. I have babysat for them in the past and I really can’t stand their pathetic girlie asses. Just looking at them just makes me want to go eat broken glass instead of spending another minute with these ho’s. But when they came over last night, I decided to invite my perverted neighbor who just loves to play with little girls like these two. ~Lol~ I called him to come over here after they went to bed. We went upstairs together to go join these fuckin’ little brat where I would get some excitement for my night. Of course my neighbor helped me tie up these two and pulled off their ‘pretty lil panties’. He wasted no time when he struck his cock in Cara‘s twat as he was fingering Tara‘s tiny slit. When they both woke up screaming and crying, I reached over and started hitting them with their own fuckin’ Barbie doll. ~Lol~ Then I grabbed Tara‘s face right down towards my neighbor’s cock so he came cum all over her ‘pretty lil face’. ~Lol~

Cum to FamilyDesiresPhoneSex.Com to fuck Lil Cara and Tara some more!
