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Rape Phone Sex Fantasies with Blair

rape phone sex fantasies mommyI woke in a good mood that day. Got up to get the newspaper to discover a dead bird and dead flowers at my doorstep. A note simply said, “whores don’t deserve pretty things.” I tried to erase the image of dead things from my mind with a morning jog through a nearby cemetery. As I was running, I felt something hit the back of my head. I fell to the ground, landed on a bed of decaying flowers on an old grave. Before I could get up and access my damage, a group of men scooped me up and tossed me in to a old creepy mausoleum.

It felt like I was in there for days. I am claustrophobic, so being enclosed with a dead body made hours seem like an eternity. My attackers came back at nightfall. “We’ve been watching you Blair,” said the ringleader. “You give up your pussy and ass to anyone. That makes you a whore. No one misses whores.” They started ripping my clothes off, slapping me around, treating me like a street corner junkie hooker. They forced me down on their cocks. Spit in my face as they skull fucked me. Pissed down my throat as they came. Shoved dead flower petals in my mouth to force me to drink their cum. Gagging, convulsing, blood trickling down my face from a cut on my head…I had to look awful, but that didn’t matter to them. I was simply their fuck pig. They even made me squeal like one to prove that I was nothing but a dirty animal.

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One guy tied me up and bent me over the cold stone coffin, while his buddies took turns sodomizing my ass and fisting my cunt. Spiders and other creepy crawlies were covering my flesh as they violated all my fuck holes. They were laughing and drinking as I was crying and puking. At least 8 of them, so for hours upon hours they force fucked me in an abandoned mausoleum. I begged to be let go. Promised I wouldn’t tell a soul. “Of course you won’t Blair because dead whores tell no tales,” said the guy in charge right before he punched me unconscious.

I woke up in the coffin. The dead flowers covering my body were the least of my worries. I was nestled in between two decaying bodies of women who likely were victims of the same group of men as me. I went into a panic attack. I could hear muffled laughter as I felt my chest constrict to the point I could barely breathe. When I would imagine the most horrible death, it pretty much looked like this. Enclosed in a small space, naked, violated, with decaying flesh and a host of creepy insects.

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Club Hematolagnia: Vampires, Blood and Femdom

gothic phone sex vampire fetishWhen this guy asked me to go to this upscale new Goth club with him, I jumped at the chance. Club Hematolagnia is rumored to be highly exclusive with the finest red wine in the world. Plus, my date has the best coke in town. Pretty sure if I fucked him the bathroom, he would give me a few bumps to party with later. I felt out of place. Lots of women with pale complexions like mine, but I was the only redhead. I was also the only female  sub in the club. The club had what appeared to be sex bathrooms.  Huge rooms with a toilet, vanity and bathtubs big enough for two. Dave sent me into one. I saw the douches and enemas lined up on the back of the potties and assumed I was to clean myself out before fucking anyone in the club. The tub I guess was to wash myself up afterwards. Wrong and wrong.

As I was sitting on the toilet cleaning out my dirty fuck holes, a tall dominant woman with jet black hair entered. Perhaps Dave intended on sharing me with another woman. I was down for that. What occurred next, was nothing I could have even imagined. “You smell delicious,” the dark beauty said. She offered me a glass of wine, which made me queasy. The next thing I knew I was naked on the floor covered in blood. I panicked, but I did not appear hurt for once. The mysterious woman was in the tub with my date, Dave, but he did not look conscious. He was slumped over, his wrist hanging over the tub, blood dripping from a huge slash to his artery.

killer phone sex bloodlettingMorticia was masturbating in a tub of blood, my date’s blood, while sipping on wine. It wasn’t wine she was drinking, wasn’t wine I drank either, but blood. Fresh blood. This was no ordinary club, not even a typical sub bar. I was in fetish club, vampire fetish to be exact. She saw the look of horror on my face as I tried to escape. Nowhere to run. The bathroom door was guarded by a huge fellow with a big knife. I was next I thought. My need for coke would finally kill me. “Stop your crying pretty lady,” she said softly. This is a femdom club. We don’t kill pretty ladies, just stupid men.”

fantasy phone sex bloody sexI was not a dominate woman, however. I thought surely she will realize this and kill me.  I was instructed to join her in the blood bath. My date’s obviously drained carcass was removed by the armed guard and tossed on a gurney. I stepped into the tub with trepidation, but the warm sticky liquid that quickly engulfed my body made my pussy wet. I submerged myself in Dave’s blood. I toasted my dark beauty and drank a glass of his blood as an initiation into this exclusive Femdom  goth club. The terms of membership were explained very clearly to me. I must bring one male for feeding to the club per week. I must never reveal the location or specifics of the club. I must consume a glass of blood a day. And, I must serve my new master in whatever way she deems, no matter how dark her request may be. All violations of the rules, punishable by death by bloodletting.

This was a twist. Submissive to women, dominant to men. Can I do it? I better, my life depends on it. So which of you is going to offer yourself up willingly to be vampire bait? Surely, there are men who recognize their high potential. Feeding sexy femdom vampires is not a bad way to die for a submissive male. May not  be a bad way to die for a submissive female either.

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The Wrong Bar to Score Drugs

ass rape porn dirty motherI knew the moment I walked in to score some coke, this was no ordinary bar. A wholesome looking soccer mom with a dirty habit stood out like a sore thumb in this leather biker bar. But, the bartender is known for having the best coke for the cheapest price in town. I tried to act like I fit in as I walked up to the bar, but I was shaking in my pumps.  “You look like someone I want to abuse,” the bartender informed me. I felt eyes burning a hole in the back of my head. “I’m clearly in the wrong place,” I stammered. I pivoted on my heels to leave, but he grabbed me gruffly by my red mane, yanked me back. “Not so soon MILFY. I know what you want and I got what you need,” he seethed before slamming my face down on the bar.

Dizzy from the blow to my head, I teetered in my pumps until I collapsed over a table. Before I could regain my composure, strangers were pulling my clothes off. Dazed and confused, men violated my holes. I felt fists being shoved up my cunt and my ass. Men were pissing down my throat. I was being violated in the worst way. The creepy bartender came around me from behind. Grabbed my red locks so hard I thought my hair would pull out from the roots. He started force fucking my ass. I started to cry, but I got my mouth muffled with huge cock. “Nothing more we hate than soccer moms slumming for drugs,” he spewed. They used my ass as a cum dump for hours, my body as a punching bag.

When they were finished with me, they spit in my face, tossed me an eight ball and the bartender told me to get my skanky ass out of his bar. Battered, filled with cum, bloody, sore, humiliated, I crawled outside to my car where I guess  I passed out. I woke up with WHORE written across my forehead in what appeared to be my blood. I knew that bar looked sketchy, but I needed a fix badly. At least I got it.

Another Ass Rape Porn Shoot Gone Wrong

ass rape porn dirty mommyWhen you are a submissive slut, anal sex is simply ass rape porn. No one fucks your ass gently. In fact no one really fucks your ass for pleasure. It is all about profit. My booty is a commodity to many a man. Just a simple prop to generate money. No one cares if my ass is force fucked beyond recognition. No one cares if I need medical attention for a prolapsed ass. No one cares if I shit blood. No one cares if my ass is left gaping so much a foot would fit inside.

So, whenever I get the call for an ass rape porn shoot, I shudder at that thought of what could happen. It never goes well for me. When Master Joe called me this morning, he gave me a grocery list of things to do before arriving at his place. Give myself an enema;  take some Valium; bring some Crystal Meth; prime my ass with a baseball bat; and refrain from eating or drinking anything. This was the first time he gave me a to do list before using my ass. I was definitely scared now.

domination phone sex hardcore anal fuckingWhen I arrived, there was another woman there. I thought maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. That couldn’t have been further from the truth. That woman was his ass accomplice as he called her. To me she was just a mean nasty cunt. She had an array of huge dildos designed to prime my asshole for the ass rape porn shoot . She assaulted my ass with the biggest blackest dildo I had ever seen. So big I knew it would never fit in any of my fuck holes. She jammed about half of it in my ass, much to my surprise. “You like that Nigger dick?” she yelled at me. I was shocked how graphic she talked and how violent she was with my ass. What about solidarity? Hos before bros? She slapped me across the face. “I don’t bond with skanky whores,” she said. Then she took two dildos and crammed them in my ass.  I learned to shut the fuck up.

torture sex hot ass sexBy the time she was done attacking my ass, my rosebud was gaping open so much I swear a bowling ball would have fit inside me. Master Joe kissed her forehead and gave her some cash. He had 6 men with him. All had their cocks out. They pissed into my gaping hole before the savagery began. “Your just a dirty whore. A human toilet,” Master Joe screamed at me while choking my throat. They fisted my ass, fucked me with baseball bats. One guy even double fisted my ass as the others skull fucked me. They tore me to shreds. I was shitting out cum and piss. Of course, they made me mop it up with my tongue. I thought after hours of force fucking my asshole and smacking me around they would be done. My ass was surely ruined. No doubt I needed medical treatment. “She thinks she is done boys. We just the warm up crew whore,” Master Joe taunted.

roleplay phone sex rough analWhen I sat up, I heard the barking. I felt a pit in my stomach. I closed my eyes and prayed I was wrong. Then I looked up and saw the cage of very large very aggressive 4 legged beasts. Yeah this was going to be the one ass rape porn I never forgot.

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Girl on Girl Rape Porn: The Soccer Mom and the Sadistic Cheerleaders From Hell

Gangbang rape porn girl on girlA few weeks ago, my son sold me to these evil bitches who violated all my holes for some gangbang rape porn. Well, today the bitches showed up at my house, forced their way inside, and made me make some girl on girl rape porn with them this time. I told the head cunt I wanted nothing to do with her or her sadistic companions. “My son’s debt is settled, so get the fuck out of my house,” I screamed. No surprise that didn’t go over well. They throttled me, tore my clothes off, and started violating my holes with anything they could find. They held me down on my dining room floor and fucked me with my son’s baseball bat I use for protection. The very thing used to protect me from intruders in the past was now destroying my ass.

As they fucked my holes with objects not meant for insertion, I was forced to lick their dirty asses and pussies. One of them called me a human toilet and pissed in my mouth. Then she shit out cum from her ass all over my face. She told me it was my son’s cum. I tried to fight them, but they punched me, smacked me, spit on me… They broke  out a gym bag of huge dildos crammed them down my throat and up my cunt while the baseball bat remained in my ass like some macabre trophy. They were getting sick pleasure from fucking up a soccer mom. One girl kicked the baseball bat so far up inside me,  I felt like I was being gutted.

girl on girl rape porn druggie whoreI’ve been used as a punching bag, fucked savagely, anally tortured, even buried alive, but these girls were among the most brutal bitches I’ve ever encountered. My ass was gaping open so wide when they pulled the bloody baseball bat out that they could spit from across the room and have it land inside my asshole. I heard a tea kettle go off and thought to myself, “They are fucking going to have tea and crumpets after gangbanging my ass and cunt?” I wish. The evil head sadistic poured boiling water down my gaped out asshole. That was a first. She scalded my ass. I screamed louder than I ever have. To shut me up, one of them sat on my face and shit down my throat.

They left me brutalized even worse than they did the first time. “Tell anyone whore, and we make a snuff film with you next time. This baseball bat will go up a dead ass as well as a live one,” head bitch quipped at me as I laid in a pool of my own blood and bile. My ass was dead. Pretty sure if there is a third time with these bitches, I will kill myself first.

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Ass Rape Porn: The Things I Do for Drugs

ass rape porn MILFI owed my drug dealer quite a lot of money. In fact, he cut me off until I could settle the score. I had no money. I had already sold everything I could for my next fix. I pleaded with him just to give me a little more until I could figure something out. “You have not sold everything Blair,” he said giving me that look. He suggested I make a little ass rape porn with him. He would wipe my debt clean and give me an eight ball. “Deal,” I said, even though I was a little nervous about what exactly ass rape porn meant.

I soon found out. He took me to this dingy basement studio where he makes underground porn. Nothing vanilla about his movies. He caters to the darker, more perverse fantasies. According to him, women who get anally tortured is a huge market generating lots of capital. I’m a coke whore, but he insisted on shooting me up with some smack to relax me. I refused, but he insisted. I had no choice; he shoved a needle in my arm. Bam, just like that I was relaxed. Perfect timing since he showed me all the things that would be rammed up my ass for his sick little movie.

But before he had his sadistic bitch of an assistant start violating my ass, she spread my cunt wide and started fisting it. Got her entire arm up my pussy. So deep inside me I thought she was going to yank my uterus out. The smack helped dull the pain, but I could still feel immense pressure, and blood. Warm blood trickling down my thigh, or maybe it was piss. She went right from my fisting my cunt to fisting my ass. No lube, just my pussy lather and piss to insert her arm up my back door. When she pulled out, I knew it was shit coated. She shoved it in my mouth and made me suck her f clean. I gagged.

torture sex hardcore analAfter that it was a series of objects up my ass. A baseball bat; wine bottle; speculum;  a barbell; various huge vegetables and dildos; but the worse was the meat hook. That was saved for last. She shove a meat hook in my asshole and hoisted me up in the air screaming like a slaughtered pig. While suspended, she whipped my ass with a cat o nine tails. My skin started to separate from my ass, blood oozed from my wounds. I was crying from the pain, begging for more smack. The only smack I got was across my face. For hours my ass was tortured with objects not meant for anal penetration. By the time it was over, my ass was a bloody mess. In fact my asshole was inside out. Looked like a deformed rose.

I was released from the hook into a pile of my own piss, bile, blood and vomit. My dealer said, “Good whore,” and tossed me a 8 ball, but I begged for more heroin.  Guess we can add junkie to my list of titles.

Home Invasion Phone Sex with Blair

home invasion phone sex rape fantasiesI was sound asleep when my dog started barking. I got up to see what was going on, assuming my husband or my son just got drunk and couldn’t find their keys. I heard footsteps. I reached for the baseball bat I use for home protection, but before I got it, I felt hands around my neck, choking me. I was thrown to the ground by a strong shadowy figure. Then the lights came on. I saw three strangers standing over me with their cocks out. I pleaded for them to go. They just laughed. I heard muffled screams. I looked to the corner and saw my baby girl tied up. They were going to force her to watch as they violated her mommy. “As long as you do what you are told bitch, nothing will happen to that sweet little cunt over there,” one of the intruders said.

The next thing I heard was “start sucking cock whore; show your little whore how it’s done.” I was afraid they would take my daughter’s virginity, her innocence, so I did whatever they wanted. I let them skull fuck me. Three large cocks crammed down my throat until I gagged, almost to the point of puking. They slapped my face for gagging, then shoved their dicks back in my mouth. I was being the best dirty whore I could to keep my baby safe. I thought all they wanted was to shoot their wads on my face, but they wanted to violate my holes while my daughter watched horrified.

They threw me on the ground, penetrated all my holes while my baby cried. One of the men , pulled his cock out of my ass, went over and shoved it in my daughter’s mouth. I was being a good whore like they wanted, but he forced my baby girl to suck her mother’s ass juice off his cock. I started screaming, begging for him to leave her alone. He ran back to me, punched me right in the face. Broke my nose. Blood was running out of my nose as the two continued to fuck me, while the third guy forced himself on my virgin girl.

I had to listen to her screams, her pleads for her mommy to help her.  I was powerless. After hours of forcing themselves on us, they left. Made it clear that we were both dirty whores. My baby girl is so tiny. They ruined her fuck holes.  No worse feeling than not being able to help your daughter. I guess some men get off on ruining innocence while a mommy watches helpless.

Blair’s Lesbian Gangbang Rape Porn

gangbang rape porn mommy rape fantasiesMy son texted me to pick him up at school, so of course I went like a good mommy. When I walked into the gym where he was supposedly waiting,  I did not yet know I would be the star of a gangbang rape porn. The cheerleading squad informed me that my son paid them good money to make me a part of their lesbian rape porn and resisting me was futile. I thought this was part of some early April Fool’s joke. Was I being punked? I looked around for my son, some sign this was a hoax.  I laughed, sure it had to be a joke, and started to leave.

lesbian rape porn gangbangA girl grabbed me by my hair gruffly, slammed my face against the bleachers and said, “Whore, you leave when we say you can.” My nose was bleeding. I even bit my tongue. All the girls started smacking me, beating me into submission.  Kicking me, calling me names, spitting on me, pulling my hair, they taunted me, made sure I knew that I was their bitch. If I wanted out of Satan’s School for Cheerleaders no more scathed than I already was, I knew I had to be a good little whore.

They pawed at me like I was a piece of raw meat and they were hungry animals. Ripped all my clothes off exposing my body. The harsh auditorium light nauseated me. Fingers were crammed in my cunt, my ass and even down my throat. Two girls shoved their fists up me simultaneously. I was being double fisted by teen cheerleaders who could be my own offspring they were so young. No lube, no warning, just dry fists up my tight holes. I could feel the head cunt cheerleader pulling my asshole out.  My ass was prolapsed, bleeding, swollen just from their fists, when I was introduced to the biggest, thickest dildo I had ever encountered.

ass rape porn naughty mommyBefore I had the pain of the dildo from hell up my ass, they each fucked me with a strap-on. Gangrape porn was being made with my ass as the star. Seven bitches violated my already tortured ass. I didn’t know lesbians could be so rough with another woman.  My asshole was gaping open, blood was trickling down my taint. The site of my blood made them ravenous, and they took that huge dildo and rammed it up my asshole so hard, I swear it could have come out my mouth. My ass never hurt so much before. These cheerleader cunts shredded my ass; hurt me more than a gang of cocks ever had before.

After several hours of anal abuse at the hands of evil cheerleaders, my son showed up to get me. He did indeed sell me to these bitches to settle a drug debt he owed. Apparently even teen lesbian cheerleaders from hell enjoy a soccer mom’s ass for some gangbang rape porn. Can you hurt my ass worse than 7 evil cheerleaders?  

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Family Rape Porn Fantasy with Blair: Forced Son Gangbang

rape phone sex fantasies mommy whoreI thought my boys only had rape phone sex fantasies, like most horny men.  Turns out they wanted to explore a family rape porn fantasy they have had for their mommy since they were little boys. I love my sons, but they are really hardcore and abusive in the bedroom. When my boys fuck they do a ton of cocaine, making them animalistic. Many a girlfriend has cried on my shoulder after my boys have essentially used her.  I raised them better than that, but they love to make a bitch cry. Love to film themselves fucking and sharing a girl like she was a piece of meat.

They got in some trouble at a hotel; unable to pay their bill so they called their mommy for some cash. I agreed to go to this no tell motel  against my better judgment. I was likely gonna find some poor girl dead or in a pool of vomit, piss, cum and blood. When I got there, the joke was on me. The bitch they planned on violating tonight was me, their own mother. I walked right into a trap. My oldest son slapped me so hard in the face for protesting that he knocked a tooth out. My other sons started grabbing me rather violently. My clothes were ripped from my body, my hair pulled, fingers and fists shoved up my pussy and ass, they even spit on me. I was screaming and begging for mercy. Trying to reason with them that this is not how you treat your mother. I knew they were animals in the bedroom, but up until now, they were animals to some stupid coed, never their mother.

family rape porn fantasy mommy gangbangOne son gripped my throat so hard, I thought for sure he would crush my trachea. While I was gasping for air, they fisted my cunt and ass, putting two even three fists in me at once, all the while forcing me to suck their cocks. They not only shot loads of hot jizz down my throat but they pissed down my mouth too. The ultimate degradation. My boys were violating me in the worst way. And if that was not shameful enough, they were filming me. This was a far cry from the mother son porn Kay Parker did in the 80s. Despite having all dumped a load down my throat, they were still hard to torture my ass.  They forced their cocks into every one of mommy’s holes. My ass and pussy were bloody and swollen like raw meat.

gangbang rape porn redhead mommy whoreI was crying, pleading for mercy. I couldn’t believe they were forcing their own mother to be a dirty fuck toy.  It’s like they forgot they came out of the pussy they were violating. Hours and hours of anal torture, being a human cum dump and toilet, even a breeding whore by the men I brought into this world. I felt abused, violated and humiliated. When their cocks were drained, they kicked me out of the hotel room, naked and bound. My sons are animals. The only reason they did not snuff me out is because they hoped they had bred me. Apparently pregnant porn  is a big cash cow too. Not sure if I can handle another family fuck fest like this one.

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Ass Rape Porn Shoot: The Seedy Life of a Drug Addicted Soccer Mom

ass rape porn triple penetrationMy fondness for nose candy gets me into some rather painful situations, like ass rape porn shoots. I needed money quick. Blizzards all over the US with extreme temperatures mean I may not be able to get my party supplies as quickly as I want. So, I needed a large sum of money to purchase a quantity that would last me more than a few days. I know this sick underground porn director.  He only does hardcore shit-ass rape porn, snuff, torture, scat, four legged friends… He was making  a film about the butt rape porn fantasy of a soccer mom. I was perfect for this project. I needed the money for cocaine, but my ass paid a mighty price for my addiction.

I was the only female in the movie. There were over 50 male co-stars. All of which violated my asshole on film. The movie began with an innocent soccer mom curious about anal sex. I started masturbating my ass with a dildo, but realized I needed something more, something bigger, something throbbing, so I went to a frat house and begged to be anally gang banged. I would never beg to have my ass tortured repeatedly like that, but guys pay good money to see a suburban housewife and mommy have her ass ruined. When it was just one cock at a time ramming in and out of my ass, I was okay, but when the director started ordering the guys to take my ass two, three, even more  at a time, I was screaming in pain. My ass was bleeding.  In fact it was gaping open so much, the men could get several fists up my ass at once. And they did that and more.  Baseball bats, wine bottles, feet, aerosol cans, rolling pins….anything thick and long they could cram up my ass, they did.

butt rape porn fantasy soccer mom analThe camera caught my screams, my fear, my humiliation. I had to suck my blood and shit off of cocks and foreign objects. I had to take copious amounts of cum. In fact I was forced to shit the cum out of my ass and lick it off the floor like a dirty animal. By the time the movie wrapped, I suffered a complete anal prolapse. My anus was outside my ass instead of inside. I couldn’t sit or wear jeans. Blood covered my thighs, my ass was black and blue, I was so weak I had to crawl to my car. Then I couldn’t sit to drive. But I had $500 cash in my purse, and my dealer was going to meet me at my place. Didn’t matter that my ass was forever ruined.

What kinky, taboo, nasty things would you do to my ass?

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