Babysitter Phone Sex From Hell

babysitter phone sex

You were hired by my parents to babysit me which I assumed was going to be an evening of board games and movies, but you had other plans in mind, didn’t you? For starters you relocated me to an unknown location, where my parents are to never see or find me again. At this location there is a basement that you keep me in. It’s your own little playground of torture and fun and my living nightmare. You visit me there every night and sometimes throughout the day as well. I tremble every time I her your footsteps because I know that nothing but horror and pain awaits me. Over there in the corner is a table where you like to display all of your favorite torture devices, even though you have a lot more upstairs. It’s like this ritual act every time you decide to introduce a new one to me, because you enjoy the look of fear on my face throughout the process. Well I can’t take this fear and panic any more! I want you to end my life and end this terror once and for all!

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