Blood Trails in the Winter Forest

goth teen phone sexI followed the trail of blood out into the snow. The bitch thought she could get away by chewing through her ropes. She didn’t realize that there was shattered glass on the floor and her cries had echoed through the basement. I laughed to myself as I let her run. Nothing but miles of woods out there. If frostbite and coyotes didn’t get her, I would.
She was one of those bitches that you just fucking hate. Perfect, rich, spoiled, driving a new Beamer that Daddy bought for her at graduation. Daddy couldn’t save her now. See, this pretty little slut fucked with the wrong girl. I was at a party with my BF, Brian. He was a classic bad boy with a eye for pretty blondes. He thought a bathroom blowjob wouldn’t hurt me. It didn’t. He died in a wreck that night. Bad brakes..hehe. But she knew that she did. I’d been in love with him. The way she looked at me and licked her lips when she came out of that bathroom haunted me. I decided to bide my time and make her life hell. I got her fired for drugs in her car. I killed her cat and left it on her porch. I hacked her email and sent ugly letters to her friends and family. I’m a cunning whore and revenge is a game. Finally, I stalked her to a club one night, drugged her drink, and then “rescued” her, telling the bartender that I would get her home safely.

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She woke up beaten in my basement, stomp marks all over her pretty face. I had cracked a rib and slashed her tits. The pain was intense despite her hangover and she moaned loudly….until she saw me. A shriek stopped in her throat and she knew she was dead. I laughed as she whimpered, leaving her to wonder how and when. Poor pretty fool figured she could escape. She was so very wrong.
She’d been wandering in the woods for over 3 hours when I found her. She had bled profusely. Her bare feet were frozen solid as were the tears on her face. There was a gaping wound on her thigh where a timber wolf had attacked her. You could see meat and bones and I knew the pack would soon be back. “Please, help me.” she mouthed. I laughed an evil laugh that echoed through the frozen forest. I turned my back on her and walked away. As I exited the darkening woods, I heard her desperate scream. It was the cold and lonely wail of a walking dead woman. The winter-starved wolves will feast tonight.

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Kidnapping phone sex

kidnapping phone sex


I love getting wet in more ways then one. Sure I like getting soaking wet in the rain but I also like to get soaking wet in my panties- be it cum or blood. I just love the way the wet coldness touches my pussy lips. It has been raining a lot and I decided to get in a little bikini and get extra wet in the rain by playing outside. Well I guess I got so distracted gropping my body that I didn’t realize the audience I had.

I look around and noticed three men whispering to one another licking their lips in a car. I ignore them and turn the other way. I thought I was alone since after all it is pouring and who would want to be out here other then a horny bitch. Before I knew it my neck was being choked and my mouth was being covered. My body went up in the air as I arched my back trying to kick away from the other man that was grabbing my ankles. They throw my body to the ground. They start calling me names like little toilet pathetic piss whore as the soak me in their warm smelly piss.

They tell me for every moan I make that they get to take slashes at my body. I can’t help but to make noise as they rip my bikini off of my hips and tits. Here comes there knife grazing my skin as each one of them make a cut into my perfect white flesh. I start gushing blood and the rain helps wash it away as it continues to leak out of me. They take turnings pounding my wet cunt and ass hole making even more blood rush down my thighs from them ripping me open. My body is getting extremely wet as they bust their nuts everywhere- on my face, hair, mouth, tits, cunt hole, and shit hole.

Mommy Ass Rape Porn Cures Cabin Fever

ass rape porn blairAss rape porn during a winter storm was on my agenda today. Or I should say it was on my son’s agenda. He had a few friends over because of the snow day not realizing it was going to snow as much as it did. I was fine being snowed in because I had my own private stash of white snow to pass the time. My son and his friends got cabin fever as soon as the power went out and they could not play their video games anymore. They burst into my room half naked, hard cocks in their hands and I knew what was in store for me. I was going to get gangbanged, double penetrated and force fucked. At least until the power came back on. My son saw my bowl of nose candy; pretty much pilfered it, then pilfered my ass. I don’t mind a good ass fucking, but when my son and his friends get high, they get merciless. Just anally assaulting me with their dicks was not enough. I got fists up my fuck holes, beer bottles and the biggest glass dildo known to man. Where the fuck it came from, I had no idea; but it hurt like a bitch. I needed more candy, but they snorted it all. My son wanted me to feel every inch of that cold glass in my ass. I prayed for the snow to stop and the power to return so I could just go back to partying with myself, but this was the big black cock of snowstorms: 16 inches in one setting. The power was out for hours. My ass took a beating from three horny boys When the power came back on however, they didn’t lose interest in my ass. They just gained interest in my pussy.

Gotta find some fun in all this cold!

rape phone sex fantasiesIt is fucking freezing outside, all this snow and cold is cramping my style yanno? Here I am stuck at home with my little brat of a niece and the only person around is my horny teen loving neighbor. Now, it has always easy to convince a guy like him to get all his rape fantasies out on some lil teen, but this guy was really surprised, shocked even when I offered him something that was even younger than he was expecting. I knew it wouldn’t be hard to convince him that this little one would be the one who needed fucking, who needed to be forced to do the nastiest things at such a young age. He was convinced when I started describing what her little cunt would be like – he couldn’t stop thinking about how tight and small it would be. Perfect stretching apart on his dick. The bald shiny lips just begging to be fucked wide open, raw and bleeding even as you pop her cherry. I want a little virgin, don’t you? Can you imagine how hot it would be to hold her down as she cries and screams and you make your cock go into that tiny itty bitty cunny. I know he wanted that thing all along and I am going to help fuck her, force her and get that rape fantasy going just like he wanted… even if he didn’t know that he wanted it!

Snuff Porn Star: Dying to Get into Snuff Movies

snuff pornSnuff porn is a popular genre, but it is mostly fake. Or at least that is what I convince myself when a guy buys me to make a little underground film. I am always told I look so hot guys would pay good money to kill and torture me. I think it’s a compliment. My audition was standard. I showed off my body, screamed a little and sucked the producer off. Standard casting procedure for adult films. Lots of hot young girls dying to get on screen. I don’t care about being famous or infamous. I just want to be hurt. I just want to die. During my audition, I begged the producers to star me in something really gory and painful. I have a personal death wish. Pain, death dismemberment arouse me. When filming began, I was looking forward to something pretty horrific and extreme. My producer was Japanese and Asia makes the most gruesome snuff movies ever. I was tied to a bed with electrodes attached to my breasts, ass and pussy. This appeared pretty lame to me. I have been shocked before; that is not the kind of pain I deserve; not the kind of pain I want. A cattle prod or stun gun are like bee stings to me. But then, a switch was flipped and I was howling in pain, convulsing everywhere. I peed the bed, threw up and shook uncontrollably. I was sweating bullets, cramping all over when the switch was flipped again and again and again. My skin was burning. My flesh was charring. I was being cooked from the inside out and it made me cum so hard. I begged them to keep flipping the switch until I was dead but they refused to actually kill me. Would you finish them off for me? I deserve to die.

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StepMommy Dearest

Rape phone sex fantasies (5)

I woke up and she was there, I knew Daddy had let her in; he has no problem sharing me with friends. She had a gun in her hand and a look on her face like she didn’t give a shit about me, or my life. I was scared but I knew better than to run and she proceeded to slap me across my face with her gun. “I’m Alanza, and I’m going to be your new step Mommy.” I knew who she was, from and I whimpered as she dragged me across my bed and ordered me to get on my knees. She backed up and started filming me saying she was going to show the whole world what a slut I am. My young body was going to be exposed to all and I started to cry but she pointed the gun at me so I started to strip. First exposing my puffy little titties I had just started to develop and then spreading my pussy lips for all to see. They were bald and wet, pink and shiny. And I could see her rubbing her pussy behind the camera. Suddenly Daddy was there, and she was holding me down and he was fucking me harder than ever before as my new Mommy instructed him to do.

2 girl phone sex (24)

Castration Phone Sex Purifies the Human Race

castration phone sexCastration phone sex is way more popular than you would think. That makes me giddy like a school girl knowing how many men out there can admit they don’t deserve to have their testicles. I’m not saying I liked the Nazis, but I appreciated their scientific experiments to preserve their race. I look at castration as a method of purifying the human race. We have to make sure that only the finest specimens reproduce. Sure there are plenty of worthless women out there that need sterilized or their twats stitched closed. But, it if we can prevent the dead beat dads, losers with tiny dicks, the stupid fucks, the trailer trash rednecks, perverts and annoying self absorbed tools from procreating, we can make the human race stronger, better. I am a firm believer that assholes breed assholes.

Take my latest victim for example. Tony has sired 14 brats. He pays for none of them, subsequently his baby mamas are draining our tax dollars living off of welfare because Tony lacks the manhood to take care of his brats. I got wind of this lothario through a mutual friend and paid him a visit. The conceited tool thought I was there to fuck. He was like “you really aren’t my type, but I can toss you a bone, bitch.” I laughed hysterically. He looked so perplexed until he saw my big ass knife. Now, normally with the more willing castration victims, I use a castration chair, maybe slip them a roofie to dull the pain, and I most definitely try to cauterize the wound so they don’t bleed out.

snuff pornI could give a fuck if Tony ever took a breath again. I held the knife to his throat while I made him pull his pants down. I listed off a litany of reasons he didn’t deserve his balls. He thought it was all a joke. That one of his baby mamas was punking him, until I sliced his balls off. They hit the floor and looked like fish out of water. I stepped on his worthless nut sack with my high heels and squished them like a bug. Then, the fun part. I made him step barefoot on his own balls or lose his cock too. Of course after he stepped on his own worthless balls, I lobbed his cock off too. He shouldn’t ever fuck again. No woman, even ones I hate with a passion, should ever have to deal with this loser. I’m hoping he just bled out on the floor. I’ll take your junk too. I don’t even need a good reason.

Sexy calls with Rory

Evil phone sex

I had a very sexy call tonight with a man named Rory. He told me we could be a couple. That he thinks I am the one he could fall in love with. He is just like me. Sick and so fucking twisted. He told me how he was born just like me. Born with out feelings, born evil. We took a evil journey together. We found a slut walking down the street. One of those lonely loser girls, the one who could be missing for a few days and no one would miss her for days. We took her back to my house. We tied her to a chair and put hooks in her nose. We took turns farting in her face. Making sure she got the full smell of each nasty fart in her face. We farted in her face and mouth until she puked all over herself. We took turns pissing on her and making her our toilet. She is going to be our pet until she was boring. Then we would get rid of her together. I think he might be right.

Hot Experience As An Accomplice

taboo phone sex renaYou are my master for the night. You come to pick me up in your van. There is little said on the drive over to the local park. Once there, you tell me my job for the night is to assist you with abducting a young little thing for you to use and if I do a really good job you will let me play too. The object of your desire is on the swingset. She is a little red-haired sweetie. Her mother is nowhere to be seen. I walk up to her and explain that I am her mommy’s friend and she has been delayed. I was to pick her up and take her to meet Daddy. She eagerly came with me; such a trusting little sweet thing. I bring her back to the van and introduce her to her new “Daddy”. It is only then that she has enough sense to be scared. Then it is too late.

You have her inside the van in seconds and her screams are muffled by the large cock of yours that you have shoved down her throat. The little bitch is gasping for air and crying, but that only excites you more. You tell me you are ready for fuck her sweet, tight, virginal cunny. You tell me to sit on her face to muffle her screams. As I sit on her face, she cries and screams into my pussy. Those screams vibrate inside me like a vibrator would. It feels so good. As you plunge your large cock into her tiny twat, she bleeds from all the tearing. The sight of the blood turns you on so much more. She screams louder and you demand I sit down farther, which I happily do. She screams harder, vibrating my vaginal walls and I end up cumming all over her little face. I watch your dick continue to saw in and out of her. By this time, her lower half is a wreck. You come inside her filling her small cavern to overflowing with your cum. The sight of the cum and blood is overwhelming.

It is only then that I realize she is not struggling anymore. You tell me that while I was cumming, I sat down a little too hard on her face, and she stopped breathing. She was literally suffocated by pussy. The sight of her sweet little body relaxing as she was snuffed out is what got you off so hard. Well, whatever my master wants, my master gets, and if it means snuffing out more of these little brats for you, I am only too happy to oblige.

I like to mix it up sometimes

snuff sexSometimes my regular torture techniques get really old and boring…I have to seek out alternative ways to fuck up the bitches that deserve it all. They are literally going to get the worst of the worst from me…My very favorite new torture? Ahh, the good old starving rat in a cage. They’ll  claw and chew their way through your body to get to the food and you can do nothing but take it, deal with the pain. That’s what I want, to hear them scream and cry and beg for it all to end but not letting them get that kind of satisfaction. I want guys and girls to do this with a little sweet couple would be ideal. A stupid college couple that gets too drunk or is too stupid to be afraid of me and once they’re in my clutches they’re fucked…they’re mine to do whatever I want to. Mine to drain of their blood, ruin all their fuckholes and take all the pleasure as I watch the life drain from their eyes.