Man, I fucking hate this time of year. Unlike other numb-minded fucking idiots I paid attention in class and I am aware that as of now, currently those niggers and nigger lovers are celebrating black history month. All I wanna do though is hang them! I can only think of myself doing horrible things to those knuckle draggers. I am fucking disgusted that there is a whole month dedicated to those nasty brown things. They should be doing what they do best and be taking their ass to the fields to pick cotton instead of breathing up and wasting up all of society with their pathetic ass. I know that there sure isn’t a white history month…and that’s why I am going to make one particular black cunt suffer. Thinking she can be the hood hard ass kinda girl, well I am going to hang and lynch her black ass up and that’s exactly how I am planning on spending my black history month. She’ll be the start of them all! Because every day they are celebrating nigger month I will be celebrating in my own way too. I’ve already got a location picked. I’m going to have a forest full of cut up and beat up black sluts and pathetic tiny dicks niggers too. I want to cut off some cocks to show everyone that those big black cocks they talk about are no such thing. Maybe I’ll stuff a couple into a sissy bitch’s mouth while I am at it! Either way they’re coming off and I’ll be cumming to the sound of their screams. They’ll be begging and begging for my mercy but I have none for their kind – they are so below me I honestly have no idea how the niggers got a whole month of recognition! But that’s okay, I’ll make sure they know exactly how I feel every single day up there in nigger forest…