Babysitter Phone Sex Babe Helps You Get Tight Little Boy Butt

babysitter phone sexI am an official member of the bad babysitter phone sex club. Lately, I have been able to score guys some tight young pussy through my fake babysitter profile. It is amazing how many folks just let random strangers into their house to care for their crotch fruit. Even I would not do that if I was a mother, LOL. This client did not want a young girl though. He wanted to fuck a tight boy butt. And I do not judge. Money spends the same even if you are a boy butt lover.

So, I took a gig with a young boy charge. I strapped down my tits and wore a dark wig. You know. I attempted to look more innocent like a babysitter. Not trying to look like a bad ass stripper bimbo. This boy would be perfect for my client. Young, hairless with a cute boy butt that would be perfect for ass rape porn.

After a few hours playing video games with the lad, I made him a magic drink. One I give all my cute young victims. It makes them sleepy and erases their memory. The boy would wake up with a sore butthole, but he won’t remember how it got that way. My accomplice came in through the back door, and I escorted him to the boy’s room. I knew where the cameras were outside, and how to avoid detection.

I Do Not Judge If You Want Boy Butt

He loved the little morsel I picked out for him. While the lad appeared passed out, I put a tarp on the bed to help with DNA and blood. I lubed up my client’s cock and my charge’s asshole. Then I sat back and watched my partner in crime explore his rape phone sex fantasies for boy ass. But like I said, I do not judge. If boy ass is what you want, boy ass you shall get.

My accomplice came quickly with something so tight wrapped around his cock. And I licked the sperm out of the boy’s butt because as your partner, I help with removing the DNA from the crime scene. By the time the boy wakes up and complains about his bottom hurting, I would be long gone and my fake profile deleted.

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