Castration phone sex fantasies are more common than you think, for men and women. Of course guys call me daily for junk removal, but I talk to women too. Face it men. You all know a few women who want to chop your balls off. I am all about equal opportunity. If a woman wants to pay me to take the balls of her dirty daddy, cheating man or tool ex, I am all about the Benjamin’s. Loretta approached me last week with a suitcase of money. She heard I was the one to see for junk removal of worthless men. I told her she came to the right person. I love that I am known as a junk removal specialist. Loretta is my favorite kind of woman too. Filthy rich. Her husband is a cheating bastard. I asked her why not just divorce him because it is her money. Silly lady thought a man half her age with zero money of his own married her for love. No pre-nuptial agreement. They reside in California, so he could take money he is not entitled too. She wanted him under her control. She wanted to stop his philandering. She paid me 5 times my normal fee because she wanted a dirty and painful castration. She gained some respect from me for that. Didn’t erase the no pre nup stupidity, however. She gave me the codes to the mansion and her cheating hubby’s schedule. I arrived when she was out of town on business. He actually thought his wife hired me as an escort for him. Stupidly runs deep with those two. I played along just to tie him to the bed. Then I broke out the rusty chainsaw. I love the sound a chainsaw makes, especially when combined with screams of agonizing pain. He kept passing out, but luckily I have smelling salts to revive the losers. After his balls were severed, I sat on his face and pissed on him. I threw that in for free. I left his bloody balls on the pillow next to him and told him, “Cheat on your wife again, I come back for your worthless cock.”