Ass rape porn is what sadistic men love to make

How many times did you want to make your own Ass rape porn and was too chicken shit to do it. Well, my uncle never hesitated to get what he wanted. He started with my mother and used her asshole while taking pictures. But like any other sadistic animal, he elevated. Soon he was luring young dumb sluts into the woods and using them as masturbation tools. Mom told about all the times she had to be his accomplice and get rid of limp bodies dripping in blood and sperm.

My uncle’s clothes were always blood stained and mom had to clean them. Soon I found out when he pulled me out of bed one night. “Get up little whore, it is time for you to learn your place in the world. Since I was so small it was easy for him to rip my clothes and tie my hands behind my back. “You can cry all you want, but your mother knows not to disturb me” my uncle said to me sternly as I watched him pull his cock out. It was big and thick and veiny like a monster.

Ass rape porn

I tried to say something but then he rammed his cock down my throat. Even after I choked and had tears flowing down my face, my uncle pushed deeper down my throat. He doesn’t care if a slut can’t sleep, all he cares about are his sadistic needs. After more hard pumping my body gave up and I passed out. Didn’t take long for my uncle to start using me for his Rape phone sex fantasies. I woke up to the sharp pain running through my body from my asshole. My uncle was ripping my butthole open with his monster cock.

As I tried to look around to see if anything could help me out of this, I saw he had a camera prepped up to capture the full torture he was giving me. “Beg me to let you go” he moaned out as my uncle pumped his cock meat in my ripped hole. “Please uncle, stop, it hurts so bad” I cried out. But that only made him fuck me harder. Then I felt his hands wrap around my neck. My uncle started to strangle me like I was a worthless hooker. As every breath in my body left me, my uncle started to pump sperm in me. I woke up to my uncle watching the torture fuck he just had given me.

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