Brat Soup For the Cold Front

                                            cannibalism phone sex              Such sick and twisted cannibalism phone sex tales I have…

 Can I help that brats are naturally drawn to me? I hate the little fuckers, but they seem to adore me. At least until the pain starts! That macabre, erotic fix I crave can sometimes kill two birds with one stone! Quite fucking literally! 


                                  It’s getting colder than a witches titty or even my heart at this point! The Midwest is not where I tend to winter, but an alluring job helping crotch goblins with home studies, a live in nanny situation with a big payday blurred my visions for a warmer climate. I would be alone with these darling young piles of flesh. I have no clue why these short people like to crawl all over me and are so devoted. They will do anything Miss jezebel asks them too. Perhaps its my blade or the sexual games I make them perform that keeps them scared. But at any moment I could lob a  little head straight off and eat the flesh from the bone. This is how I then would be able to start selecting little urchins to put in my soup. I guess freezing rain, and five feet of snow would be good surroundings for a chunky meaty bowl of brat stew!


                                 But first these little ones would need to be tenderized and pulverized with a little cream sauce injected into tiny fuck meat holes. Maybe even some Iv drugs to make them loopy and more willing to be cut up and tortured! Can you help me prepare my cold front pot of young flesh meat? 

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