Black Leather and Wet Flesh

Sadistic phone sex I didn’t make enough money tonight and my man was pissed. I walked up and down the Houston streets, but came home with $200 and that’s not enough to keep my man high all night long. When I came through the door and gave him the money he didn’t show his anger at first. He smiled, kissed my forehead, and told me to take a hot shower. Relief flowed through my body because I thought I was in the clear. I went upstairs and got in the shower. The hot water and soap erased the saliva and cum from the tricks that paid me for a good time. I closed my eyes and let the water cleanse my face…
But my man busted in the bathroom and grabbed me from the shower by my hair, pulling the shower curtain and rod from the wall. He dragged me to our bedroom and flung my body to the floor. He pulled a leather belt from the closet and wrapped it around his fist. I cried out and begged for forgiveness but he wasn’t hearing it. He hit my wet flesh over and over again. The pain was so bad that I blacked out eventually, but when I would wake up he would start whipping me again. When he finally stopped my body was covered in welts. I need to get out of this relationship but I can’t leave him.

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