Bad Babysitter Phone Sex

babysitter phone sexBad babysitter phone sex calls are so much fun. I love being an accomplice for P sadistic fun with little girls and boys. I know I don’t look like the kind of girl parents would hire to watch their brats, but I can clean up okay. I can act innocent and sweet. But anyone who knows me, knows I don’t have a sweet bone in my body. Once the parents leave for their date or function, I drug the brat and let you sneak in and have your way with her tender age body. It will cost you, but not as much as it would going through a sex trafficker or traveling to a foreign country with a younger age of consent. If you want snuff sex, it will cost more because there is more risk. I must make the house look like a crime scene and me the victim. Trust me, it is worth the extra money to get to kill and torture a tender age cock tease. With me as your accomplice, there are never any limits. You can just fuck a little girl or boy if that’s your thing or you can kill him or her too. What do I care? I hate brats and I am being paid.

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