An Ass Rape Porn Star Helps Train Future Anal Whores

ass rape pornAs a former ass rape porn star, I know how to turn young sluts into anal whores too. When I still lived with my former master, I helped him break in little sluts all the time. Most of them he either kidnapped them or they were just trafficked girls. He loved fucking girls in the ass. And he still does. However, he no longer fucks me in the ass. I feel lucky that I escaped him. Most women he kills, but he let me buy my freedom one young whore at a time.

Now, we feel like buds. Honestly, he treats me well. He knows I can help him find young playmates. And I can help train them too. He called me this week because he has a sweet young girl next door type he wants to turn into his teen rape porn star. But behind every young whore is a woman like me. A woman who trains her to take cock like a pro.

This Taboo Whore Wants to Help You Fuck a Little Girl Ass Too

This girl looked super young. Younger than any girl I have seen him kidnap before. Because of her age, he wants to just fuck her ass until she can handle his dick in her cunnie too. Normally, he could care less about his whores. He will use them, destroy them and toss them to the wolves when they age out or get too used up to feel tight on his cock anymore. But this little innocent girl was also his daughter. I had no clue he had a daughter. According to him, he only found out about her existence recently.

Hard to believe such a violent and misogynistic man procreated lol. But he paid me well like he always does to turn his very young daughter into his ass slave. I almost felt bad for her. She screamed, cried and bled just from my dildo. But when daddy fucked her ass, she screamed, cried and bled even more. But a little girl’s butthole can handle much more than her bald pussy. And guess what? This taboo phone sex whore can help train a girl for you too.


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