Murder Phone Sex Fantasies, An Addiction of My Homicidal Mind

Homicide is a fixation and Murder Phone Sex Fantasies are perfect to play out this. As a tender young little demon I was torturing and killing things.

Honestly, I liked making my dollies all bloody and dismembering them. In these early years I even learned to make nooses. And with these I would hang my dolls. Then I  would stab them and use red paint for blood.

One time I was fascinated with blood and I took a razor blade to a boy at school. I slit a tiny mark on the back of his neck. He sat in front of me and I wanted to play with some blood. The fucking brat screamed and cried. Due to his scene I was taken from the classroom.

Fast forward now, I am so intrigued by how much a body bleeds out. Gaining a  love of stabbing little brats and their mommies. I like to compare how their bodies bleed out.

In fact I have gone so far as to even go shopping at Hunting stores to buy all kinds of tools to process the hunt. Only the hunt is human for me.

Once I get the blood collected I love to just bath in it. Like Bathory. A bloodbath is so delicious and rejuvenating.

Finally I will often pour a couple of bottles of champagne or spumante in my blood. This is to keep the blood from coagulating too quickly. And lets face it I love a little efflorescence in my blood bath.

You see It’s my version of a bath bomb.

Murder phone sex Fantasies

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