Ass Rape Porn with the Snowman

I had the craziest nightmare. I guess its all the xmas decorations everywhere and the cold weather combined, and it all got inside my twisted mind. I drove home late last night and had seen a snowman in a neighbors yard. I am sure some neighbors had made it earlier that day, but something about it creeped me out. Instead of having a carrot for a nose, the neighbors had stuck the carrot where his cock would be – I am sure trying to be funny. I figured I was just tired and needed to get inside away from all this xmas crap.

I must have fallen asleep on the couch and next thing I knew it seemed as if I had woke up and it was freezing cold. As cold as it would be outside in the snow. But I was inside. In some house I didn’t recognize. It was dark, but I could see, and I was naked. My nipples were hard from the cold, and I could see something lurking in the corner of the room. It was huge, and it didn’t quite look like a man. It stepped into the light where I could see, and it was the fucking snowman from the neighbor’s yard!

This thing was alive and coming towards me. My heart was racing and everything was going in slow motion like it does in dreams. It grabbed my naked body and its grip sliced into my arms. I tried to pull away, but it pressed its frozen body against mine and it was so cold that it felt like it was burning my naked tits. Then I felt something sharp and cold poking me between my legs, and I remembered the carrot! I tried to pull away again, knowing this thing was going to try to fuck me. It was so strong, and caught me as I spun around.

It gripped me tight from behind and shoved its carrot cock right in my ass. It was sharp and cold and dry and tore my asshole as it stabbed its way in. I felt like I was in the weirdest ass rape porn video ever made. I was screaming for this snow beast to let me go, and just when i felt its arms begin to wrap around my neck and tighten, I woke up. My heart was pounding, and as I gathered my thoughts I realized that I had cum all over the couch. I stood up`to go get a towel, and realized that somehow I was naked, just like in the dream. When I put my feet on the floor I stepped in a huge puddle of ice cold water – it looked like something had melted all over the floor.

I made my way to the window and peeked out to see if the snowman was still there. Sure enough, it was, but it was looking towards my window with that carrot cock pointing straight at me, the tip of it dripping with blood.

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