You ever grudge fuck? I did once and it was amazing. Amazing for me, not for him. Couple years ago, I was coming home from shopping. This asshat grabbed me in broad daylight. No one did a thing to help me either. He made me his captive for a weekend. I am not a victim. I got away, but I knew I would find him a again. I made it my mission in life to find him again. I am relentless, like a dog with a bone, when I want revenge. Thanks to the Internet, I finally found him again a few states away. This time the tables were turned. I hunted him like prey for days before I snatched him up in my car. Took him to a seedy motel no tell along the highway. Think Bates Motel . He was unapologetic. In fact, he was downright cocky. He thought I was back for some dick. I let him delude himself that I was back after two fucking years just for his tiny little sorry ass excuse for a dick. Really? Some dudes are so fucking stupid, it is amazing they remember how to breathe. I indulged his grandiose thoughts. Not because there was any truth in them, but because it would give me an edge. Give me the upper hand. When he told me to suck his dick like a good bitch, I showed him who the bitch was with a razor blade in my mouth. I cut his dick all the fuck up. He was crying like a bitch, when I punched him in the face. Tied him up, then informed him he didn’t have anything to offer a woman, which is why he force fucks chicks. A real man doesn’t have to force a chick because the ladies flock to him. Men with little clit sticks are not men. I cut his cock off, gave him a real clit. Just left a little nub. Well, littler than before. Left him in a pool of blood crying like a sissy bitch. I spit in his face and called 911 as I was leaving. I didn’t want to kill him. He needed to live the rest of his life as a dickless loser. Fuck with me, and I will fuck back tenfold.