Suffocation phone sex

Suffocation phone sex is so sexy and makes me so wet. I cum every time within minutes. Sometimes I like to find the victim to do this to, to choke and to gag, but this specific act I love being done to myself.

                One night I had a client come home with me so we could get nasty and wild. He started out rough by slapping me around, mainly in my face. Then he ripped off my clothes, leaving me exposed in my sexy black thong and matching bra. He stuck his hands down my panties and started fingering my soft, smooth bald pussy. There was no guessing, he found the right spot on the first try and I got weak at the knees.

                He pushed me up against the wall and ripped off my panties. He got right up against me and put his huge cock inside me. At the same time, he put his big strong hand around my throat and squeezed tightly. I was gasping for air as I felt my body come to a climax. My body started to shake and cum ran out of my pussy. An orgasm while you can’t breathe, is unlike anything else.

Suffocation phone sex

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