Welcome To The City Of Sin

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They come here.  Lost souls from all over the world.  They think they have it bad at home.  Step-Daddy touches them, Mommy let’s it happen.  Blah, Blah, Blah.  They always think other people give a shit, nobody gives a shit.  I am certainly not going to shed a tear because Daddy fucked you.  He has a dick, and dicks are made for fucking holes. It’s a fact, so it’s nobody’s problem that you don’t like it.  However, what I do like about this whole mess your life has become is you ran to the one place on earth that I will find you.

Welcome to Sin City My sweet morsel.  You will see things here that will make your home look like fucking nirvana.  You will have things done to you that will push you to the very precipice of suicide.  How can it get worse than that?  Sooner or later, you will run into Me.  I will plaster a fake ass smile upon My face, one that will almost make Me retch in disgust. Then I will put my arm around you, and tell you what ever you need to hear until I see that look on your face, that small sign that you are starting to feel safe with Me.  Finally, someone is here to take you away, listen to your stupid sob story.  I will take you under my wing, I’ll even allow you to stay in a suite with Me for the night, fatten you up on room service, pamper you, spend the next day shopping with you.  This is when your happiness starts to set in because I have not asked anything in return.  We will check out, we will get into My Bentley, then as we cross the Oregon boarder, we will stop for the night in some backwood piss hole.  I will act disgusted by the accommodations, instruct you to unpack while I go and see if there is cleaner room for us.

As I leave the room and you start to unpack, you start pulling out instrument, after instrument of sharp steel.  I step back into the room, brushing dark liquid from my rain coat.  Your eyes widen as you realize what it is.  I put on a cheerful smile, taking a few steps toward you as I speak, “The management and I did not see eye to eye, I have work to do, and I do not need any witnesses.” With those words I grab your throat, pressing my nails into your soft skin, I tell you how pathetic you are, and that the only way out of your disgusting life is for Me to release you from it Myself. 


Bitches Love Presents

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Everybody is all cheerful because of this great fucking holiday season. I guess I’m just a modern day scrooge. I could care less about christmas trees and icicle lights. Although I do love the color of the season. Red makes me excited. I could gut that fat fuck in the stomach watch him turn that hideous red suit into a blood red. Tie Mrs. Claus up and torture her big juicy tits. Make the elves strip naked and do naughty twisted things with the little ones and their toys. I wont forget those ugly ass reindeer, especially the big red nose one. Mmm I could use a overnight job. Christmas sounds just like my kind of profession. Sneak in through the fireplace, tiptoe into each house and have my way with these spoiled brats who think Santa is real. Only thing real is my mission to invade as many houses as I can before the sun comes up on Christmas Day. Enjoy the mistletoe daddy. Kiss your sexy daughter, we all know how hard you get for her. Now that I think about it, I may just enjoy this holiday.  It will be me, you and my evil sadistic thoughts. After all, I am a evil bitch and bitches love presents. 12 days of xmas, 12 sexy victims, 12 lewd sexual acts. 12 sinful presents for me…. With that being said…Happy Holidays!

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I Am a Cold Hearted Bitch

torture phonesex angie2A darkness came over me yesterday that has not in a long time. My cunt ached for some serious evil and twisted shit and I would have my fill. The demons took a hold of me, controlling my mind, body and soul. I needed several victims to torture and only a family would satisfy my craving for pain and torture. I needed this blood lust satisfied like a heroin addict needs a fix. I found the perfect little family and watched them all day, waiting for my time. He was a strapping man and he walked with pride and purpose around the yard with his dainty and beautiful wife and little girl. Breaking him down and making him watch it all was going to be as good as the actual torture I plan on inflicting. I went home and got a few things I had collected earlier just for this special occasion. Before they know it I am in the house and I have that sweet little bit of a thing in my grasp. He is furious but he knows he can’t make a move without putting her in danger. his wife is begging and sobbing and my cunt is singing with delight as the juices flow. I throw him a rope an make him tie his little wifey up. I warn him that if he doesn’t do it right, this pretty little thing in my hands will pay the price. Watching him fight to maintain control only fuels the fire between my legs. I call him over and order him to get undressed and kneel before me. His wifey is going to watch him fuck her innocent little one. The sound of mommy crying while daddy’s dick gets hard in spite of himself, the pitiful sound of him apologizing before stuffing that tight virgin pussy with his very nice sized cock and her scream as he rips it open all spur me on. I make sure he fucks that sweet thing hard and rough and when he pulls his bloody dick out of her i lick it clean. I tie his hands behind his back and his ankles to the heavy couch as I tell him that he must be punished for what he has just done. I pull a bottle of syrup out of my bag and pour it on his cock and then the piece de resistance, the jar of fire ants I pour on his cock. he can’t help put scream as they eat him alive and as his dick swells from the numerous bites I let his wifey go and make her eat my cunt till i am satisfied.

Creamy Pussy Sadistic Girl

My parents always told me never to open the door to strangers…

Hey, What’s up?  Nice to meet you….

 I spend a lot of time daydreaming and playing with my pussy.  I think about little brats getting used as raw meat for hardcore rape fantasies. I fuck my tight asshole till it swells up, using my favorite dildo.  I love to read about or see news of stupid bitches getting murdered and fucked, either before or afterwards. When I think about body parts getting sliced up or beaten to a bloody pulp, my nipples get so hard. Thinking about killing you in creative and sexy ways, makes me wet.  When I think about someone snuffing me out, I get so hot and horny….I cum over and over again when I do things that I shouldn’t do.  I love to be the star of a hot wet dream.  Because I have a tiny voice, no tits and a mini slut-like body, I get chosen a lot to be a  pure and innocent virgin victim. I’ve been called a nympho-maniac, and a perverted,  sadistic whore.  Maybe I need need therapy? Who knows? Who Cares?

I would love to lure a stupid little brat into your hands…I’ll finger my pussy, watching your stiff cock rip her wide-open.

Ruby Girl Loves Me

Violent Phone SexMeet my sweet Ruby Girl.  I have had her for so very long.  I found her in an abandoned house when I was pretty young, not even a teenager.  I showed her off, every one told me how ugly she was, but I don’t think she is ugly at all, I think she is the most beautiful baby doll in the world.  There came a time when I realized that she liked the same things I did and still do.  I was in my room, reading, when Ruby Girl whispered to me.  It didn’t scare me at all, I knew there was something very special about her, and because I always was good to her, she would tell me secrets.  She would tell me how to do things, and who to do them too.  Sometimes, Ruby Girl would have me take things from our playthings, or she would have me save pictures, so that we could look at them later in my closet when everyone else was asleep.  When we would go on an adventure I would sit Ruby Girl near by so she could watch, and she would tell me what a good girl I was being, and how what I was doing made her proud.  To this day, I carry her in a messenger bag where ever I go.  The thing about Ruby Girl is, I never know when she will start to talk to me.  I might be on the subway, by a school, in a restaurant, or walking past a house.  She is my forever friend, no matter if I have anyone else with me or not, she is my constant companion.  Maybe someday, someone you know, or perhaps yourself will get to play with Ruby Girl and I, I promise that I will take a lot of pictures, to add to our wall of fame that I keep.  You will be among a bunch of others who played games with us….and lost.

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Accomplice Phone Sex with Dark & Evil Jade

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Little black dress, hair and make up all in perfect order. Damsel in distress act totally down pat. Now its time to pick a victim and deliver the little slut to my accomplice. He likes them petite with a nice plump booty. Truth be told, I like them like that too, but I act like I don’t care either way. That ass is definitely my weakness. I start off by luring them in with a “my boyfriend left me for his assistant” story, that works on all the girls. Tisk, it’s sad really. Then I trick them into thinking that I’m beyond faded and I’m in need of a ride home. They always bite too. It’s ridiculous how these bitches fall for it. Then when they get me to the car that’s when I make my move. I like to keep it creative too. Although its sometimes difficult because I like blood but my guy likes his girls seemingly unharmed. But a little black and blue wouldn’t hurt… Maybe around her neck and her titties. A little redness on her ass and pussy isn’t all bad either. I get carried away sometimes, he will have to understand. Maybe he can take it out on me after we finish with this bitch. 

A Blessed Yule

I do not celebrate Christmas. I celebrate Yule, which so happens to be December 21st of this year. It has always bothered me that “Christians” took our Holidays and tried to turn them into something other then what they really are. Alright, it more than bothers me, it pisses me off to no end. However, since I cannot change a wrong that is vastly believed to be a right, I will just continue to celebrate the Winter Solstice the Proper Way, by Celebrating Yule.

Tomorrow night, I will have a Bonfire behind my house. There will be six others joining me for my celebration. These are women who follow the same practices of Paganism that I myself follow. I have always though about combining my love for the macabre with this Holiday. However, that would make me like the Christians, taking something and warping it to suit my own needs. I am a lot of things, but a hypocrite I am not.

Since I am just writing about it, and not actually doing the act it’s self. I will share it with you. I have always had this image of a beautifully dressed young sweet thing. Holly in her hair, gown of gold and red gossamer clinging to her body in the cold night air as she approaches the Bonfire. She then is Blessed by those in attendance, then walks into the fire as we sing a Yule Song. She offers herself up to The Holly King to ensure a victory over the Oak King in this days battle. After this is done, we drink, dance, and make merriment until the offering is fully done, then we feast.

I think that is much better then going to the mall to sit on Santa’s lap to tell him you want a toy, don’t you?

Blessed Yule To You All,


(Below you will find one of the many Yule Songs sung on OUR Holy Day)

Bitches Love Parties

sadistic phone sex ivySo I was invited to a top secret lesbian party. They say it turns into a full out orgy before the ice melts in the cocktails. I’m usually not the first to get invited to these parties so it was a surprise when I was cornered in the bathroom by a hot brunette with long luscious legs and an invitation. She kissed me in the mouth and I bit her lip so hard it bled. I was so sure that would scare her away but she kissed me again. I look at her again and thought maybe I was wrong… can’t judge a book by it’s cover. A couple days later another bombshell approached me and asked if I had received the invite. I proceeded to tell her that I did but I wasn’t sure they read my sexual resume. You see, I like pain and torture. I want to make you bleed just as much as make you cum. She immediately took my hand and put it up her skirt. She said I should show her exactly what I mean. This bitch threw me for a loop but damn I loved it. I knew this would be my type of party… But now that they know, maybe I should call in some back up….Want to cum along on this adventure, I could use some dick in this equation of evil, torturous fun.

FUCKING Noose!!!! Cum and Go!!!!

Accomplice Phone Sex Magenta2I dreamt that I hung myselfIt was fucking hot! FUCKKKKKKKKKK! I stood on the chair-fingering my pussy-excited and ready to die!! I had my man slip the noose around my worthless-fucking-neck and had him pass me a bunch of sex toys!! I fucked myself like an out of fucking control porn star!!!FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK- AHHHHHHHHH Ready to fucking die-FUCKING-HARD!!!! FUCK!!!! FUCKING PUSSY came over and over again while my man watched and filmed me shove dildos in my ass and cunt.  FUCKING NOOSE AROUND MY NECK AS I CAME FUCKING HARD!!!! So fucking hot!! I wanted to cum and go at the same fucking time!!!YES!!!  COUNTDOWN-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1…….then I leaped off of the MOTHERFUCKING CHAIR like a ballerina-FUCK!!!!…just like a ballerina-FUCKING DILDOS RAMMED DEEP IN MY DRIPPING WET CUNT AND TIGHT ASS-I hung, convulsing, the weight of my body snapped my neck!!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I was a dead bitch!!!


I Left You Something For Christmas

Snuff Phone SexSo? What do you think? Do you like your gift? Cute red and white lace panties *gag*, a training bra, soft skin, just perfect.  I hate perfect.  How could anyone like the thought of wanting to be perfect.  They must be fucked in the head.  Stupid sheeple, doing what every one else does, fucking robots.  This thing on the floor under your tree is a sheeple.  Do you know what she was doing when I came upon her?  Little bitch was actually looking in the window of a American Eagle store.  Are you fucking kidding me? You might as well paint, “Hello, I’m a future douchette.” on her damn face.  All her little friends talking like, honestly, I have no fucking clue what they were talking like, it made no sense, speak English you twats.  That is when I decided to save her, I’m a fucking Hero!  Oh, I had to damage your gift just ever so slightly, she has a nasty bruise on her left cheek.  I would say I’m sorry about that, but I’m not.  Sometimes to save someone you have to hurt them, it’s just the way it is.  Other than that, I think she makes the most amazing gift.  For one thing she will no longer have to just follow, she will be one of the select few, she will be famous!  Her name will be all over the news, people will shake their head, and say it’s a shame, what monster could do this sort of thing?  Her name will live on.  Oh wow, not only have I given you a gift, I have given her one as well.  I’m all sorts of Santa aren’t I?  Alright, enough chit chat, how about you open up your gift? I’ll get the knives.
