Castration Phone Sex Revenge Serves as Therapy for Women

castration phone sexCastration phone sex weekends seem perfect for a sick bitch like me. And when I saw this woman’s post on the dark web looking for assistance to neuter some enemies, I knew I would be the right sadistic bitch for the job. So, I took it. Seemed like an easy gig.

However, when I met with my client, I discovered she was not a woman. A teen girl hired me to get revenge on the high school boys who drugged her, assaulted her and then bragged about it to their school friends. And soon the whole school turned against her.

Although what she told me seemed right out of a Lifetime movie, I had no reason to doubt her. She showed me all the mean comments and posts her fellow teens made on her social media. Poor girl. She seemed to be living in a nightmare she did not know how to end. But I know revenge can help ease the mind and heal the soul.

I took this job for free. A teen girl the victim of a high school gangbang rape porn, deserved her revenge. Although I am not the most charitable person in the world, I wanted to help end her nightmare. And revenge could do that for her. So, I neutered her enemies, one by one this weekend.

Sometimes, Revenge Helps Ease the Pain

What fun I had too. I stopped 6 predators from growing into adult predators. She helped me lure each of her attackers to me. My cabin in the woods transformed into a teen boy torture chamber. As each boy arrived, he discovered one of his buddies drugged, naked and tied up on the floor. Usually, I utilize my castration chair, but this marked the first time I ever participated in a mass castration. And this way seemed more efficient.

Each boy started to wake up from the drugs I gave them. And they each realized they had a castration band around their balls. I told them what would happen to them soon enough. And I discussed the ramifications of their actions. They turned this schoolgirl into their teen rape porn star and thought they got away with it.

I let their victim get her revenge and power back. She severed their balls with a knife, and I cauterized the wound. I wanted to kill them. No way any authorities would believe a young innocent girl could murder 6 strapping teen boys. But she wanted them to live with the daily reminder of what they did to her. So, I let them live. But they will live neutered and unable to procreate or fuck normally ever again. Felt good to help this girl. I think my brand of therapy might have been just what she needed.

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