Castration phone sex is hands down the sickest fun I can have on the phone. I love telling losers exactly what I am going to do to their testicles. My pussy gets wet at the graphic detail. Every loser who calls me for this specialty is different. I never remove two guys’ junk the same way. Where is the fun in that for me? Variety is the spice of life. I enjoyed telling a loser last night after I removed his balls with a castration band and a rusty saw, that I was going to deep fry his nuts and eat them. My spin on Rocky Mountain oysters. As he laid there in pain, bleeding all over the place, I was deep frying his nuts in olive oil and scallions. They ended up looking like fried perogies, just a lot smaller. Not quite as tasty either. Sat down across from him and ate his balls. I’m not a savage. Of course, I offered him some too. He tried to politely refuse, so I forced a few bites down his throat. Your host offers you something to eat, you eat it, even if it is your own balls. How do you think I will remove your nuts? I will let you in on a little secret. The best part is not removing your balls; it is what I do with them afterwards.