Ass rape porn is never what I want, but it is always what I get. Troy said I owed him money. I didn’t even remember this guy. Supposedly, we fucked months ago. I used him for drugs. I use every man for drugs. That is my reputation. Not like he didn’t get anything out of it, right? I felt no allegiance to him. He got pussy; I got coke. It is called a trade. Women don’t fuck for free. I don’t even fuck my husband without expecting something in return. He didn’t like my answer. He smacked my face so hard, my lip bled. I tried to run away, but he grabbed me by the hair and tossed me on the floor. His dick was out. He intended on collecting his money one way or another. He kicked me until I begged for mercy and promised to be a good slut for him. He even kicked me in the head. He pissed on me while laughing. He informed me that his fee went up because I was being a twat. I was contorted like a beach ball. My yoga pants tore at the seam from the position. He split them even further, then just ripped them off me. All he needed was room for his cock and access to my asshole. He pounded me like he was a hammer and I was a nail. He got in so deep. In that position, he could pin my arms back too so that if I fought or moved away he could snap my arms. Over an hour in that position was more torture sex than anal sex. I was bleeding, in pain with a prolapsed anus by the time he was done. He spat in my face and said sarcastically, “Next time pay up bitch.” Another lesson learned the hard way.