What is your worst nightmare? You wanna know what mine is. It is a man with a evil sheep thing mask shirtless with a saw. I am walking down the road on my way home from a shoot and he stops and asks me for a ride. I start to run because of the mask and saw, and he parks and takes off after me. I fall into a hole and he picks me up and slams my head into the ground my face is all bloody. He throws me into the back of his truck and takes me into a someone kind of shed. Blood is dripping on my face and I can barley see. He straps me on to a table and all I can see is his mask looking over me. He takes that saw and starts slicing my legs and takes my skin in one strip. There is blood everywhere, and he ripped my stomach off and had all my guts laying everywhere. Mhm a bloody mess sounds so good. Maybe this isn’t a nightmare but one deep fantasy