Gothic phone sex blood red Santa is a vampire. Once upon a time, Santa was given access to homes. Leaving the gifts on the back door. Never being invited in. He would kidnap little brats to change and bring home. Making them his slaves, to drain and make the toys. At the present time, he is invited into all the homes. The kidnappings have increased, the blood flows free.
No one notices. Because he wears a red suit. As can be seen this will hide the massacre. The most compelling evidence is how the Home Invasion Phone Sex is a fact of life at Christmas time. He only comes out at night. You never see him in the day. The North Pole has more dark hours than any other place.
Given these points it is a fact that he is a vampire. He gets to suck the life from brats. Kidnapping, and invading homes night after night. No one stops him. He has a standing invite into homes. As soon as he delivers the gifts, he eats his fill up the chimney where you find bats and only, they can go, do you suddenly see the truth of it all.
The fantasy, the role play, take your pick. The truth though is a matter of fact. Santa is the gothic red vampire who steals into the homes of the people. Pillaging and taking what he pleases.
In the final analysis try and prove me wrong.