Cannibalism Phone Sex Fantasy

cannibalism phone sex

He called me with a highly creative cannibalism phone sex fantasy. I must admit, I am sick like Jeffry Dahmer, but I do not eat my victims to get rid of the evidence. There is sick then there is SICK. I have devoured my shared of testicles, however. Rocky mountain oysters are delicious when prepared right. Eating men’s severed balls is like eating a man’s soul. This fantasy was intricate, creative and hot. Me and a few hot girlfriends pick up a wayfaring stranger traveling through our small community. He has no clue that when three hot Goth chicks invite him to dinner, that he would be the main course. He had no clue he was in the one county in the world where cannibalism is legal and encouraged. I gave my dinner guest a spiked glass of wine. It had a little bit of puffer fish extract in it. Just enough to dull the pain receptors in his body. He could not move much, but his brain function was fine. He thought he was drunk. My sexy bitches and I oiled him up with butter and garlic sauce. He thought it was some sort of love potion. A good meal is all in the preparation. You need to season the flesh evenly to make it taste the best. He did not get a clue until he was strapped to a spear and dangling over an open fire. He was a slow cook. He could not feel his flesh burning, but he could smell it. We roasted him like a pig. He would be more valuable in death than life. Once he was fully cooked, we cut up his body separating the organ meat from the limbs. We feasted on the cock and balls for dessert. Eating some of his liver and his heart first before dining on some thigh meat as part of our cannibalistic ritual. It was a hot fantasy phone sex call that left me hungry for more.

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