Torture phone sex with Stephanie

torture phone sex

 Let me be your kinky, torture phone sex accomplice tonight. I have years under my belt of dishing out pain and torture, all for the pleasure of various sick and twisted masters who’s commands I followed perfectly. I have so many methods I use to inflict pain on my victims so what I do all depends on how fucked up you like it. You name it and I’ve already tortured someone in that way. From needles and rusted nails shoved up under the skin to razor blades shoved under her eyelids to slice into her eyeballs every time she blinks or winces in pain. I’ve grown a new love for this choke collar and chain that I picked up at a pet store a while back. I strap the collar around my victims’ throats and yank back on the chain as hard as I can so that the spikes rip into their skin and cause a cascade of blood to run down their body. That’s what I dip my fingers into, to rub my slut cunt for Master. I finger fuck my whore cunt and watch while my victims get their fuck holes reamed and ruined. Once my master finished emptying his nuts and having his fun, I get back to torturing my victims. I don’t snuff them out just yet though. Like an animal playing with it’s prey I like to play with them until they go cold and limp. I like to end my hot and bloody snuff sessions by making my victims lie there, bleeding out, gurgling and moaning while I let my Master use my whore mouth to clean the blood, shit and cum off of his cock.

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