When I was going through medical school to become the skilled and secretly wicked mortician that I am, I had a roommate right down the road from campus. This roommate was a guy who was pursuing his M.D. to become a doctor in various medical fields. Shortly after we became roommates, I noticed that he had the same lustful desires for cadavers as I do. However, we had a difficult time finding fresh dead corpses to have at our disposal which lead us to the dark adventures that were to come. We came up with a plan to go down town to where the strip of bars and night clubs were all at. There we began hunting for the right specimen to take away in the late night for medical experiments and nasty sexual fulfillment. The perfect candidate would be a beautiful, young drunk girl who had way too much to drink. Usually we would find this drunk girl passed out from drinking in an ally way or violently vomiting into the brushes which is clearly obvious that she is on her way to blacking out near by for us to take her away. Oh I do miss those college days with my old roommate.
Category: Accomplice phone sex
Life before I was a mortician
Dark and Twisted
Dark and twisted is what I am. I hate vanilla things they do NOTHING for me. The only thing that I like is something evil, something bloody and torturous. The bloodier and darker the more it turns me on and makes my pussy drip! I am not for the squimish so if you are vanilla or squimish then don’t call me. The only thing that turns me on is fucking BLOOD and TORTURE!!! I especially enjoy torturing women and little girls. Awww all of those are sweet morcels to me! Such easy prey, especially for a girl like me! Those bitches will trust me because I am a girl and then I can lure them into my dark world of torture! I want to lure them in and gain their trust and then surprise them with my big ol knife. I want to tie them up and slice their pretty little bodies and faces and watch the blood run out of their wounds. I want to hear them scream and watch their eyes as they open widely not knowing what I am going to do next! I want to watch the life fucking drain out of them!
Burn Bitch Burn
My friend David asked me for a little help today. His ex-girlfriend is Cheating on him. It seems like she lets her pussy rule his life. He was sick and tired of always wondering where her cunt has been. He asked me for help in knowing if he should leave the bitch. Of course I told him a slut like that could never be trusted. I’ve been waiting for the day he finally breaks up with this whore. I’ve had something very special planned for her, for a very long time. I was so excited when he finally dumped her. I could barely contain myself. I ran straight home and got out the special gift and made for her. I bought several tasers and disassembled them. I ran them together and attached the ends to clamps. I was able to string together four units to one controller. The shock wouldn’t be enough to kill you, but it would make you wish you were dead. I’ve been waiting so long to teach that little cunt a lesson. I was able to pick her up easy enough. I knew the little slut would be out on the prowl. I took her straight down to my basement and wired her up. I know for a fact in the past two years she’s cheated at least 22 times. I don’t think she really understands how big of a number that is. So I’m going to teach her. I start off with the first guy I know of, Ray. I remind her of Ray and how she fucked him one weekend. While I was reminding her of Ray, I was hooking those clamps up to that nasty cunt of hers. Oh she was crying, and cursing and begging me to stop. And then I started to shock her. I could smell her pussy cooking. It was fantastic. When I finally stopped and she was sobbing. I let her know that we were going to go through each one of her 22 affairs. She really freaked out! The next guy was Tim. And when I lit her up I could see smoke coming from her pussy lips. I could hear the crackling! It sounds like bacon cooking! OOOH I like seeing the fear in her eyes. Of course, this lesson I’m teaching her will be lost. Since I plan on killing the whore when I’m done. But I’m going to burn her cunt lips off before I do that. David will never get the chance to take this slut back.
Whips, Chains, Latex & Leather
I’ve never been the kind of girl who goes for anything safe or normal, it’s beyond boring. I crave constant excitement and pushing the limits in every aspect in my life.
I see my tight, young body as a canvas and see the different tattoos all over my body as art.
I can be anything I want to be at that moment, I can change my look depending on my mood and I’m fearless when it comes to trying something new and different and in fact, I welcome it.
My blood pumps harder and my heart beats faster when I indulge my craving for something on the dark, sadistic side. I assume my role as your evil, wicked accomplice and I make sure to look the part.
My black latex corset and thong, black fishnets and thigh high black leather boots help take me deeper into my real self.
I cannot deny or ignore the constant urges and cravings for finding the perfect little body to take into my clutches and bring to you.
You fuel my desires by instructing me just how tightly to secure the limbs properly so no matter what deviant, twisted, torturous pain we inflict they have no escape.
Your wicked, evil fetish fantasies are realized with me and I can’t wait to begin.
I was happy to hear from you, after all this time I didn’t think we’d ever talk again. Our last adventure together was almost too much for us to handle, but we were much younger and inexperienced. As I open the door to let you in I was frozen for a second, I forgot how ripped and muscular you are. You’ve doubled in size since I last saw you, and I was instantly turned on. I wonder what your plans for us might be on this cold and wintery night. I offered you a beverage, but you said you were fine. As you begin to tell me about the young treat you’d like me to help you get; I couldn’t help but reminisce back to a time when we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We would go out and find tasty little treats and bring them home and enjoy them to the end together. I know that time is long gone now, but I can’t help myself. I noted the address of the little one you desire, and sent you on your way. I will call you as soon as things are ready to go… I know the anticipation of whats to come is killing you, but you must exhibit patience in situations like this making the journey far greater than the reward.
To Be Continued…
Bianca’s Body Farm
You know what I’ve always wanted? My own fucking collection of real-life dildos, fresh from the grubby man thighs that I sliced those thick, meaty pisspoles from…I like to dismantle bodies. In fact, I am slicing, dicing, and maiming my way toward my very own Body Farm. Dirty, dull blades are best. I want to hear the horrifying shrieks of unfathomable suffering and terror endured at my own fucking hands. Oh yeah. I do enjoy their hands….there’s nothing like a cold, stiff forearm from a corpse shoved up my pussy. The fingers are so dull and lifeless, leathery in texture and brimming with congealed blood. The rot doesn’t set in for a good three days, so during that time I’ve got lots of different fingers to choose from to rub my sopping wet clit with. FUCK! I love it when the skin starts to flake and peel off and the stench sets in. Men are shitshoveling fuckers who are only good for one thing: the veiny logs between their legs. I’ve got an axe, a strong swinging arm, and I’d like to treat myself and my pulsing, dripping cunt to some fresh meat. Bianca needs herself some new bodies….
extra blood, please….
Feed The Need
I love the thrill of watching someone get really fucked up or fucking them up myself. The more blood and mutilation, the more pain and degradation, the more humiliation and torture the better. I love severed limbs and disfigured flesh. My blood starts pumping with the first cry of fear. At that single moment that my subject realizes he or she will be mine I become uncontrollably aroused. My body feels like it is on fire and with every cry and every drop of blood my cunt gets wetter and the longing to get fucked like an animal becomes over whelming. My place is so secluded that no one can hear the screams. No one can save your ass if you are stupid or gullible enough to fall for this girl next door act. I can be such a sweet little bitch to get what I want. When I get you where I want you, I blast my stereo and feel the vibration from the music from my toes up to my nipples as it strokes me from the inside out in the most seductive way, stroking every part of my body. The sensory perception just adds to the excitement of the game. The thrill of the mutilation to cum, and when it accompanies the sickening sound of the gurgling as my subject chokes on their blood I fall to the floor weakened by the strength of my orgasms. It is my favorite way to end the game to hear someone choking, gasping for their last breath as I hear the gurgle of blood deep in their throat asphyxiating them until there is no more breath. Yeah I am a little touched, I know, but you still want to play don’t you baby?
Special Request
Rob is one of my best friends. And he’s helped me out of a few real tight jams. So when he asked me for a favor, of course I’m going to say yes. See he has this problem with his ex. She just won’t leave him alone. She keeps breaking into his house. Showing up at his job. And the cops don’t believe him. She’s 98 pounds soaking wet. Cute little blonde. And he’s 6 foot four 260 pounds of pure muscle. She bruises yourself and blames it on him. Says that if he doesn’t talk to her shall have them arrested for abuse. And no one believes him. He’s desperate to fix it. But his hands have to stay clean. He’s going to Las Vegas for a fun weekend with the guys. He will make sure he is in the casino at all times, so that he is on video.And I’ll make sure that dirty fucking cunt never bothers them again. I knew when he posted all over Facebook that he would be having a fund weekend out of town that that dirty fucking or would break into his house. So I waited for her there. I barely let her get in the door before I knocked to the fuck out. Didn’t want her to leave any extra DNA. I tied the dirty cunt up and gagged her. And bleach down the DNA she did leave. Then drove her ass out to my cabin in the woods. I took my time fucking her up. I knocked her fucking teeth out with the brick. Trying to knock just one or two out at a time. I cut her fucking nipples off. Then trimmed her toes and fingers off and seared the skin close so she didn’t bleed to death. Dirty sucking whore was begging me to let her live. Swearing she would never ever even look at Rob again. But it’s too fucking late for that shit. Then I got out this old wooden baseball bat. I took the big thick end and rammed it right up inside of her dirty fucking cunt. And when I hit the back wall I pushed it in even further. She started pouring out blood. I took that bad out. And started beating her to death with it. I didn’t stop until she was an unrecognizable piece of bruised that meet. I dumped her body inside of a steel drum and filled it with lie. Wash the lid and the outside of the drum down with bleach and buried it in the woods. If it’s ever found and will never be traced back to me. But she’ll never be fucking found.
Surprise Inside
This little asshole twerp at my school has been asking me to go out with him lately. Seriously? Do I look like a fucking prom queen to you, fucker? But the retarded little freak wont leave me the fuck alone, so finally I agreed to do something with him…on my own terms, of course. First, I told him where to meet me. Gave him the address, got all fancied up real nice for him. When he got there, he looked really confused. Yeah, it was dark, and the cemetery gate was all chained up, but that was no problem for me. I brought my Lineman’s pliers. Lucky him….well, I guess he wasn’t so lucky when I cut through the chain and pushed him inside. Then he wanted to run home and cry like a little quacking baby. WHAT’S WRONG BABY? ARE YOU BACKING THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR LITTLE TRICK? Nooo, stay for the surprise inside! He was getting so scared, I started cackling like a hyena. Guess he shouldn’t have messed with me…I shoved the dirty twat right over to the mausoleum in the center, but he tried to run. Can’t have that…I rammed the pliers into his stomach and a burst of blood sprayed out from the wound. He shrieked loudly and dropped immediately in pain. Then I grabbed his scruffy sneaker and dragged his piss-ass weakling body over to the door. “Getting it up, yet, fucker?!” I screamed at him. I kicked him in the stomach where the pliers were still lodged, and he let out a horrible shrill howl. “THINK YOU’RE GOING TO GET SOME FROM BIANCA, HUH?” I checked his pants, sure enough, he was hard as a rock. So I yanked down his jeans and I started giving the fucker what he wanted. Your little pisspole touched, right? “THAT’S WHAT YOU WANTED FROM ME RIGHT, YOU STUPID PRICK?” I kept beating him until his breathing grew more and more ragged. Then I slammed his head against the stone of the cemetery and snipped off his pathetic cock with my pliers, still coated in his blood. His entrails slipped out of the gaping hole in his abdomen as I yanked it out and I wiped my sticky red hands on my jeans in disgust. Then I left his corpse there to rot. Hey, he’s in a cemetery already, less clean up for me. Now that’s my idea of a great date….
Quench My Blood Thurst
My thirst for blood drives every fiber of my being, from my head to my toes and everything in between. I need to drink blood like most people need to breath air. For me it is life sustaining and orgasmic.
Today i went hunting for wild game just so I could drain the blood and drink it. I was lucky and got two huge wild bore that yielded a lot of blood for the drinking.
I have to drink it quickly so that it doesn’t spoil and I am now down to about a gallon. All that blood has made my pussy soaking wet, and made me long for human blood which is what I really love.
I guess tomorrow I will go to the hobo camp and find some poor homeless fucker. Not to skiny and not on drugs, to bring back home and enjoy.
I will hang him or her upside down from a tree, slit their throat and let the blood drain into the pot so that I can drink it while it is warm.
Human blood taste so different then animal blood and while animal blood will hold me over, nothing quenches my thirst like human blood does!