I get Ims and emails daily about castration phone sex. So many losers in the world who know they have worthless balls but are too wimpy to do it themselves. Apparently, they are too stupid to know how this works either. On the phone it must be role play because I am not there to really take your balls, even though many times I wish I were. In my personal life, I castrate guys often. They pay me thousands of dollars, not $2.00 a minute, LOL. On the phone, we either simulate what it would be like to have your balls removed by a bad ass bitch, or you have a sharp knife handy and be prepared to call 911 after our call. Phone castration is fantasy phone sex. Logic would make you think that most men would know that, but some losers think I can come right on over with my knife collection and cut off their balls. This is phone sex, not an escort service. The men whose balls I take in real time have either paid me handsomely or just pissed me off that much like Gerry last week. Small dick loser who thought he could talk down to me. He made a couple wrong assumptions. First, he assumed I wanted to fuck him. Hell, no. I have standards and he did not meet any of them. Two, he thought he could insult me. Maybe that works on insecure women, but I am not insecure. I thought I left the loser in the bar, but he followed me home. Well, he followed me to my kill shack in the woods because I realized he was following me. He never left the cabin. I cut off his balls and his dick and left him outside bleeding, so the wild animals would tear him apart limb by limb. Gerry paid with his life for being a tool. If you are lucky, you just pay for a call and some extreme CBT torture sex.