They were just victims of your babysitter phone sex calls. I knew just where to find my delicious rugrats to torture and fillet! I didn’t think our call would make my pussy so wet for young sweet twat. I lusted after brat blood and I couldn’t stop the craving after you told me about the slumber party at your daughters’ house with your sweet fat cunny of a granddaughter and her tiny fuck toy friends. I had babysat for her friend and you and I had played together with older teens before. I knew you could satisfy my pussy with blood and the horrific screams of these little. I had you meet me at the basement door and gave you the chloroform. When I had the signal my pussy was wetting my black silk murder day panties. I ran after you with my blade out and snatched two beautiful Bebes and hauled them out to the van. Of course, you had your Granddaughter out cold and put them all in the trunk.
We made quick work at the dungeon as I invited My boy toy accomplice to join the cherry popping of fresh ripe youngins. I made sure I got to eat each little twat before and after each of you came in holes so small they ripped within seconds. I rode little faces as I stabbed each over and over. I minced the little bitches up and began my sweet and sour fillets of young flesh. So yummy eating the evidence. Of course, I left your grandebebe alive and I will keep her in a cage so You can come to finish destroying her. An evil heartless Bitch always has to have something to keep them coming back for more. I have plenty to feed her to keep her alive. I will have to disappear for a while from this town but I will leave a trail of tiny destroyed tots and women in my wake as I slaughter my way around the world.