I am a unique character. Do not get me wrong, there are those who are idiots and feel the world should know how dumb they are I but l am me. Every time I go out in public l can hear those pathetic maggots whisper about how scary I am. That’s right, be afraid of me! If I chose to I could slit your insignificant throats right now. Today I am shopping for the usual substances required to run a human body, Doritos, Mountain Due and pizza rolls. At the store there is always this real chipper house mommy who wants to preach the word of her worthless god to me, always so nice. I just want kill her firstborn to see if she still forgives then.
She keeps nagging me about teaching her how to make my “charms” look so realistic. She is of course referring to the teeth and other mummified body Parts that I adorn my body with. Have never lied to the stupid bitch I tell her they are real, l don’t think she quite understands that. And am sick of listening to her wrenched voice. So, it is now time to invite miss faithful to her very own lesson.) Told her (was going to teach her how to make earrings. Those should be simple for her to comprehend. I give her he address to what l call my shop. It is an old abandoned building that is on the outskirts of the warehouse district. Naive as she is she shows up, and opens the heavy steel door stepping inside.
“Hello” She calls into the building. Her voice echoed through it’s emptiness, or mostly empty I should say. My stomach began to fill with butterflies like when you meet a crush for the first time. She walked into the middle of the room where a single chair sat with two tables, one on each side. On the left hand side, and the first table that Dr.Dumbshit approached contained all the supplies to create my beautiful art. She picked up the various wires and smiled to herself. She slowly walked over to the right hand side table. This table she approached with caution; taking her hand out she lifted the corner of the white sheet that covered it. Under it were all the devices that I liked to use on my play things. The smell of dried blood filled both her nostrils and my own as I now stood behind her. She went to turn quickly bumping into me. I smirk at her ear to ear. “I know what you’re thinking,” I said to her with a sarcastic tone “what kind of a women doesn’t clean her utensils when she is done?” She mumbled and stumbled over her words trying to find a path past me to dark towards the door. “Now…T T Terry, ha ha, I get it, April fools. I’ll be on my way now, ha ha.” I stepped to the side long enough for her to take a half a hesitant step forward and then leaned into her ear and whispered “Then you better fucking run you fat ass bitch.” I followed this menacing advice with the evilest laugh a girl could give. She darted towards the door; I let her get about halfway before throwing a knife into the back of her knee. She instantly fell to the ground and tried to crawl towards her freedom.

I leaned down to her and dug my heal into the back of her hand, “Fucking cunt, too slow, I changed my mind.” She cried spastically, I could hardly make out any of her pathetic words. Her pants began to become soaked with her own urine as it pooled around her on the floor. “See I was going to let you go and then I remembered how eager you were for this lesson in crafting so I couldn’t let you down, thoughtful I know.” I chuckled at myself; I was such a sarcastic bitch sometimes. I stood up, my heel digging into her hand, she let out the bitchiest scream so I naturally reacted with a swift kick to her face. She whimpered trying to compose herself as I slammed the heavy door closed. I walked towards the top of her head and grabbed my hand into her brown overly permed hairdo. She continued to struggle as she dragged along the floor while I walked her to the chair. “I do not know why you are bitching so hard cunt, you wanted to know how this happened.You should be happy; I am doing you a huge favor.” I tied her into the chair and strapped her arms and head down. Prying her mouth open I pulled out all of her teeth. She screamed so hard, I laughed. I shoved a sock back into her mouth and went over to the table to craft her bloody teeth into earring. I went back over to her and showed her them. She screamed past the blood soaked sock in her mouth. “Let’s see how they look, shall we?” I studded her sitting on her lap in the chair. I removed the ugly gold earring from her ear and looked at her in disgust. “Clip ons? What the fuck bible humper. That is okay I will pierce them for you.” I grabbed my scalpel from the table. Blood was thick and dried all over it. “Now hold still you dumb bitch” I held her ear out and stick out my tongue a little as to keep my hands balanced. “one…two..” She squinted her eyes and SWINK “Oops I seemed to have cut your ear off…” I shrugged my shoulders as she squealed trying to shake her head that was strapped in place. I held out the other ear still attached to her head “Guess we better make it even then.” I removed it shoving one earring into each of the voids where her ear used to be attached. “Those look beautiful!” She started to seize and her eyes began to roll into the back of her head. She shook and convulsed and a liquid rose from her nose. “Oh look you are choking on your own vomit.” I giggled slitting her throat. The blood sprayed across my face. It was warm. I stuck my tongue from my mouth tasting it. MMMMmm “Whelp,” I began to talk to myself. “Looks like you will have to stay here till I get back; I need to finish my shopping.” I removed my clothing changing into a fresh pair I brought with me leaving her dead body, blood draining onto the floor. I would come back later to clean up her mess. Now it was time for pizza rolls.