Bloody phone sex adds in William the bloody.

            Bloody phone sex adds in William the bloody. A.k.a. Spike. Now he got that name for driving railroad spikes into his victims. Now I know you want to be his victim. A Goth girl will know who he is and beg to be bitten by him.

            As Vampires go, he was and still is the saucy sexy man to bite you. Driving the spikes down into the middle of your head. Seeing the rippling body right before you are snuffed out. At the same time knowing that he is going to be mutilating your teen dead body.

            I will be his accomplice in all of it. Having dispatched Drucilla. In fact, until she was fixed by the blood of her sire, she was weak and pathetic. Just like you. It must be remembered that they don’t make angry mobs like they used to.

            I do so like it when we find a fun victim. Even Billy Ford fell prey to the esteemed William the bloody spike. He gets a chip in his head and still the women flock to him.

            In summary I am the Snuff sex Killer Queen Angie. Having taken over for Drucilla. Going to have fantasy rape, killer fun, and drive those spikes in. Right alongside of William the bloody. We are going to bathe in your blood.

            Until they end when we are finally depleted for the moment.

Bloody phone sex

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